black ops 2 diamond

freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
Just completed every camo challenge in the game. All my guns are now diamomd!!!


  • oOoNICKIoOo
    oOoNICKIoOo Posts: 107 Member
    Woot woot! That must have taken forever. I had LMGs and SMGs diamond... But then I reset LMAO. So now I have nothing :P What do you play on? 360? PS3? Or...?
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    Ps3. If u play on ps3 add me if u like. My name Is the same here just without the numbers on the end. I did take awhile and my k/d suffered like crazy from things like the knife, shield, and the worst gun In the game that executioner OMG I am gonna rage just thinking about it lol
  • oOoNICKIoOo
    oOoNICKIoOo Posts: 107 Member
    Awww, I'm on 360 :(

    So... what's your KD now? haha. You think executioner is the worst? I think I'd rather do that then five-seven, but maybe I'm just crazy :P

    What do you usually run? Like favorite guns and perks... :)

    And, I have suchhhh bad rage on that game. The struggle is real haha!
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    My k/d is 1.15 I only play demolition though and always go for objectives. If I did tdm it would probably go higher faster but it's boring to me.

    Five seven dual wield is a beast. All the pistols are awsome dual wielding except the auto and executioner.

    I always bring a tac and c4. Lately I been play with the FAL silenced and select perks are dexterity fast hands and light weight I think. I don't bring in a secondary. Sometimes I run engineer

    Kill streak is UAV care package and counter uav. I love that set up I get to see where the enemy is get a surprise then blind them lol. Sometimes I run uav guardian and sentry gun. So i can see what paths they are taking and then control what way they take causing them to funnel down one path so no one can sneak behind me
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    The K/D talk is making me a sad panda. I love FPS, but I suck so bad at multiplayer it is kinda silly.