Morning Sickness

katilynnegray Posts: 98 Member
I just want to know how long it lasted for you? I don't know how much more of this I can take :(

Any suggestions for taking the nausea away are welcome :)


  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    For me, it lasted until about 12 weeks. But, I think I had a pretty mild case compared to other moms. For some reason, potatoes were the only thing that helped. Eating a baked potato for lunch settled my stomach for a little while.

    I hope it ends soon :flowerforyou:
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    it went away around 9wks, i'm currently 11 and I started getting nausea again. I've only vomited maybe 10x this pregnancy but I had really bad nausea and food aversions, nothing helped unfortunately. :( I forced myself to eat regardless, I didn't lose any weight, but I haven't gained much either. Just gained 1lb so far. Good luck!!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I am 9 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. Each pregnancy I've had daily nausea but no vomiting for the first trimester. I've found that eating every couple hours (small meals or snacks) seems to help lessen the nausea. I read a tip once to keep saltine crackers by your bed and eat a couple as soon as you wake up. It depends on what you can stomach but I have found that if I have some type of carbs with each snack it helps (pretzels, crackers, pita bread). I log it to make sure I am not going crazy on the calories.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I never experienced nausea with my first. This time around, I started getting nauseous around 6 weeks. I'm 8 weeks pregnant now & still nauseous & fatigued. The promethazine pills helps some. I hear Zofran works better. Cereal is the only thing that settles my stomach. Hopefully it subsides around 12-14 weeks. Hang in there & talk to your dr.
  • mamarnett
    mamarnett Posts: 3
    I'm merely 6 weeks and am sick all day. I bought some candied ginger to nibble on and it's lessened the blow. I also eat whole wheat saltines with peanut butter or almonds for a snack.
  • jadimasi79
    jadimasi79 Posts: 27 Member
    Unfortunately, with my first pregnancy I was nauseated all nine months. This time around it got better around week 14. Ginger tea and ginger candy were life savers for me getting through the work day and commuting!
    BTW, ginger tea is super easy to make at home instead of buying at the store.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I never actually puked, but was nauseous until 14 weeks with both my girls. With my son I think I felt a bit rough for about 2 weeks. I found carbs helped, and fruit salad. Also eating a mint.
  • wendimlee
    wendimlee Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm 6 weeks along and my morning sickness is out of control. I feel nauseous almost all the time, and I can't go near the foods I could tolerate yesterday. I feel like my diet is so atrocious right now, and I'm not tolerating ANY protein well at all. Yesterday I survived on applesauce and a piece of coffee cake. Saltines aren't working, and neither does ginger ale. :(
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    With #1, nausea/vomiting started around 4.5 weeks. I couldn't eat or sleep and it was horrible. After I lost a bunch of weight and had a few weeks of hell, I went on diclectin. Still felt like crap but it allowed me to sleep at night and kind of function. Not as bad by week 20 and I started tapering off the diclectin. by 36 weeks I could make it through the day without being sick.

    With my (missed) miscarriage, I had horrible nausea starting at 7 weeks until the end at 13 weeks.

    With #2, nausea/vomiting started around 5 weeks and I went on diclectin right away. Tapered off around week 20.

    This time I feel like I have bad motion sickness about 80% of the time. Actually being in a vehicle is horrible. I hope it doesn't get much worse than this for a bit because we move in a week!

    The only thing I found that helped was rest, not getting hungry and not being the one to cook.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    With #1 - 18 weeks (severe)
    With #2 - 12 weeks (mild)
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    It started around 6 weeks and lasted until about 19 weeks. I threw up at least once a day for that time period. :-(

    It's different for every person and every pregnancy. Everyone told me it would get better after 10 weeks, then 12 weeks, then 14 weeks, then 15 weeks FOR SURE....I gave up hoping it would get better around then. Around 19 weeks I remember having my first morning where I didn't throw up...and then the next day I didn't throw up AGAIN and I was like, "don't jinx it by getting too excited!" And then a week later I finally let myself believe that it was over.

    ETA: I should add that the NAUSEA never fully went away, but it got a lot better and the throwing up stopped at 19 weeks.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Started feeling dizzy/ of my first pregnancy indicators. Pretty much immediately after confirmation the daily vomiting started, several times throughout the day and dry heaving. Lasted up until about 15.5 weeks for me, I was expecting it to taper off sooner.