Hi All!
Figured I'd start a team thread so we can all get to know each other and offer a little

Good Luck..."See" Ya'll at the weigh-ins


  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    A little intro...I am a 30yr old mum to one. My son is 12 and in the 8th grade. I have never been overweight, but always been at the "high end" of normal, and have been battling high cholesterol for about 8 years....THIS is the year I am determined to have a "normal" reading! I am too young to worry about having a major heart attack (my uncle was only a few years older than I am now...).

    I have been a member of MFP for a while, but just started looking into the challenge groups. I have been going to the gym and working out hat home for a solid 2 months and only have a 5lb weight loss to show for it....but I am shrinking inches, so I won't complain yet!

    If you have any advice, NEED any advice or have tips or meals to share...please use this thread. We can all support one another and get this!
  • aem91409
    aem91409 Posts: 137 Member
    Hello :smile:
    I'm Ashley, I'm a 21 year old mother of my 3 year old son that I love with all my heart!
    I can't blame the pregnancy thing for my weight gain, considering I packed most of it on the past two years. I also found out I have very high cholesterol back in February, which is when I started watching what I was eating and working out. As of May, I had lost about 13 pounds and lowered my cholesterol by a little over 50%! I have to go back again next month, and if it dropped as significantly again she said she will take me off of my medication and I am beyond ecstatic about that. :happy: :happy: :happy:
    I have 6 weeks until my fiancé's sisters wedding, and I am trying to get down to 145 for that (as of recent weigh in I'm about 7 pounds away from that goal, so I'll have to work hard but I think I can do it...). And I am going to the Dominican Republic in 29 weeks and would LOVE to reach my goal of 120 by then, but ya never know my goal may change as I get closer to that weight!
    Excited about this group! :flowerforyou:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I'm Kasi, I've been on MFP for a long time and have done tons of challenges but i don't think I've ever met anyone on this team yet. I have 4 kids, a boxer, and a wonderful husband who I have been married to for five years on July 25th. My lowest weight as an adult was 149 and that was 2 days before our wedding. I've been struggling to get back to that or lower ever since. Our family loves to play. We spend a lot of time outside, camping, fishing, hiking, playing in the snow, or whatever else we find exciting at the moment.
    Sounds good in theory since its all pretty active but our food/ beverage choices when we are out and about aren't always the best. I've been hovering at 160ish for a while now and its time to get the scale moving again. It's nice to meet all of you and I'm looking forward to the challenge.
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, Im Charli, im 32. I had my son 15 months ago and since his birth I have gone from 17 stone 11lb to 15 stone 12lb. I started MFP back in jan after I tried to tell my brother "it wont work!" how wrong was I.
    I did Slimming world before so the first 2 weeks was like Hell as went from overeating to training my mind that I didn't need the food.
    Im having my tonsils out on Tuesday!! so that should help us In the weight loss (LOL) I plan to eat low calorie smoothies and after a couple of days they have suggested hard food like toast. So any suggestions are welcome.
    I started running recently and I do lots of walking.
    This Friday is it a starting weight that we input?
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85

    This Friday is it a starting weight that we input?

    Yes. We must input the weight every Friday to the designated thread. Anyone who doesn't get their weight in by 11:59am on Saturday will count as a missed weigh in. 2 missed weigh in's will mean that you are out.

    MFP has been great for me to get my Macros adjusted.

    Charli (LOVE the name!): Good luck on the tonsillectomy! You will feel so much better when they are out!
    My son is leaving this Saturday for California to spend the rest of his summer with his Father...and I am a nervous wreak because he is flying alone...I have a feeling that the next 5 1/2 weeks are going to be great for my weight loss...too nervous and sad to eat, and killing time at the gym...

    Ashley: 7lbs in 6 weeks is quite doable!

    Kasi: I am always on the go as well. Not many choices that are truly healthy when eating on the run. I try and always have tons of water in my car and protein bars are always in my bag or I'd be hitting every burger joint...

    I have only lost 5 lbs in the last 2 months..but I dropped from 31% body fat to I know the rest will come off soon...just need to push harder!
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    I hope that everyone is entering their weights today! It starts NOW! I am up a bit from my MFP weight last recorded...stress/anxiety eating...add in eating out and skipping the gym for a few days (want to spend as much time with my son before shipping him off to CA for the summer) and I have taken two steps back....

    Sunday I check back in at the gym, so we'll be on track!

    What do ya'll think about having Green Team Challenges? Something to all work on together to push forward? Just a this week...get in 2 hours of cardio...or do 100 squats a day...want to keep it fun but still push...

