Weekend Warriors! 7/12 - 7/13

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Check IN here over the weekend! Food, Exercise, Water and how are you doing. We can finish off our goals right, and keep positive about it. :smile:


  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, I am ready to fight fat this weekend one meal at a time! I get lean by incorporating a high protein low carb foods into my diet; thus, today I will focus on lean meats, veggies, whole grains, small portion of fruits, nuts, and getting my protein up to a least 100 grams over the weekend. I know we are all capable of doing this. Weekends are meal prep days for me, so I will also be making all my lean meats for next week and putting them into containers. Let's go ladies!! We have cheated enough....
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    I've noticed my protein intake is a bit low with the fat a little high so I appreciate your reminder Texasbeu2y. Time to grill the chicken!!!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Walked 5k this morning in the rain. It was a Color Dash that I signed up for awhile ago. With all the hours and manual labor at work this week I didn't dare try to run. Legs are very sore now.

    Sundays I step on the scale and take measurements. It will be interesting to see what changes there are. I'm going to keep tracking food and paying attention to calories. Need to not lose my momentum over weekend days.

    Texasbeu2y. Weekends are when I plan for Mon through Fri too.

    And welcome Meredith. Glad you jumped right in! :)
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    After yesterday's debacle, I'm making a serious effort to think ahead with my food and exercise choices. I weigh on Mondays, so I have two days to make up for my "poor me" eating of yesterday evening. Yikes.

    I think tomorrow, Sunday, will be my measurement day. I have not taken measurements in years, so this will probably be somewhat depressing. But I have to know where I am to see how far I'm going, right?
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Texas: great reminder about the protein. My mini goal this weekend is to make sure to get enough protein in!
    Meredith- nice to meet you - grilled chicken sounds yummy!
    13- love the motivation sign for today - thanks! I'm impressed with your 5k and all the exercise you get at work, that's for sure.
    Queen- those migraines can be hell- hope you are feeling better and are able to have a healthy weekend .

    As I mentioned to Texas, my mini goal this weekend is protein protein protein!
  • Binglebangle
    Hi all,
    Been a migraine week for me too, am fed up with them...Queen thanks for your message and hope you are feeling better too.
    Everyone seems to be having a more successful week than me, well done everyone and I promise to work harder next week, I definitely haven't earned a halo this week :-(
    I have decided not to weigh or measure myself until the middle of August. I know the 30 day shred is toning me as I can feel/see changes but I know I will get complacent if I see the numbers going down...one more biscuit won't hurt as I've lost...lbs / inches. I will start mixing shred & zumba so my knees don't suffer and hopefully by the time I finish the 30 days I will be happy with the changes and numbers....that's the plan.
    Happy weekend everyone and Texas I love the pep talk you gave xxxx
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I'm trying to make healthy choices here on vacation but I'm finding it rather difficult. For breakfast I had leftover lasagna and an orange, we went out for lunch, they had apple fritters with Apple butter instead of jelly... but it was so good. I had a cup of chicken noodle, and half a chicken salad on a croissant with a side of Mac n cheese. We went to an aquarium so I got some walking in, about 2 miles so far today. We're having steak for dinner and I'm thinking about a walk. Now I need to try to track everything.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    You've done much better than me with exercise! I've been patting myself on the back for 8 minutes of walking on the treadmill. LOL
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Everyone seems to be having a more successful week than me, well done everyone and I promise to work harder next week, I definitely haven't earned a halo this week :-(

    Everyone walks at their own pace. And if you ask my fiance, I'm my own special pace of slow and pokey! No one should feel bad for not doing well. It's better to look at what the challenges were and figure out how to continue on with them. :)

    Though Murphy's law tells me something unexpected always happen - which is why I like planning for the worst. (That means the unexpected is good things, right? maybe? lol)

    Good job everyone for at least coming here and checking in. Most of life is more a mental challenge than physical one. "I think, therefore I am.".
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Weighed in this morning. Pretty much no changes. Gained 0.8lbs, and half an inch on stomach. Lost half an inch on waist and a full inch on thigh.

    Not down about no major changes as I'm still going the right direction in terms of trying to be healthy!

    This morning I'm going to cook eggs and sausage. Then I'm going to walk to help stretch out my sore muscles. Lunch And dinner I don't have planned so could be the downfall to my day if I let it.

    Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    And... I'm adding a photo to today, just cause I can.


    I like this one because when I think about it - why don't I care more about what I eat? I'm not a trash can. I care what I feed birds, what I'm putting on grass, what I'm cleaning my carpets with (don't even like my carpets), and yet sometimes when it comes to food, I'll go for junk or anything. So, I think this concept is something that I personally need to remember.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Thought I was on facebook for a second and tried to "like" your button!
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Today was a much better day! I stayed under my calories, although I didn't exercise. Tomorrow morning I'll weigh and see if the week was a success, weight-wise.
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    This weekend was pretty good. I managed to stay under my calorie limit yesterday, despite going to the beach and not planning my meals ahead of time. Today I had brunch AND baked cupcakes AND watched the World Cup Final with a beer AND for dinner had a super cheesy pastry dish. And still managed to squeeze it all in under 1600 (though had to guess a bit for brunch). Did a fair amount of walking yesterday and woke up early today (by which I mean earlier than I needed to, 9am is hardly early) to do a 30DS session.

    So, not bad.

    I have a lot of stuff in my fridge I need to eat before it goes bad. So I'll be having some odd lunches this week.