Wed Check in July 9th

Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
start-122.gifSince I will be out and about most of tomorrow... I will start this a bit early.start-122.gif

Checking in for July 2nd - 8th

Major wins for the past week:
-- Worked all the muscle groups de-cluttering the house
-- Only went over carb/fat count 1-day this weekbigsmile2_smiley.gif

Challenges for the coming week:
-- Work minimum of 3-hours daily de-cluttering
-- Workout in the pool as too hot for biking
-- Continue to watch carb/fat consumedsmileyvault-cute-big-smiley-animated-030.gif

This past week the humidity really rolled into Phoenix and took its toll on me -- no energy. And of course having a long holiday weekend contributed also. My goal is to get back on track with exercising in the pool and getting the house ready to list.

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. A goal is what specifically you intend to make happen. Dreams and goals should be just out of your present reach but not out of sight. Dreams and goals are coming attractions in your life." ~Joseph Campbell

Great job everyone and have a successful week. 350x700px-LL-3efc7289_greenstars.gif


  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Well - nothing much to report here as I have been suffering with cold or flu and sinus infection for the last 10 days. No exercise whatsoever. My head is like a tin can with someone banging on it. I've been using salt water spray for the sinuses which has helped a bit, but not cleared yet. I avoid using "cold treatments" as for me, the after effects seem to be worse than the symptoms themselves. I've been taking ibuprofen for the pain which means I have sweated loads at night. Although I have been drinking loads of tea and water I think I am somewhat dehydrated if the colour of my wee is anything to go by (TMI I know!!).

    I had intended to attempt the gym yesterday evening, but every I move my head sharply, or bend over I still get such pain and banging, that I don't it is a good idea yet. I've lost a little weight but it might be water as I have not trained heavy for nearly 2 weeks so presumably my muscles have given up the water stores! Probably put it back on when things get back to normal. :laugh:

    I haven't been to the doctor for years because I won't go for what I think are "normal" things that will get better with rest etc. OH gets quite annoyed with me, but I am on the point of ringing up for an appointment today. I would probably be prescribed antibiotics and they would work, it's just that I hate taking things like that - I usually get thrush after antibiotics as well :huh: It will probably be a few days before I can get an appointment anyway, so is it worth it? Unfortunately I do tend to take a long time to get rid of sinus infections and I suppose it will get worse as I get older :ohwell: Maybe I had better do it.

    Anyway, hope everyone else has had a better week than me.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Nothing much to report here either - for similar reasons....had an infection/abcess on a tooth which has meant me taking pain killers and antibiotics. Haven't been able to do more than swim session but pretty slow and weight has remained stable.......I seem to have got the hang of maintaining...pity I am a few pounds above where I want to maintain!

    Apart from all that I had a fab day on Sunday as Le Tour De France came to my little corner of Yorkshire.... we went with my niece and her family to watch this....the whole day was lovely and I did feel hugely excited as the peleton went whizzing past us .....we could have reached out and touched the was fantastic to be part of such an event!

    Hope you have all had a good week and hope to be able to do better this coming week...

  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    I thought this past week was going to be really tough with the long weekend parties and family visits. Luckily, I was able to find time to exercise, although not as long as I would have liked, over the weekend. I definitely ate more that I should have for at least two of the three days, but have since gotten back on track.

    Through all of that I have somehow managed to lose 1.8 lbs over the week, which I am very happy with, to say the least. I know that much of that can be attributed to belonging to this group and the support and feedback you all give me. I still have a long way to go before I even get close to my goal, but at least there are signs of progress, thank you all for you support!

    This coming week, I hope to remain focused throughout the week and weekend. I have some short term goals for the month of July which appear to be within my reach at this point, so I will push on. :smile:

    Everyone one is doing a great job. I know how tough the journey is and sometime feels like a real struggle. If there is anything I can do to help others hear, just ask.:happy:

    - JB
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Going well there inspiration to us all.....keep on and well done :flowerforyou:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Wooken: Great wins! You've got the challenges beat!
    Welsh: I hope you feel better soon. I'm with you on not going to doctor for "normal" stuff. Need to build up resistance and can only do that by letting things "run their course." However, 10 days of suffering might warrant a trip to the dr. How thrilling to watch the racers.
    Jean: There is a lot to be said for maintaining. You are down so low that you know it will come, but just very slowly. Hope the tooth is better.
    JB: Great job sticking with the plan even with the holiday!

