Insanity Round 3

HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
So this weekend I completed my third round of Insanity.

I started this one to go through it with a couple of my friends (they needed a motivator) and my sister (also needed a big kick up the rear)

2 of us have finished it - one pulled out with injury - one pulled out being a lazy sod (my sister)

Personally, I hate being beaten at anything so I push myself through it no matter how rubbish I feel or lethargic.

To anyone that does start Insanity I'd say go hard! No matter what!
Don't get beaten by a DVD.

To anyone who has completed Insanity I say well done!
Dedicating the time & effort towards it can be a slog but I'm sure you've seen results!

Time to find my next challenge!

Any recommendations?


  • AznPinkness
    Why don't you try Asylum?
  • HJO1403
    HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
    Its a possibility but since Shaun T has released another workout T25 it makes me wonder what the difference is?
    Have you done Asylum?
  • DominiqueRobinson28
    DominiqueRobinson28 Posts: 107 Member
    I just asked another member on mfp the same question and the response was that with t25 isnt as difficult as insanity but Ive also have head ppl say insanity is easier I guess it depends on the person and their fitness level. T25 was created because Shaun T wanted to create a workout that was just intense as insanity in a shorter amount of time
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    I have both Insanity and T25, I just use one or the other depending on how busy I am that particular day, lately though I've been using t25. They're similar, the t25 doesn't have a long warm up section, it progressively picks up intensity as you go through various moves. It also doesn't have the 30 second water break every three minutes which helps shorten it. I wouldn't say t25 is easier than insanity, they're just set up different.

    Personally I like t25 better just because you do a different work out every day instead of cycling through the same 3 or 4 work outs.
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    I just started insanity and so glad I did. I did T25 and I love it. It is very fast for a mom of 4 that doesn't have a ton of time. I worry about insanity sometimes because of the length but so far so good. I find insanity harder but probably because i did T25 first but if you go hard you will feel it as well. Before insanity T25 was my go to workout even after I finished the first round.