New Week Goals! 7/7 - Check In!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

How'd Last Week Go? Make your goal? (It's better to be Honest and improve than save face - There's no judgement here.)

What's your personal achievable goal for this week?

And! Check in for Food, Water, and Exercise anytime today. New Monday, New Day New Week!

PS - I'm expecting to see posts from Seehe, Kakhaas, BingleBangle, and Texasbeu2y again, along with posts from the new members who joined our roll call - JamieJesse, Kaischu, Queendebor, Tues72, and Lumberjacck. :)


  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Today I did my first run of the week... I think I'm addicted. I have a run planned for Wednesday but May do one tomorrow. I'm leaving for gatlinburg Thursday after work and won't be back till Tuesday. I will take some running gear incase I have time but I'm assuming I will do a lot of walking while there. Eating will be a challenge.

    I spent the weekend in Chicago with my boyfriend and i ate a bunch of crap. I'm definitely feeling it tho... I'm gonna take it easy on my tummy the next few days. I did manage to hit 20,000 steps on Saturday... almost 10 miles in a day. We walked to a festival and back to his house so I figure I deserved the pizza!

    Heading to the grocery store to get a few things for the next few days. So far I had a granola bar for breakfast and am getting hungry.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I am happy as a clam with my success at achieving my goals last week ????

    My overall weekly goals stay pretty much the same . They are :
    * stay within calorie goal all 7 days with healthy food choices
    * drink 7-8 glasses of water daily
    * 2 cardios and 2 yogas
    * take my vitamin, probiotic and fish oil all 7 days

    I am going to try this week to add one more cardio. I do have some physical issues, so it is important for me to listen to my body to gauge how much is enough (I tend to overdue it and then pay for it). For now, anyway, I need to space the cardios out with a day in between , so this week's exercise schedule looks like :
    Cardio: Mon or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
    Yoga: Wednesday and Sunday

    Looking forward to a brand new week and reaching those goals. Here's to success for us all ????
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Last week's goal - technically succeeded exercising 20mins 4 times - however it was not as intense of exercise as I could have. Actually it was a bit lax. That being said, taking the time to do so and purposely recording it was the most important thing to me.

    This week. I want to workout per a schedule (gasp). Monday- pilates, Tues - Arms, Weds - Abs, Thurs - Walk. Time not going to matter as long as I do something with that focus. Saturday I have a "fun walk/run 5". I also want to track my food everyday.

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Just a heads up - since we have a number of time zones here, I'm going to post Tuesday's threat tonight for those who are on Tuesday before me. So post your check in for food, water, exercise - the day that's applicable to you, but comments or anything else - where ever you wish. We are flexible like that. :)

    I think it's awesome we have people from all over!
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Since this is my first week, I hadn't set a specific goal. This week, however, my goal is to lose 1 pound and exercise at least 3 days. I also plan to take my measurements, something I've avoided doing like the plague. Then I'll be able to set goals for body measurements as well.

    Today my goal was just to get my migraine under control, which it appears I have. This one lasted over a week and last night, it kept me from sleeping more than an hour at a time. Since I've had very little to eat, I have plenty of calories left so I'm going to try to find something to eat that's high in protein and calcium, since I've had neither today. And drink! I've slept the day away, so I need to catch up on my water intake!

    PS - No exercise so far today, but I hope to do ten to fifteen minutes on the treadmill this evening as long as my head doesn't object1
  • kaischu
    kaischu Posts: 12 Member
    I just started up last week but it was a great week so my goal is to do just as well this time! I get to go grocery shopping in a couple days so one of my goals is to fill my kitchen with healthy foods (and throw out some temptations!). Other than that I'd like to make it to the gym five times this week mostly for cardio but if my work schedule lets me than I'd like to do some yoga too. I'm hoping for some awesome results like last week too but this is mostly about getting healthy for me! :)
  • kaischu
    kaischu Posts: 12 Member
    Oh! And today I'm halfway through my water intake goal (right on track!) And I've been eating as healthy as I can with what I've got at home right now. But still on the way to staying within my calorie goal for the day. I'm headed to the gym after work as well!
  • krnorris28
    krnorris28 Posts: 12
    Since this is my first day as a part of the group, I am not really sure what types of goals I am supposed to set. I will give it a try though! My goals are:

    1. Stay within my calories each day (and log every day!)
    2. Lose at least 2 pounds
    3. Work out twice on my own in addition to my TEAM class
    4. Get 6-8 hours of sleep
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I'm not really sure what goals to set are either, being my first week as well. I'm sure we'll figure out the system here.

    As for the last week, I lost 800 grams in weight but I'm pretty sure that a lot of that is water from going into ketosis. Once that is fully completed then I'll really know how fast or slow I'm losing weight.

    Right now I have major health issues so achieving things is a struggle. My goal for the next week (outside of weight loss) is to find a place to live when I move in the next week or two. There was a huge earthquake a few years ago, and as a result there is a housing shortage. People sleeping in cars or abandoned buildings, that sort of thing. There is no way that I'd do that, but it's a bit of a worry. I may not even find in place in that city, and have to get a place in a town an hour away. Who knows. So my goal for TODAY is to give notice for my place here and then start phoning to see if anything is available (I've been putting it off doing that because I've been worried).
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Kacey and LumberJacck - My apologies for not explaining. I ask what everyone's goals for the week are on monday just to know what people are trying to do and so we can all see what we are doing. The goal or goals can be anything you want related to health (physical, mental, emotional - whatever). So it could be drinking 10 glasses of water everyday, Or working out 10 minutes a day OR accomplishing your first 5k and staying within calories everyday, Or even something like getting X-hours of sleep a night.

    I only ask that it be something you can accomplish.

    For example, I need to revamp my goals as my work schedule has changed to 12-14 hour days leaving me exhausted. So my new goal for the week is to track my food, and stretch everyday in some form. Completely easy, but with work gives me a focus and a way to still accomplish it.

    You can pick the same goals every week, strive for different things, whatever works best for you. I personally like reading what everyone is trying to achieve. :)
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks 13Strong, my goals for the next week are:

    Leave my current town and get to the new city without stressing out too much
    Don't eat too much crap on my trip south
    Eat veges whenever possible
    Work on my written daily planner every day
    Try and enjoy my last 3 days in the "smelly city" (geothermal activity here)
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    I am looking to be successful with my clean eating challenge this week! Day1 down and a success! Here is to hoping the rest of the week goes just as well. Hows everything going with every one else?
  • akwhite82
    akwhite82 Posts: 7
    My Goal for this week: Walk 3 miles a day. I do try to run intervals during these walks.
    Drink 5 16.9 oz bottles of water a day.
    Start an arm exercise program.