    Seems like a lot of people have some summer ailments. I've been lucky, but I do have a super immune system. Not always good as I am prone to auto-immune diseases so I actually try to keep my immune system suppressed somewhat. No CoQ10 or other immune system boosters for me. In fact, when I get an RA flare (knock on wood), they put me on methotrexate which is a chemo drug and suppresses the immune system.

    Me, I finally dropped from my plateau. Hit the 180 mark so a 2.5 lb. loss since last Wednesday! Wanted to get into the 170's by cardiologist appointment next week, but he cancelled. I now have until August 28 to wow him! However, I was anxious to discuss cutting meds a little.

    I walked 53.5 miles total last week and 32.3 of those were cardio miles. The weather has cooled down again and I just can't seem to stop getting an extra mile in walking a trail somewhere. Also have been able to take some lunchtime walks since it has been cooler.

    Love my new fitbit for the most part. I posted that one of the best things is that I trust it more so that I can eat more calories back. Just saying "eat back exercise calories" can jackpot us short (or thinner -- not me yet) women. One, the fitbit looks at "net calories." (This was discussed in a newsfeed post recently). Also, in my case, I burn a lot of calories with exercise, but can also spend long periods of time at my computer not burning many at all. If I simply "eat back" the exercise calories, it can leave me such a small deficit that the weight loss will be really slow). Other days I might be on my feet all day long and walk over 20,000 steps. Since no two days are the same, with the fitbit, I can better see in real time where I am and try to maintain that 1000-calorie deficit a day for a 2-pound per week loss. Yesterday if I had eaten back all my exercise calories (793), I would have had only about a 400-calorie deficit. In the end, I'm still eating more than the 1200 I felt I had to maintain using MFP alone because I was always so unsure of where I really was. I ate 1,423 yesterday and still had 1,000 deficit.

    What I don't like is that I bought the Flex and I think the clip-on is more accurate. With it on your wrist, you have to leave your arm free for all the steps to be counted All-in-all, I really like it. But then, I am a data nerd. Love spreadsheets and statistics.

    Have spent a lot of time over the weekend with grandkids so my kids can get ready to move into their new house. They closed last week. It is lovely but there is always work to do. Plus, getting ready to leave their current home (close the end of the month). Tough to do with kids running around. However, it always reminds me why we have our kids when we are young! They wear me out!

    Enough. Enough. Gotta get busy! Have a good week!

  • ppaolini4340
    This is my first post to the Wednesday check in. I had done real well last year loosing and was almost to my goal. Then a new medication was added and my weight went up steadily. 7 weeks ago I decided I had gained more than I wanted to. So I got my butt out of my chair at work and have been maintaining about 10-12 miles a week of walking through the week. On the weekends, I spend hours outside working in the gardens. My weight loss has been very slow but this week it actually went back up. I was very discouraged. Wooken to the rescue!! I felt much better after reading her message. So i got out of my cube and did my 2 mile walk and felt so much better. Support from MFP friends is so important.

    See you all next Wednesday.

  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    Have not weighed and tried to stay on program within limits all week. Not eating the way a normally cook is a blessing and also a bummer. Getting very tired of soups, but the meet all the points and are filling and it's something Mom can eat. It's very depressing to fix something and not have her be able to eat it. Go back home tomorrow, to lots of cucumbers to pickle and garden to manage. Seven days there and then back for a while. God willing. He is guiding most of what I do at this point.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    GREAT job and a high five to all of you! Being sick/dealing with health issues is so difficult, and yet you haven't started stuffing your face to help cope. That is a major win in my opinion!!

    A VERY special congrats to Charlie for finally breaking out of that plateau and hitting the 50 pound mark. Very, very cool - and a well deserved reward for all your hard work. And JB - wonderful loss while handling party time(s) :drinker:

    Happy to report that I have finally lost the 6 (SIX!!!) pounds my scale went up with like 3 or 4 days of not being good after hosting the big picnic. I have to believe that either the 6 pounds were false... or the 6 pound loss before the party was false. I mean, seriously.. it's not that I ate an extra 25,000 calories in those few days :angry: But that's in the past, finally got my head on straight again and am down 2 more pounds today.

