July Role Call - Introduce yourself for July



  • whitneyh83
    whitneyh83 Posts: 14 Member
    I just joined and wanted to say hi.

    Name or Nickname: Whitney
    Why are you on mfp: I was down to my ideal weight a few years ago then gained 40 pounds and am right back up to my highest weight. I had a baby in February and I've managed to get the baby weight off, now it's time to get back down. I like the accountability of tracking and groups like these.

    Who or what motivates you: Fitting back in my skinny clothes and being fit and healthy

    Favorite thing about July: Probably the fireworks shows
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I just joined this group too. My name is Meredith. I am on mfp to give a focus to my health goals. I don't exercise consistently and I'd like to lose 15 pounds. I have been gaining and gaining weight so just stopping that trend would be awesome. :grumble: I weigh the most I ever have in my life (including my pregnancies).

    Setting goals and having public accountability motivates me. I'm with Whitney - feeling comfortable in my smaller clothes would be WONDERFUL!

    Favorite thing about July: lighter traffic since I live in the Washington DC area and drive a lot.

    I'm excited to figure out how the group operates. :smile:
  • liferunner259
    Hi. New to the group. My name is Laurie. I'm trying to loose 15lbs. Been trying since - February! I can do it cause I've done it before. Struggling with motivation to stop eating the junk food. The "accountability" piece worked for me in Weight Watchers. Hopefully, I can do this. My goal for the week - 1.5 lbs, drink lots of water (at least 48oz.) every day this week and get in 10,000 steps a day. So far today, I'm half way to the water goal, and 75% of the way to the steps. The pounds: not so much.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Laurie, Meredith, Whitney, and Farrah/Holly. I know I said Hi on the regular posts, but saying it here as well! Hope to keep seeing you guys posting. It's nice to have all the new conversations, questions, and ideas that you bring. :)
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    Name or Nickname:
    Why are you on mfp:
    Who or what motivates you:
    Favorite thing about July:

    I'm on MFP because I need a fitness pal :) ha ha. Starting in February of this year I started losing weight, fell off the wagon and gained, got back on the wagon and started losing again, fell off the wagon and gained....you get the idea. I signed up to MFP back in March, I wanna say, but haven't really used it since the end of last month. I also keep a written food journal (because I'm a dork like that). I like that I am "meeting" new people, and everyone is SO supportive which is definitely what I need. It helps keep me motivated, accountable, and it's nice to be able to do the same for others. I know that I am not the only one struggling with weight issues, but I feel so much better that I can talk to others that are going through similar experiences. And because it's free...I'd been paying for weight watchers, which I would yo-yo on and off the wagon.

    My kiddos motivate me, my hubby motivates me, and my patients motivate me. How can I be an overweight, unhealthy nurse, giving patients advice about diet and exercise? I feel like a hypocrite, and that I am just a liar.

    My favorite thing about July is all of the birthdays in my family...which means lots of friends and family time! :smile:
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Name: Rachel
    Why are you on mfp: I've been on MFP for a few months, but not actively tracking. I'm a binge eater and losing weight has always been difficult.
    Who or what motivates you: right now, I'm pre-op appendectomy, so my current motivation is shrinking my liver for a safer surgery.
    Favorite thing about July: getting on my kayak!
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Better late than never... My name is Shan! I'm 30 years old and currently at my highest weight in 10 years, 192lbs. Starting a new career in August ( I will be a guidance/school counselor!!!) and I want look good when I do! I'm determined to get out if these 16s by August! I really want to make lifestyle changes to reach my ultimate goal of 165. I definitely need to be held accountable! Excited to be a part of the group!!!!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Lisa, Rachel and Shan. Glad you have jumped right into posting and I look forward to 'talking' to you and 'hearing' from you more!
  • Jened13
    Jened13 Posts: 29 Member
    Name or Nickname: Jennifer (Jen)

    Why are you on mfp: I am here to change my life. I welcomed the most amazing daughter last November and I don't want to be the fat mom. I never want to be restricted by what I can do with her, and I never want her to feel as though things are out of reach. By facing my fears and tackling my issues, I can be the best role model for her.

