Half-way Thursday - Goal Check In!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

How is today going?? AND, How are you doing on this week's personal goals?

On a different note. I'm thinking the "themed" days for this month will be
New Week Monday - Set Goal for week, Report on Last week went as far as achieving that goal.
Training or Traveling Tuesday - Focus on being active - cardio, strength, etc as scheduled exercise and everyday motion
Water Wednesday - Focus on drinking Water - 72oz min to start with.I may bump this up or give out the other hydrate equations there are.
Halfway Thursday - Check in on how your personal goals are going for the week.
Food or Fruity Friday - Look at calories, but more so what foods we are actually eating - whole grains, fruits, veggies, meats, less processed items.
and finally, Weekend Check in post - Weekends are hard but our last chance to make our goals before Mon.

Everyday it would be good to check in Food, Exercise, Water & How that day is going, along with the side theme, which technically should be more everyday for us anyway.



  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    Sounds good!

    I like the image. I started watching Disney's The Princess and the Frog last night and it seems to have a similar message - it's not enough to wish for something, you gotta actually work for it. (Yes, I'm 26 and watch Disney movies.)

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Great images ladies!

    13 strong- the themes sound super! I'd like to throw out some ideas feel free to take or leave them .
    How about :
    Motivation Monday :set our goals for the week,
    Training Tuesday: focus on movement ie exercise
    Water Wednesday : hydration focus
    Thankful Thursday and mid week report : focus on gratitude and our mid week report
    Food Choice Fridays : encouraging thinking about and making healthy food choices
    Weekend Warriors: what we do on the weekends to reach our goals
  • krnorris28
    krnorris28 Posts: 12
    Theme days are so fun!! Happy Halfway Thursday everyone!

    This has been a bizarre week. Tuesday was tough because I had a customer product demonstration. It makes eating difficult because I cannot stop in the middle of speaking with a customer and grab some lunch. Unfortunately that could mean going 7+hours between breakfast and lunch. This for me means I over eat at dinner or eat again before bed. I have started taking with me some protein bars I picked up at GNC. Blueberry Yogurt, They are actually pretty tasty and low in sugar!

    Yesterday I did not eat enough. I just wasn't hungry! I noticed the lack of calories during my workout though. I was dragging butt! My trainer even noticed that I was hurting. I need to make sure I am eating a healthy snack between breakfast and lunch; and between lunch and dinner. That way I don't notice that crash during my evening workout. From a weight loss standpoint I am dropping pounds. So YAY for that!!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Motivation Monday :set our goals for the week,
    Training Tuesday: focus on movement ie exercise
    Water Wednesday : hydration focus
    Thankful Thursday and mid week report : focus on gratitude and our mid week report
    Food Choice Fridays : encouraging thinking about and making healthy food choices
    Weekend Warriors: what we do on the weekends to reach our goals

    These are awesome!:flowerforyou:
    Though, I might keep Food Fridays just cause less to remember as I realize I forgot today's date on this thread, this morning :grumble: If it's good with everyone else though, I'll put these in Next week!

    If anyone has ideas for a specific day or information/tips to share - let me know, or add them that day! :smile:
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Water today has only been 20oz (it's noon here). That's not enough, been running stairs at work. Getting tired of this ready-set-wait pace we have going on here, but it is what it is.

    Goal wise - I was supposed to stretch everyday and log. Logging is going well. Stretching... I'm stretching for a bit every morning. Need to do stretches at night, just feel so sore then I don't want to.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    13Srong- glad you liked my contribution :smile: :drinker:

    Kmorris- great idea about the protein bars and congrats on the weight loss!

    Hollygolightly- love the image :smile:

    So far so good on food choices and hydration. Because of injuries on Tuesday night mentioned in Tuesday's post, I have had to listen to my body and take some time for it to heal which means unable to do yoga Wednesday or cardio today. But am pleased with my recovery so far????
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Let's see...working out is not an issue for me, however eating healthy is my struggle. I did eat very well on Tuesday and Wednesday, and today I did have some McDonalds chicken nuggets but it fit my macros, so if it fits my macros (iifym) I usually don't count that as a problem. I drunk a gallon of water today and usually will get close to a gallon everyday. I love the idea of weekend warriors because I have to mentally and physically prepare for weekends because I tend to get laxed. Keep it up ladies! You all have in it you to do this. Preparation is key, and we are doing that by coming up with a plan. I love it!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Seehe - I was hoping your back would get better after yesterday. Even though you "aren't meeting your goal" per-say, I think it's FAR more important to listen to our bodies. Which is exactly why I did a 180 on my goals for this week after seeing the work schedule. My new hope is with resting, it will heal up quickly for you. :)

    Texasbeu27 - I agree, preparation is key. I bought a bunch of frozen meals, looking at the back of them for this week (some healthier than others though...), cause I knew I would have no time to cook. But, I'm the same on weekends, in getting lax as well.

    Krnorris28 - Congrats on the lbs loss!

    Hollygolightly - Welcome back! :) I watch Disney and Pixar. Even dragged my fiance to How to Train a Dragon 2.