    What I'm even more excited to say is that yesterday I had to go to Walmart :sick: and picked up a two piece swimsuit (higher rise on the bottoms than a bikini) on clearance but didn't try it on at the store. Holy Toledo, it fits! I don't look great in it, but don't think anyone who happens to see me will have their eyes start bleeding. The part that really is amazing to me is that I got this in the misses department. I haven't bought a swimsuit (or anything else honestly) in the misses section for years (and years and years). I also picked up a pair of shorts and jeans in the next size smaller (in misses section) than what i'm wearing as 'goal clothes'. Ummm... they fit. A bit tight, but I can wear them. Might take the jeans back for another size smaller as a 'goal' pair, because I have no jeans to wear when my current ones get too big. The shorts I'm going to keep, since all my current ones are getting silly big.

    Still not walking as much as I'd like, but podiatrist has put me on a more aggressive plan to hopefully stop my ankle from blowing up.

    I :heart: this group. Can't wait to see what we've accomplished next week!

    -marilyn (ker)
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    I was able to read a lot of posts this morning. Sorry for the ailments many of you have to endure. Congratulations on your losses. It was very encouraging to know you survived a holiday week-end and are keeping at this.

    I finally got on the scale since mid April. I lost 7 pounds; I'm very excited that I lost anything. I'm well aware that it is not much in that amount of time but it's still a loss.

    Going to Yosemite next week, hope I can keep my streak going :-)

    Happy Trails,

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    What an amazing group of losers!

    Sorry for those suffering ailments.53welsh I can relate to you not wanting to take antibiotics. As a nation we have taken so many, that now there are "super" bugs that antibiotics won't touch. Hats off to you for knowing better. 10 days is a long time to suffer, but that is usually what it takes. I hope by tomorrow you see improvement! If you do have to take them, eat yogurt or get some acidophilis to take to help with any stomach problems and possibly even the thrush.

    Jean, how amazing to see Tour de France. What an experience. I hope by now the tooth is filled, out or at least better. Those are no fun.

    JB you are doing so well and that 56 pounds lost looks pretty impressive. Keep up the good work.

    Charlie, congrats on dropping from the plateau! What a wonderful feeling.

    Ppaolini, welcome to the group. Good to see the check in from you. Good job on getting your butt of the chair and walking.

    sarathin,hope things start going better with you .

    Ker, way to go on getting clothes in the misses department!! That is awesome. And to have goal clothes fit, even more impressive. Keep you your good work.

    Claudine,congrats on your 7 pound loss. I think that is a fantastic loss in a few months!

    Wooken, wooken, you are always amazing with the bike riding and now cleaning, clearing packing. You wear me out just reading what you do! Lucky for you to have a pool to work out in. We were not allowed to fill our pools this year due to the drought we are in. I finally broke down and went and bought a kiddie pool. 2 feet deep, just to lay in and cool off. We had one of the hottest springs I can remember since living in this town and summer is following along with the heat.

    As for me, I am still struggling to get back into this. I do ok a day or so, then get the mood of not caring. I have some health things going on, just was told a week ago I an iron deficient anemic, not too big a deal, just taking iron pills now. But my lupus titer was rearing it's ugly head again. I am hoping that it is a fluke and will go away like it did years ago when I was first told I had it. I was also told I could be a carrier and never show symptoms, so that might just be the case again! I really hope to stay the course this week and try and lose at least half a pound. I did exercise 4 out of 7 days last week.

    Ok, keep on losing, exercising and doing the wonderful job you all are doing. See ya next week~~~~
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ker: Two piece. Woohoo. Your comments made me laugh! I have a two piece, but that's because the long top goes over the big shorts! Stress and water weight etc. was probably the 6 pounds on and then, back to normal, and 6 pounds gone!

    Claudine: Wow. 7 lbs. in 3 months when you haven't been able to get around and do much of anything! That is amazing. Most people (including me) would have nibbled that 3 months away. All you logging and counting have paid off! Hope you have a grand time at Yosemite. I'm green with jealousy!

    California: Tough to be enthusiastic when your health isn't up to par. But look at the exercise you did anyway. Good for you!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Happy Wednesday all.

    Congratulations to MJ, Charlie, Marilyn and Claudine on your losses this week and to Jean for maintaining. Please Jean get it perfect so you can tell me how to do it if I ever get there.
    Wooken. A decluttered home sounds wonderful plus a great fitness idea.
    Marilyn. Thanks for sharing your awesome NSV.

