Double Cream

angelinalblyth Posts: 17 Member
Was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks to help keep double cream lasting longer. I currently buy the smallest amount possible and I don't use it all before I need to throw it away. I would like to get the most out of it.


  • SisterMable
    SisterMable Posts: 40 Member
    Put half in a small sealable container and freeze it. Texture isn't perfect, but it's good enough. I can't even imagine it going bad, it goes so fast around my place lol.
  • angelinalblyth
    angelinalblyth Posts: 17 Member
    Put half in a small sealable container and freeze it. Texture isn't perfect, but it's good enough. I can't even imagine it going bad, it goes so fast around my place lol.

    Think ice cubes? If im not using it in a recipe for my weeks meal prep then the only time I use it is for BPC
  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Get some whipping cream! I love it and it seems to go a lot further than double.

    Add two or three tables spoons of cocoa powder, add some sweetener and hey presto, chocolate mousse thats keto friendly.

    I could never eat double cream fast enough, it would always go off pretty quickly