TEAL team!

CarrieVPDX Posts: 44 Member
Whats up Teal Team!! I'm excited to be a loser with you! :wink:

My name is Carrie and I'm 25. I live in Portland, OR with my husband and I'm an Actuary (work in a cubicle with numbers all day - math nerd). I've been on MFP since March(ish), started at 174 now at 166 and heading for a goal weight of 150.

I daily log and have an open diary. I try to get 6 workouts in a week. I am just finishing up Jillian's 30 Day Shred and starting Ripped in 30 soon. Also, mixing it up with 2-3 mile walks and runs a few times a week with my dog when weather permits. I try to squeeze in some hiking and river kayaking too.

What are your workout/diet plans? :happy:


  • amandabr2008
    amandabr2008 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Teal team!!

    Lets do this and win the challenge!!

    My name is Amanda and I am in the middle of my weight loss challenge. I am just back from my holiday and so today I am back on the healthy eating and back to the Gym. I try and get to the gym 5 days out of 7 and this includes doing Zumba and Funkee Fitness which is really good fun. My Diary is open and feel free to add me as a friend. Although some days are healthier than others.

    I am looking forward to winning this challenge - bring it on!!!

  • lmhw0320
    lmhw0320 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! My name is Lisa and I am 27 years old. I desperately need the motivation to lose the extra weight I have packed on over the years. I am really trying to make working out apart of my daily routine, but it is hard and life always gets in the way! My ultimate goal is to lose around 50 lbs and get down to a much healthier weight. My immediate goal is to start and stick to an exercise program. I have T-25 and need to start incorporating it into my daily schedule, it is only 25 minutes so I have to fit that in, right?! Go Teal team!
  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    Hey, Team Teal! (Hey, CarrieVPDX! We're teammates again! Woo hoo!).

    My name is Jamie. I live in Indiana with my husband and 2 kiddos, and I am a lawyer.

    I go to boot camp and/or boxing 5 days a week, and try to run 1 day a week!
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi Team Teal!!! My name is Mary and I live up north in Ontario. I'm 51, married with 2 adult kids. I am an IT Analyst so sit at a desk pretty much all day. I wear a fitbit and have been trying to get 10,000 steps a day. I go to a gym in the mornings and do the eliptical trainer or treadmill. I also have my bike set up on a trainer at home. Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next 10 weeks. Go Teal!!!
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    Hi Teal Team :smile: I was on holiday, but back in the game!!! Now to figure out where to put my start weight.

    cry cry cry....i missed the first weigh in...oh well...guess i have to show my stuff with the next one.
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    Crap, I missed the first weigh in too! And I log in everyday! There has to be a reminder system to this group challenge.
    When is the next weigh-in?
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    Every Friday.
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi Teal Team ! Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I had a bit too much fun on the weekend :drinker: and am working my butt off this week to make up for it. :laugh:
    I've been to the gym in the mornings so far and I hope to continue all week. Don't know about you guys, but I feel so much better
    when I work out in the morning. It's nice to get it over with and then you don't have to think about it all day.
    I really have to get the weekends under control. That's what I want to focus on during this next 10 weeks.
    Have a good one!
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    C'mon team, don't forget to weigh-in today. I already logged mine. :drinker:
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Last week I couldn't log in on Sat b/c my phone was missing the post reply button =\

    But I was 153, and this week I'm 149.6!

    Bye bye 150ss!
  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great week so far!! Keep it up! :-)
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    Hey there Teal team....hope everyone is having a great summer. I'm just back from vacation, it's so hard to stay motivated when the weather is nice and there are lots of get togethers. :drinker: The trick is to just get right back at it!! I've been slacking on filling out the journal lately so I have to be more diligent at that this week. How is everyone else doing???