    Good Luck Ya'll!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I'm all for mini challenges! Anything to keep me motivated:bigsmile:

    I got up this morning and went for a walk. My cat followed me but she got into someones backyard and the cat who lived there cornered her and I couldn't get her out, It was 6am so I didn't want to knock the peoples door. Its very rare that she follows as far as she did today and I'm worried she won't find her way back.SO... I get to go for another walk now to try to find her:noway: Silly cat!
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Hey All,
    Sorry for missing the weigh-in but I just got off the plane of a 33 hour journey this afternoon. I'll be sure to post next week. My weight has been a battle all of my life. I've gone all the way up to the 280s and down to the 190s and that's the lowest I've ever been as an adult. Apart from my weight I'm a very active individual. I work out a lot (muay thai bootcamp) and eat relatively well in terms or fruits, veggies and grains, but my portions are still out of whack. I'd love to see Onederland again and I'm hoping this challenge is just what I need to get there.
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    Great gob to everyone who weighed in.

    @Rezekiel...Travel is understandable. Just make sure that you weigh in to the new thread on Friday (or before 11:59 EST Saturday). If you miss two total, then they boot you out.

    OK...for for the first mini Challenge:
    How about we all make sure to get in 60 min. of body weight exercises. Part of building a healthy body is a balance of cardio AND strength training. Your body is your own personal gym, you don't NEED a fancy home gym or expensive gym membership to be healthy! Chair dips work your Triceps...Sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts all work your abs, squats and lunges for the legs and glutes...The best thing, is you can adapt for any fitness level! Cardio is needed for losing fat, but muscle needs to be built to keep you strong. You can break the 60 min down, don't feel you need to do it all in one day. If you are comfortable, use weights. Push yourself until you feel the burn...if you don't feel it, you CAN go harder!

    Also, remember, unless you are a body builder or a fighter, you do NOT need to go bananas on the protein. Make sure that you are getting enough fiber in your diet. I won't go into the whole digestive thing, but lets just say, your weigh in can be UP a few lbs more than it HAS to be if you are not eating enough fiber...

    Last night I had football practice with a bunch of FANTASTIC ladies...but that is the only "good" from yesterday. I allowed myself ONE LAST "Poor ME" food binge (leftover pizza for brunch and Motz sticks and french fries for a "dinner" after practice. Sucks that the post-practice sponsor is a bar...and I am sure the "Angry Balls" drink I had didn't help any (Angry Orchard and Fireball Whiskey....soooo good).

    I just sent my son to California for the rest of the summer and I am one stressed mama already suffering "empty nest syndrome". This is the reason behind the "poor me" eating.

    Back at the gym tonight! My official weigh in was 144.6...but this morning I was I am already behind the 8-ball....

    Good luck Ya'll and feel free to send me a friend request on is the biggest contributing factor to making a lifestyle change next to your own personal desire for change!
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    I'm all for mini challenges! Anything to keep me motivated:bigsmile:

    I got up this morning and went for a walk. My cat followed me but she got into someones backyard and the cat who lived there cornered her and I couldn't get her out, It was 6am so I didn't want to knock the peoples door. Its very rare that she follows as far as she did today and I'm worried she won't find her way back.SO... I get to go for another walk now to try to find her:noway: Silly cat!

    Oh no! I hope you find your cat!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Good challenge! Remember to drink lots of water too. Add a few glasses to whatever you would normally drink cause your muscles will need it.

    I found my cat. She was waiting for me right where I left her. She is a very unique little kitty:noway:

    Rezekiel, Glad your here!
  • Abbie9501
    Abbie9501 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, sorry i missed the first weigh in i've been doing overtime at work and not had much of a chance to log on but i will definitely do it this week got a reminder set.

    Im Abbie by the way, im 19 and i started putting weight on when i got with my boyfriend of nearly 2 years, all the fatty foods and cans of pop have took there toll on me, ive not put loads on just over a stone but everyone keeps noticing that ive put it on and i know my portion sies have got a lot bigger and i just seem to eat all the time so i want to stop it all before it gets too bad and i end up piling the stones on.

    Tahnks anyway your welcome to add me as a friend :)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Yay! I'm glad we got a few of you here... I was worried that we lost half of our team in just the first weigh in. Mvenecial, messaged me and said she would weigh-in on Friday. She was out of town and had internet trouble with her phone. Here is a list of of teammates so we can all send out friend requests to help keep everyone motivated. I sent links to this thread to everyone who hasn't checked in yet so hopefully we will see them here soon.

    aem91409 -Ashley
    aprilstar480 -Kasi
    charlottepeabody1982 -Charli
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    Everyone: Remember to weigh in!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well on their Mini Challenge! I do "BodyPump" so I counted that. It's 60 min of pure torture! Squats, lunges, dead lifts....but it works!

