T25 Day 1 July 7

Anyone else starting today? I decided I should keep track of my eating because the book that came with the DVD's didn't help me much :/. I did 21 day fix a few weeks back but gained what I lost back...so now I'm on to T25. I did watch over the first DVD and I'm kind of freaking out..it looks so hard! Anyway, one day at a time. Looking for anyone else who is starting today or recently to keep my accountable! Also, my fitness pal says I should only have 1200 calories but according to Shaun T I should be doing 1600. Which should I do?!


  • Optimisticjess
    Optimisticjess Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on Week 3 day 1. Love them, I'm all jello afterwards. :) And they are quick enough I can fit them in before going to work.
  • Optimisticjess
    Optimisticjess Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not sure about calories or about how many calories the videos actually burn, I'm logging them at 150 cals to be on the lower side but I don't count calories, I just watch my carbs.
  • nicmcd77
    nicmcd77 Posts: 3
    Are you seeing results? Holy cow Day 1 was hard!! I think I did the modified about 40% of the time... baby steps lol
  • nicmcd77
    nicmcd77 Posts: 3
    Oh and I wore my heart rate monitor and it said 230 calories so the Circuit Training exercise on here was pretty accurate!
  • i am on day 4, this was the easiest the core piece so far. the first 3 days made me feel like i was going to die!!x
  • vitalopez
    vitalopez Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I started this past Monday (7/14) and I am really liking it so far (ok, not DURING the workout but afterwards I feel great!). I've stayed with the modifier a good percentage of the time. For those of you that have been doing it for a few weeks, do you find your ability to "keep up" has improved? I do wear my bodymedia LINK band during the workout and it tells me I burn between 130-180 calories per workout; I am 5'1 and about 140 lbs. so I am really hoping that's "normal" although I realize each body is different.
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    I'm about to wrap up week 3 of Alpha tomorrow. My ability to keep up has improved greatly, I think a lot of that was getting used to the moves in the work outs, I'm not the most coordinated lol. Your calorie burn sounds about right, I found a calorie calculator online that I've been using and I'm getting higher numbers but I don't use the modifier very much. Glad you're enjoying it!!
  • vitalopez
    vitalopez Posts: 6 Member
    That's very encouraging to hear! Are you getting the results you were hoping for?
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    Yeah I've been quite happy with the results I've been getting so far, I've really noticed it in my legs, they have a much better shape.
  • xsueyy
    xsueyy Posts: 2
    Yesterday was my first day and boy was it difficult. I modified a generous amount of the workout and my legs were all jello-like. My left calf felt like it was going to have a "muscle spasm" in any given moment if I place my foot wrong. Still, I managed to do Day 2 of Focus T25 and this one was so fast. I saw a lot of posts mentioning the postures were key to the workout rather than the ability to keep up to pace. I hope so because I was doing modifications and definitely going at a slower pace! Let's hope I can finish Week 1 this week with more progress!
  • SamV53
    SamV53 Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished week 2 Alpha Phase! This morning was a debate on whether to do it & get it over with or save if for the end of my day. Well at 5:30am I chose to do it put my all into it & complete the double workout. I'm happy I got it done. I feel good & I feel my clothes fitting differently even after only 2 weeks and it feels so good to sweat. I started out the week well until yesterday when the workout felt just a little bit harder but today I woke up refreshed, pushed myself and ready for week 3!
  • vitalopez
    vitalopez Posts: 6 Member
    xsueyy, keep going! I am in week 2 and can tell you I already improved from week 1!

    SamV53, So glad you made yourself get up and do it. I usually work out at 5:30am too, however, today, I slept in. I am hoping to get it in later tonight but I am debating on tonight or just adding the extra day on Saturday. I'm afraid if I work out tonight and do the double workout early tomorrow morning that my body will not like it.

    I agree with you that I already notice a difference in how my clothes is fitting and I love it!