    Who or what motivates you: My daughter

    Favorite thing about July: My birthday :)

    Please feel free to friend request me. I need to feel accountable to more than myself right now. Good luck everyone!!!!
  • Mazel78
    Mazel78 Posts: 13 Member
    Name: Mandy

    Why am I on MFP? I'm here because it is the best way I have found to keep myself accountable. I have done MFP off and on for a long time. I started losing, this time, in June of 2013. It's been a very curvy road, but I've never given up. I've lost lots of weight twice before and always put it all back on plus some. I'm working this time on slow changes, eating better and moving more. I have no specific plan as I've found I've failed at all of them in the past once I stop using them. I'm focusing on living and shedding pounds in the process. To date I am down 53 pounds. I have 91 pounds to go to reach my goal. Ideally if I could lose 50 more pounds this year (by June 2015), I would be ecstatic!

    Who or what motivates me? My son. I am a single mom and he is about to turn 15. I feel like I have missed out on so much because I let my weight hold me back. I want to make these last years of him being home count. And I realize the possibility that in 4 short years he may go off to school and I will be here, just me. I don't want to sit at home sulking, I want to get out and enjoy this life God gave me.

    My favorite thing about July? Usually it would be the time off from work and enjoying spending it with my son. This year however it is the fact that I finally get to start a full time job on Monday! I have been working part time teaching and searching for a full time job for 4 years! :)
  • rcksiren21
    rcksiren21 Posts: 23 Member
    Rcksiren21 or you can just call me Heather and i joined MFP after a recommendation from my coworker as a way to help keep me accountable. I have hit my highest weight and with old injuries acting up I was having trouble just standing up after an hour or 2 sitting at work. Currently I just want to get under 200 so a little over 60 lbs. Unfortunately July is not my favorite month I hate the heat and the bugs where I like to walk are crazy in July and August. Just looking for a bit of support since I don't really have any friends or family who are in the same boat.

  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Jen, Mandy, and Heather! Please, jump right in to our daily posts! :)
  • kms2072
    kms2072 Posts: 55
    Hi, my name is Kelli. I joined MFP after a friend told me about it and how easy it was to track food, which I agree with. I am of course, like most people, here looking to lose weight. My weight has been up and down and up and down for the last several years. Really want to stick with the down part. Haha. Hoping to get some support and motivation from others.

    What motivates me is my son and my desire to feel healthier. I want to feel comfortable with myself again. I also want to learn better eating habits.

    What I like most about July is it brings me that much closer to football season starting! :-)

    Looking forward to connecting with you all.
  • Daydreamangel
    Daydreamangel Posts: 127 Member
    Hey everyone, I am Cathy. I am on mfp because it's a great way to track food intake and activity, which helps me to stay on track for my weight loss journey. I am motivated by health and my family. I want to lose 25 pounds by December, not just to look good but also feel good. I need to leave my sedentary lifestyle behind.
    I am not a huge fan of July tbh other than the time off from work, I prefer colder weather. Can't wait till October!
  • rebeccaeversole33
    I am Rebecca and joined MFP to keep a close, accurate eye on the nutrients I take in.
    I am a marathoner, who suffers from major depression, anxiety, PTSD, and Agoraphobia.
    My two main goals is to make sure I'm getting ALL my daily nutrients and strength training every day to pack on some muscle. I am a twig and I just FEEL unhealthy. My therapist suggested I get Ensure so I can make sure I'm getting enough. I don't want to do that. Its a cop-out. I need to feed myself healthy, nutritious food.

    I know a lot of you can relate to my depression, anxiety and PTSD. Some of you may even relate to my Agoraphobia. I am here to show my depression that it doesn't get control me anymore. Hard to do, huh? But not impossible.
  • kimmy1020
    kimmy1020 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I know its a little late in July, and I probably could have waited until August for roll call, but I just thought I would start now, or else I never would.
    My name is Kim and I've been on MFP for quite a while, but I've struggled with losing and gaining weight over and over again each year, which is why I decided to join this group to have others hold me accountable. Typically, I am motivated by the want to be healthy, and like a few others have said...I WANT TO FEEL COMFORTABLE IN MY SKINNY CLOTHES!!! And finally, my favorite thing about July is the beach, but unfortunately my weight is discouraging me from going :(
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome to our group Kelli, Cathy, Rebecca, and Kim! I love seeing so many new faces! :)
  • kms2072
    kms2072 Posts: 55
    Welcome to our group Kelli, Cathy, Rebecca, and Kim! I love seeing so many new faces! :)

    Thank you!