Week 1 (Week of July 7th)

sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
Morning all!

Has anyone done their workout for today? I'll be doing it in a couple of hours. Eating clean and staying hydrated is the foundation of success. Make sure to drink ½ your body weight a day in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75 oz per day. Start your day with a big glass for a boost of energy and to decrease hunger pains. Post how many oz of water you drank.

Use this thread to check in, help get support when you need it, and if you have questions for this week. Happy first week!



  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I will be doing mine with my youngest takes his nap, already started drinking water and have my meals planned for today. ????
  • zahpok
    zahpok Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all
    I'll be doing my first workout tonight! Ran yesterday (just 2 miles) and i'm a bit tired still, but i'm motivated to get started. I'm very disappointed that i gained 1.5 pounds in a week... UGH this is really discouraging.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Did you take your measurements? If you are building muscle, that might be the reason. Or it might be water weight. Don't focus too much on the scale. If you take your weight, keep track of the number and then set it aside. :D
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Align is done

    Measurements done just need to take pics when hubby gets home tonight.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    How was everyone's first day? I got align done yesterday and drank 72 oz of water. I forgot to note down my foods so I have to make a conscious effort today to track it with MFP. After doing align, I know I will be doing the modifications. Here and there I will to follow Chalene and see if I could do it.

    Here is the tip of the day... Did you know that the pain in your stomach when you are hungry is the same pain you get when you’re thirsty? So how do we know the difference? Do you think this could be a reason for over eating, cravings or binging? YES! It sure is! Water detoxes us but also keeps us from over eating and craving naughty stuff that packs on extra calories.

    How many ounces of water did you drink today?
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    I started Piyo on 7/6. I'm hoping to lose about 10 lbs in these 60 days. I'm attempting to do the 21 Day Fix program for my eating. I'm on Day 3 of both. Workout 3 tonight. Hope to see some results with these programs together. The eating in 21 Day Fix is alot like the eating program that came with the Piyo workout so I figured I use the 21 Day Fix since I bought it back in April and only made it through 1 week and then gave up. I'm hoping to get through it this time and see some results. Only have 2 days that will be tough when I'll be out of town with some friends and eating and exercise will be tough but otherwise my plan is to get some of these extra pounds off and get back to my goal weight.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Define lower is done love pigeon hold. I really like this workout. Day is half over and right on track with water intake and food.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all!

    So, it's the middle of the week and I was wondering how everyone is doing? Does anyone have a favorite recipe to share with the group? Mine is ground lean turkey seasoned with southwestern seasoning (make my own) with spinach, multi-colored peppers, broccoli, and sesame seeds.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Jaynehr! Welcome to the group! I sent you a welcome message and a friend request.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Fitness doesn’t have to be torture or something you dread. Change your mindset! Fitness can be a PARRRRTAYYY! Whatever you do, do it with joy. BRING IT! Laugh and smile the whole way through…because you CAN! We often forget just how blessed we truly are and if you have working limbs on your body – USE EM and LOVE THEM! I know that sometimes during the workout, we definitely are not in a smiling mood. But, we can smile before because we are taking the step we need to reach our goals. And we can smile afterwards because we made it through!
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    Got through sweat last night but had to "watch" a bit more than I was able to actually "do". With my head down it was too hard to figure out exactly what Chalene was doing. I'll get better the more I do it but right now I'm on a major learning curve. Never done yoga before so it's all new. I like it but it's definitely strange not doing as much cardio as I'm used to.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Had to do a double define upper ✔️ And sweat ✔️ Wow sweat was intense but I feel good
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Wasn't sweat intense? I wear glasses and it kept sliding down my nose. With two minutes to go, I had to take my glasses off and squint to see what was going on in the workout. lol
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Guess what day it is? That’s right – it’s FLEX FRIDAY woot woot! Time to get FLEXY! Show off that hard work. We can't post pictures here but you can flex in the mirror for yourself to see. Each day our muscles will get stronger!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Friday rest day and let me tell you I can feel yesterday's sweat workout in my glutes and hamstrings, core, all over its awesome.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    I second that codycsweet! I took the rest day but decided to walk for a couple of hours. So, I guess you can say active rest day? It did help with the soreness in my legs.

    Who is going to be a weekend warrior and do lower body today? I know I am. Before I do the laundry. :D
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Yesterday was also an active rest day I did get my 12k steps in with a 3 mile walk and it helped with my soreness also.

    Wanted to get lower done this morning but Zumba and swimming took over, then lunch, a nap, early bday dinner with fam, came home relaxed some got the kids in bed and now I'm done with define lower. I really enjoy this one. Love love lve pigeon
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Pigeon is nice... my body says thank you! lol
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Today is the last day of Week 1 so it is time to reflect.

    What are you proud of yourself for this week. Pay no attention to the “mess ups” or “failures”. Focus on what you did right, and do more of that. What you focus on, you get more of. So let’s not pay ANY attention to anything negative. So excited to hear what part/s of this week you rocked!

    For me, I am not getting hung up on the fact that I didn't last long on the downward dog sometimes. I see it as if I can last longer than I did yesterday, then I am good.

    I'll start a new post for Week 2 tomorrow.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Tried t do upper and my little one just climbs on me, will wait till nap time.
    I did several moves that I didn't think I could do. I have been trying the regular move and modify when needed. That is big for me bc it has taken a long time for me to accept that there is nothing wrong with modifying, it improvement that I'm looking at.

    I'm with you sahiratorres some of those downward dog poses seem to last forever and if I make it longer than the last time that is awesome.

    I'm going to shift a workout or two bc il be unable to do it on sat and maybe Sunday. I'll do a workout Friday. This is why I wish they offered digital versions so I could just have it on my iPad.