    I am joining Jen and Jean in the virtual Sick Bay this week. I hope you are both feeling a lot better. To the Doc or not, that is the question. If it is viral maybe not or maybe yes: if it is bacterial...I always ask myself what would have happened before we had antibiotics...not usually a pretty picture. I have had the flu all week but do not think I have a sinus infection. At least not today. Yesterday my voices came back and I lost my appetite so had to force myself to eat at all. Then I must have talked too much because I lost my voice again today. Probably with my car keys. :ohwell:

    I also join Pam in a disappointing scale week but that seems to be the norm for me. 1 week down and next week up. Then I need to remind myself that I am down from where I started.

    It is rainy here today so I am using my newest purchase. We bought a second hand air conditioner for our bedroom. I have never had an air conditioner here in all these years as there are not a lot of days we need it up on the hill. It will also take down the humidity so, I hope, help with my flu.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful week.

    Wanda desismileys_1355.gif

    Ps CAgirl. We crossed over on the typing. I hope you feel better soon.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Just a great BIG WOW, HURRAH and CHEERS to so many big weight losses.........I am going straight out of the door for an extra walk right this minute!:tongue:

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    All of you seem to be doing well with your losses and NSVs. A big congratulations goes out to all of you.

    I seem to have lost interest in exercising for several months now. I'm logging all my food because I know if I don't pay some attention to what I eat, it will get completely out of control and I'm 2 pounds up from the weight I've been maintaining for almost a year. Bad part is I don't seem to care. Anyway, enough whining on my part.

    Challenges continue to be to exercise more and pay more attention to what I'm eat and logging.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone, it seems to have been quite a week.

    Another person on the sick list - lung infection - going to follow the Dr.'s orders and stay pretty quiet and take my meds. Had a shock when I got on the scales - down 2.6 - Even though I haven't been able to burn calories, I was careful on the calorie intake, and also had a lot of support here from MFP - I kept logging and kept reading all the wonderful exercise, accomplishments both weight loss and NSV, determination and dedication from all of you. Thanks!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    A big congrats to Charlie - left the plateau and hit the big 50! Claudine - wonderful loss and you've been in a cast the whole time. KER - whistle to you - passed the bathing suit test in flying colours!!!!! Jean what a wonderful experience. JB - you are really awesome, keep it going! Jen, California, and Wanda - hope your feeling better soon - get checked out if you can! I'm sure I missed some peeps, short memory - to you I wish the best for the coming week, and for all of us.

  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hello to all,

    I am trying to get more on the ball and respond to this board more often. I really like what all everyone has to say! I really love seeing how much success and weight loss everyone has accomplished. I have been a real downer on myself for no weight loss since the first week I started :( I went on vacation in June and then my 86 yr. old Mother has come and gone, I just have not been consistent with watching what I eat and portion sizes.
    So, on that note. I am going to do better. BIG wedding on 1/2/15 in NYC. Black Tie affair :0 I want to be @ least 30 lbs down.

    NEW motto: Striving to get LEAN by 2015~~~~~~ I like it :wink:

    I really wish I could change my FITNESS PAL start date, yes I started 2011, but never carried through with the plan. I want to change it to JUNE 2014 just do not know how :grumble:
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Hi all

    My first time on this topic. Every Wed check in sounds great.

    My past week was very up and down - I finally dropped two pounds last Thursday then the holiday weekend came on full force! By Monday I was back up one of those same awful pounds! But I've been very careful this week and knocked it back down again. So I'm patiently looking forward to the next pound down :ohwell:

    My absolute biggest achievement is I have exercised for an hour every single day for 5 weeks. Very proud of that one :glasses:

    Hope you all have a great week-
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Just reading back again and I have come to the conclusion that we are all awesome. This is definitely the best board for good feedback which helps with our good results.

    Still sitting here suffering, but things seem to be "moving" in the sinus department, which while not nice, means that my head is feeling less like a tin can with golf balls in it!! Think I might take this afternoon off, and sit in the sun :glasses: so that I can "drip" away in peace without upsetting anybody :sick:

    And I have on my smallest trousers - UK size 8 which was my ultimate goal when I started his journey back in February. To the UK folk - they are M&S trousers, so we know they are a bit more generously cut, but they are not stretch and I even feel comfortable sitting down in them so woop, woop, woop!!!
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Wanda - not sure about this but I googled the question and this is the answer that came up:

    Once you've logged in, click "My Home", then "Check-in", then "Edit Previous Entries". On that page, you can delete weight entries, or add new entries for any date. Any changes you make will be synced to the app automatically once the app is connected to the internet.
