Introduce yourself!

heyliz Posts: 2 Member
I know many of us know each other from the fb group but maybe here we can post a bit about ourselves and our health goals?

My name is Liz and my goal is to loose 100lbs (big numbers, I know) My son is almost two and I want to be able to play with him and be a good example for him as he grows up.


  • sp873
    sp873 Posts: 1
    I LOVE this idea. My name is Sawndra. My goal is 60-75lbs. I have three boys; 7yrs, 5yrs and 2yrs. My family(mostly the women) has a history of weight problems and health problems related to being overweight and under active. So it's time to do something about my own health so I can be around as the kids get older. If anyone ever wants to get together for a park date, a walk, or a trip to the dog park(we have a shepard cross) I'd love to get together.
  • weiste
    weiste Posts: 1
    Thanks for creating this group!! My name is Erin and my goal is to lose 20 lbs and run the 10 KM Sask Marathon Race at the end of May.
  • karisbrandes
    karisbrandes Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Karis, lost about 50lbs after giving birth to my twins, was in awesome shape, ran a 10k race... And then injured myself and had to stop running and then stress in life caused issues with the emotional-eater side of me and I gained 20lbs back. My goal now is to get back in shape, lose 20-30lbs - but I don't have a scale so it's more about inches and how I feel on my clothes - and being just generally healthy and being a good example for my girls!
  • mommykyla
    mommykyla Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Kyla and my goal is to lose 30kg. I have 3 children and have dealt with a lot of stress the last 5 years. I have been stuck in a rut for a long time, but feel in a healthy mental place to begin a weight loss journey! I used to love running, but now I suck, so it is discouraging to get back into it. I hope to begin a running program and stick with it so I can enjoy it again!
  • tanya663
    tanya663 Posts: 2 Member
    hi... i'm yvette... I would love to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight by I's first birthday... so that would mean 28 lbs to lose by august 21... I know it can be done.. I dropped over 30 lbs for my wedding in 2011 I was at my "healthy" weight which was 150lbs.. I felt great!! right now I am far from weighing 150 lbs lol... but I did it with just diet and exercise alone! I KNOW I CAN DO IT AGAIN!!! :happy:
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Hi!! My name is Melissa and I have a 19 month old son named Kaleb. I need to get on an actual computer and make sure i check this group because my phone app doesn't have the community pages.

    I have always been very active and prior to having Kaleb I was biking to work, doing sprint triathalons, biking to bootcamps, bootcamping, swimming with my masters club, basketball, running, was all consuming. Now that I've had my son I've had to scale back those activities completely and that's fine it is just hard to fit everything in a day :) My diet needs a lot of work. I love ice cream. love it. new and improved muffin top says I love it too much.

    So my fitness goals right now are to lose 10 lbs. I do better with small goals. I just completed a major fitness goal this past weekend and swam in my swim club's 5 km challenge. I creamed last years time by 7 minutes!! Going forward I would like to do at least 2 runs this year, hopefully one of those is a 10 km. We are patiently waiting for the snow to melt so we can resume our after supper walk/runs around Mccormack road. So if any of you gals live in Parkridge you'll see us at 6:45 every night after work and we'd love company :)

    Thanks for starting this group! Looking forward to cheering everyone on in their fitness journies. Hopefully we'll get to meet up for a walk or two and some ice cream.....i mean....fruit.
  • TaraTLC83
    TaraTLC83 Posts: 93 Member

    I'm Tara and I'm mom to two kiddies. One will be 4 in September and the other is 6 months old. My goals are to loose around 50 pounds and do 10k at the Mogathon on September 20.