July 10, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Well since my hot, burning leech leg is keeping me awake, I might as well start the thread.

Happy Thursday!

I know so many of us fall apart on the weekend, so how about making a three day success plan to implement tomorrow? Mine's going to focus on meal planning and gradually increasing activity. If I write it down, I'm so much more likely to make it happen!

Karen in Maine


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Sounds like a great idea to me Karen. I have been doing my cardiovascular exercsing, but have not broken my plateau on the weight thing yet...but a lightbulb did go on inside...I need to make healthierfood choices (go figure! lol). So will look at making a plan for healthier eating this weekend!!! Catch up with you all later!! Am off on my power walk/jog now....at 0530 am.....barring no javalinas or coyotes!!!! Cheers!

    Nancy in AZ (til next week anyway!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Weekends are rough. My guy and I don't get to spend too much time together during the week, so weekends are "our time." Plus I run crazy during the week, so I need down time. I struggle so badly with water anyway these days, but weekends are the worst. Most of the time, I get in about 2 water bottles and less than 2,500 steps. I'm so stressed that trying to pull anything together is debilitating. Can't walk in the sun because mystery med makes me burn in over 30 seconds. Can't lift - takes too much time. Do usually catch up some on sleep. No plan at the moment, because the more I push myself, the more my inner goddess/b!tch pushes back... *le sigh*

    Carly in OK, where today it is sunny, and yesterday was grey. Tomorrow is a mystery.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well Karen, I got my walk/jog in this morning....did about 1 hr and 10 minutes, and ate my low fat greek yogurt!! Off to a great start!!! Thanks for the motivation!

    Nancy is warm AZ (warmer today as it is not as overcast as it was yesterday!)
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I seem to do pretty good on the weekends because I have the time to get swimming in. I love time. Time is good. Boss told me to go home and stop spreading germs. So, looks like I am about to have some time now. Too bad Im finctioning with half a lung and 10% of a nostril.
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    I have such a busy weekend planned. I won't be able to do my fitness work out on Friday but plan for a good walk and swim tonight, Saturday and Sunday.

    Will pay due diligence to my food plan. Especially since i went 50 calories over last night. Well, 50 calories by MFP counting. I was still under the goal of my therapist (she has a calorie goal for me of 2200 and MFP has a calorie goal for me of 2000).

    I would have been fine on calories yesterday except I had to skip my walk or swim. My back needed a rest. I am glad I listened to my body. I do feel better instead of worse. It's been quite a challenge to balance exercise with moderation due to recovering from an injury. However, I am not doing anything that has not been ok'd and cleared by therapist, doctor and physical therapist. :)
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all!

    Heather, I hope the time off serves you well! Maybe a warm bath can replace the pool for now.

    Nancy, great job on your walk/jog! Are you doing a specific program, or just jogging when the mood strikes?

    Carly, catching up on sleep is definitely an important thing for your health, so don't discount that. I'm so bad about water on the weekends, too, unless I'm being really active. On my "off" days from C25K, I usually try to walk in place (or forward and backward depending on how graceful I'm feeling...) while watching a TV show. It helps me meet my step goal on those days, and since I'm focusing on something, I normally don't notice toooo much that I'm exercising :) Would that be an option for you? I understand if even that is too much, though. Stress is such a killer!

    Karen, I hope that stupid leech got what it deserved for making you so miserable. Any fun or interesting ideas for meals?

    I finally got (mostly) back into my routine yesterday. I logged everything, stay well under my calorie goal, and mostly met my macros. I walked about 3/4 of the way home, but I took the bus for several blocks in the middle because it was pouring buckets and I got absolutely soaked. Went home, grabbed my inhaler, and went to the gym. I managed to do C25K and actually ran an extra 9 minutes because by the time I was supposed to finish, I was just starting to get into a groove. Did my cooldown, and just as I was starting my stretches, the fire alarm goes off!. Good thing I wasn't planning to do lifting! I'm going to try alternating days lifting/running to see how that goes. Getting home after 9 when I did both of them was starting to bum me out.

    My office instituted a "no food in the fridge overnight" rule, so I have to start bringing lunch every day rather than just buying salad fixings and tuna or chicken at the beginning of the week and storing it there. I'm pretty bummed about this because that routine worked very well for me and it allowed me to have my one lunch out per week whenever it struck my fancy and I could also eat a little more or a little less depending on the day. I'm also terrible at remembering to bring things to work (or bring them home). Ah, well. In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor annoyance and I'll just have to adapt.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Sylva, good for you for listening to your body and planning workouts for your busy weekend! Hope you continue to heal well.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Norah, your post made me think about having a "salad bar at home" weekend. I pull out the Tupperware and fill different containers with salad fixings and keep a salad spinner full of lettuce in the fridge. To make it interesting, pita bread for salad pockets, grilled chicken and sliced avocado, ground beef with taco seasoning and low fat cheddar, feta and olives. All weekend we can just fix different salads.

    For anyone struggling, your local food bank will likely have fresh produce this week!

    I had a major victory last night. I'm definitely a night eater like Heather and rarely eat anything before 2 p.m. Then I turn ravenous! And last night I was starving but made myself stay out of the kitchen. I also was on our grocery store website (we can place an order online, then pick it up at curbside the next morning) filling my cart with all kinds of junk thinking, "oh, one last Hurrah!" But again, stayed strong and did not place the order. So YAY ME!
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    KAREN!!! oh sorry...didn't mean to shout but... wait, what??? Your grocery store allows you to order online and pick up curbside?? Where is this magical store? I need to know this information, especially during summer vacation when I don't want to drag both kids to the store with me!!! please share!! Pleeeeeease!!!

    Diana, who doesn't mind shopping it's the putting away that bites!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    That is cool! It would totally save from impulse buys too. Im home now but bad part is, because we share a car, so is my husband. His negativity is bringing me down so hardcore I cant even stand being in the same room with him. Im thinking about going to the pool anyway. Definitely need to check into our counseling through work. Something has to change. He claims he is starving but everything i suggest he says no. I just spent $300 at the grocery store and threw out a lot of bad food to make room. I know im venting a lot about him. Im really at my wits end.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh honey, time for counseling! If he won't go with you, you go anyway. I had that talk with Jim a few years ago. Go see a shrink or I am GONE. He was pissed!!! Now he thanks me for it. Best thing he ever did for himself.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Diana, the magical store is Hannaford's in Windham. It's called Hannaford to Go, just Google it, sign up, and place an order. I love it to stop from impulse buys but also because I shop from the sales flyer now. You choose your pickup day and time, pull up to the Curbside Pickup out front, press the button on the service speaker and give them your name, and the magic elves bring out your groceries and load them into your car.

    Tomorrow the elves will fill my car with veggies for my salad bar at home. Yay!

    Karen in Maine
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks Karen!! I usually go to Gray or Falmouth Hannaford's but it would be worth the trip to Windham just to not have to bring the kids through the store. Not that Windham is that far away from me, but the other two are closer. Thanks for the info!! Love Magic Stores!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Diana, we're practically neighbors! West Falmouth or Gray are closer for me too, but I love the convenience of the online ordering so much.

    I'm in the north end of Forest Lake.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    well howdy neighbor! ;)
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I'm going to be pretty close to your neck of the woods over Labor Day, ladies! Bouncing between Litchfield, Topsham, and Portland!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Norah, I'll message you my address in case you want to dip your toes in our lake.