    Food is a struggle...but I am doing better...a lot of All Bran Buds to counter the high protein bars...I tend to eat the same core things every day. It helps me control myself..,that is...until the love of my life brings me home a Coke. I don't buy soda except on a rare occasion (pizza night mainly)...but he went out to pick up the Apple TV adapter and brought me home a bottle. I was WELL under my calories for the day, so I had half the bottle...

    This weekend will be rough. Today is opening day at the Saratoga Race Track...but I think I'll skip the fanfare and hit the gym because tomorrow is Troy Pig Out...a big BBQ exp and competition and I plan on eating a LOT of ribs and bacon!
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    OK so here i am. My name is Monica and i am almost 42 i have 3 kids and 2 grand-kids. I am down to the last 15 lbs before i reach my goal weight. It has been a tough month for me and haven't really lost anything. My bad on that, i kinda dropped off on my workouts. But this last week i have decided i need to step it up again or i will never get there...LOL Last week i weighed in at 135.2 and this week i am down to 134.8. Not bad but not great either. So if you would like to add me please do. I log in daily .
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry Ladies, I forgot to post last week, is there anyway I can get this on my phone?? gonna have to remember to get on the laptop once a week!.

    Tonsils have been removed, they have told me to eat normally! which is proving difficult. Toast is apparently the best thing to remove all the layers from back of throat. trying to eat balanced meals, just means I have to up the walking!!

    Im gonna have to set a reminder in my phone for a Friday morning I think! especially as I missed the first weight in. Ill be honest I added my weight to what I thought was this but it was something else.. :( stupid phone.
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    Sorry Ladies, I forgot to post last week, is there anyway I can get this on my phone?? gonna have to remember to get on the laptop once a week!.

    If you have a smart phone, you can go to your phone's browser and to to the myfitnesspal's web page and do it that way.

    I hear you on the toast issue. Why do they tell you to eat toast?! Might as well try swallowing sandpaper!

    Monica: This month has been a killer for my scale number as well...hoping to break this plateau soon...I caved and ate Wendy's going extra hard at the gym as "punishment"...although...the stomach ache from eating fast food is punishment enough...Reminds me WHY I haven't had a fast food burger in a year....pretty sure I may never eat another one again...
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    CONGRATULATIONS guys! We were one of the top teams with an overall loss of .8%! That is GREAT! We collectively lost 13.8lbs this week! Isn't that amazing?!

    I am starting my 2-a-Days this week, and taking Friday off for my race on Saturday. Not sure how well I will do. I did a run on Friday in my gym's Cardio Theater. They were playing Mama Mia! and I just kept running...non stop...for 45 home and did another 20 on my elliptical...I could not walk on Saturday and still feeling pain in my knees (torn meniscus' in both knees)...

    Also back to my "Healthy Eating" after hitting the BBQ festival and date night at my favorite Thai restaurant last night.

    Anyone have a thought on Team Challenges?
    I want everyone to try and log 10 miles this week. You can do this by walking, jogging, using the elliptical (I use the elliptical a lot because of my knees sometimes can't take the impact of running)...if you are biking, either stationary or recumbent, make it 30 miles (3 miles biking can replace 1 mile of jogging.)

    Check in and let me know how it's going!!!! Challenges are not supposed to be easy..they are supposed to CHALLENGE you!
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Hey Guys,
    My lower back is still out of commission so exercise is still out for me. I'm going a little stir crazy since I'm use to working out a lot. To top it off I think I'm coming down with a cold or throat infection:grumble: On a positive note, I think I'll still have a loss for this week, fingers crossed. Good luck with the challenge this week.
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Quick update! So after sorting my weigh in error on Thursday/Friday... I ended back in A and E Friday night.. Emergency Ambulance.. I coughed very gently and then I started haemorrhaging from my mouth (Right tonsillectomy site) lost approx. 350mls blood, admit to hospital, fluids... so by the time I got home on Saturday evening and weighed myself I was 16:5!! bloody fluids.. So I have tried hard to eat and drink loads of water, dispite the pain being at times unbearable and the scales this morning are back down to 15:13 and a 1/4 PHEW!! now to work on getting something else off this week cause obviously that 6lb doesn't count! shame I didn't weigh in sat morning.. lol

    Im ok im alive (did think with the amount of blood pouring out mouth that it was the end. Apparently very common. Im averaging on about 800-900 calories a day which isn't brilliant but drinking lots and trying to eat hard foods.. crackers..toast..last night I managed some healthy homemade slow cooked stew. and we have done a little bit more walking each day,

    In 2 weeks I will be back running! but for now they have told me to rest and only walk, in case haemorrhage starts again. Just to say I am focused.
