Tuesday 7/8 - Check In!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Check in at anytime, multiple times or only once! Tell us about Food, Exercise, Water - and How your day is going!



  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Well I did good all day, but this evening had 2 slices of pizza...I have it every Monday. I will be waking at 4:30 am to hit the gym and put these carbs to work.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    It's 9am here - I'm 3 hours into my 13 hour shift (whooo, not). My calories are set for sedentary side of my job, but since today I'll be much more active - I added 60 minutes of moderate walking carrying 15lbs (to count for my work gear, plus tools) just to track for the change in movement.

    So far, I've climbed 6 flights of stairs, walked 2 miles, and swung heavy wrench like a hammer. My calves are killing already, so if anyone has any suggestion for stretches I am all ears.

    I did accomplish stretching this morning which is a part of my goal (stretch everyday!) and I'm tracking calories! :) I am hoping to be chugging water more than I currently am. Need to stay hydrated!

    How's everyone else? Hope it's a good Tuesday for you too!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Well I did good all day, but this evening had 2 slices of pizza...I have it every Monday. I will be waking at 4:30 am to hit the gym and put these carbs to work.

    Wow 4:30am! Guess it is possible to workout early-early in the morning. One less excuse for me to use for that, lol. How was your workout today?
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member

    Back at work today... I calculated my steps for last week to turn in to HR, I walked/ran 34.78 miles and took 80,559 steps last week. I was feeling anxious last night about not being to run later in the week, so I headed out for a 2nd run last night. It made me feel better and I covered 7.38 miles yesterday.

    Today is going well, raining and yucky here in NW Indiana. For breakfast I had a scoop of eggs and two bacon with a scoop of hashbrowns from the cafeteria. Not quite the best breakfast but it is what it is. Me & my daughter went to walmart yesterday but did more walking around and looking at stuff than actually shopping. We just grabbed a few things on the grocery side and left. I guess I didn't even think about breakfast food.

    No workout planned today but I think I'll do some yoga to help stretch out my legs a bit. Have a good day everyone :smile:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Wow, I'm impressed with all the exercise everybody has gotten in so far today !!! I'm still lying here in bed after staying up til the wee hours doing some online coursework that had a deadline of today. But it is 9:30 here, so I still have plenty of time to reach my mini goals today of going to Curves and drinking 7-8 glasses of water????
  • krnorris28
    krnorris28 Posts: 12
    My eating today was very messed up. I had to drive 4 hours to a customer site to do a 2 hour product demonstration, then drove 4 hours back home. Way too much time in the car! I am proud to say I maintained the willpower to avoid stopping for food at a drive-through! I brought a breakfast shake to drink during my morning drive and a protein bar for an afternoon snack; although the afternoon snack was more like lunch since I did not have time to eat until 3:00. By that time I was extremely hungry and had gone too many hours between meals. I have a couple more waters to get in; and I am about to head to the gym to go for a swim. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better balanced day.!
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    My eating here is okay, not perfect since I have to load the car to see if everything will fit, then unload it again, since I'm leaving Saturday. That's 3-4 hours of exercise, which isn't bad. Nowhere to stay in Christchurch though, guess I'll be staying at a camping ground in a cabin.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Kacey (Krnorris28)- Congrats on not stopping at a drive through. I know how hard that is. I was fighting it my whole drive home today.

    Susan (Seehe) - How did curves go? Do you have a specific routine you do there?

    Kim (Kashaas) - Do you walk a lot at work or are purposely trying to get miles in after work? 34 is impressive!

    For me.

    Food was OK
    Breakfast - was a Breakfast Burrito (eggs, ham, cheese, tortilla - in the car on the way to work)
    Lunch - Sandwhich, banana, yogurt, fiber bar
    Dinner - Egg Rolls (freezer meal)
    Junk - Cinnamon bites, Oreo (3 cookies), small braided bread thing (All at work)
    Water - 60oz, thus a bit under 8 glasses. :/

    Dinner I had much later than I prefer (9pm) but I too did not stop at that drive through! :)
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I don't really think I walk much at work... today was a regular day with no walking outside of getting to my car and back. I managed 2.68 miles/6,527 steps according to my fitbit. I did bring a 16 oz cup today and headed to the cafe several times to refill. I make a point to get up and walk around instead of sitting and looking at my computer. I park farther away so I'm trying to do little things to increase my steps. I got most miles this weekend visiting my bf in Chicago. We walk everywhere, he's 6'3 so he walks a lot faster than me naturally. I have learned to walk faster to keep up.

    For lunch I had a healthy choice meal, dinner was burgers on the grill, one snack of cottage cheese n pineapple and some trail mix. I found some 90 cal buns so I shaved off a few cals there. Sometimes it's so hard to track every little thing... I'm sure that's why I never lose a pound. I forgot about ketchup mustard n mayo. Ugh.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Made it to curves (13Strong- sometimes I do the Jillian Michaels circuit there and sometimes just the regular curves circuit) , made healthy choices, got my 8 glasses of water, and all went well today except for tonight when someone drove into my lane causing me to have to swerve up onto the curve in a split second which locked my seat belt and stirred up my neck and back injuries from a previous accident in my past when someone ran a red light and t boned me-OUCH!!!!
  • jaimejesse
    I just joined myfitnesspal one week ago today. Already found myself missing a few days of logging on, but I'm not giving up. I really want to do this and so I shall. My question is how do I get that little scale thing that I see under each of your posts?