Daily Chat: 7/7/14 Inviting everyone to check in today!!

mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
Good morning folks! Wondering what is happening for everyone this week? One of my MFP friends posted on her news feed this morning about her need to focus on her food choices. Sound familiar? I posted back:

"Chips for me is a trigger. Same as Nebslp. I resist for awhile but they keep calling and keep calling until I give in. When we go to the store and my son asks me to buy chips he just doesn't understand why I bark back at him, "NO!" LOL. But my focus this week is increasing my protein and water again. I realize when I am tired at the end of the day, I reach for sugar. If I would just drink more water, I would drown out my cravings (based on observation). And other foods - carbs, less-than-healthy snacking - have pushed out the protein. So that is my goal this week. Up my water and my protein."

What are your triggers and nutritional goals for the week?


  • ichbinyagmur
    ichbinyagmur Posts: 6 Member
    Food choices......Ackkkk!!!!! Today is my first day back to work after a 2 week vacation. Didn't eat breakfast or pack a lunch since I was scurrying around trying to get out of the house on time. Starbucks is across the parking lot and I started thinking about a particular pastry treat I enjoy there.......a slippery slope for me! I am on my 15 min break right now. I managed to find 2 expired packets of instant apple oatmeal in the staff kitchen. So, for now I have managed to choose the better of my options. Gotta think about lunch though.......
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    My triggers are definitely chocolate and vintage Cheddar cheese - on the days I go over the reason can almost always be traced back to one or both. Nutritional goal is to decrease sugar and swap more of my simple carbs for whole grains.
  • 1gonkee
    1gonkee Posts: 2
    Doing well, so far! Had a healthy breakfast and went on a brisk walk for 20 min. Yes, I can relate to the "triggers" issue and not planning ahead. So I will plan ahead this week and prepare b and lunch the night before!
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    Done well so far with my water. Had pretzels twice not so good but we don't have any food in the house. Hoping I can get in a walk. First day back from vacation. Ugh.
  • Sarahpdx
    Sarahpdx Posts: 2
    I work at a very fast paced, stressful job and I forget to eat until the day is done and the adrenaline is wearing off. I'm trying to remember to bring food that is healthy and quick to eat so I don't end up at home starving and without energy to make dinner. Also...I just got a Fitbit!
  • sharonp12
    sharonp12 Posts: 22 Member
    okay i gain some weight with the picnic and kids being home is not helping. But hopefully now I can get back on track and thanks for coming up with this new group. AWESOME....

    I start today with the good eating, hopefully!!!!
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I tend to find that exercise is the most effective thing for me, I can lose weight as long as I'm not being too silly with my diet. I believe in the everything in moderation mantra, however I still need to work at the moderation part, especially when it comes to bread and cheese. They are my trigger foods. I've taken now to putting the bread in the freezer so that I have to defrost any bread I want, it certainly makes me think twice before eating it.
    This week I've been able to exercise and walk more which I've really enjoyed, I'm generally hitting my goal and who doesn't love seeing that!
    I'm going to try and drink more water every day, I always thought I drank lots but tracking shows I really don't.

    Have a great week everyone!