2015 Brides



  • Jenny052715
    Jenny052715 Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on your 14lb loss so far! You can do this. If you're mind is set to it, you can achieve it!
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks! I'm finding at the end of the first month it's easier than I thought it would be. Every other time I've dieted or 'lifestyle changed' it was the gym that did me in. I hate going to the gym, it bores me to tears. Eventually I'd slack off, and I'd say 'Oh! Failed my diet' and that'd be that. This time I'm just doing walking, yoga, etc. - things I like to do. My real focus is on the food, and it's going great!
  • Jenny052715
    Jenny052715 Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! Make it an amazing day! You can do this!
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    congratulations to you all im getting married 7th august 2015 im wanting to lose weight havent got my dress yet but booked ceremoney and venue we having lo key wedding due to finances and me going back to college to train as a chef
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    I need some motivation and inspiration. All this wedding stress is making me depressed.
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    I need some motivation and inspiration. All this wedding stress is making me depressed.

    from what i see you doing well on your weightloss congrats on getting married take one day at a time how long till big day
    when i feel stressed i go out for a long walk to clear my head

    go for a massage or body wrap once a month some sort of pampering
  • ellebelle062615
    ellebelle062615 Posts: 12 Member
    June 2015 for me! We're going dress shopping this fall, and I am so stressed about the dress. I want a backless, cap sleeved gown and I'm stressing about my arms.
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    I have 14 months to go. So far the 16Ws are loose but not enough to wear only 16s. Big test is at my sister's wedding in a few weeks. I ordered a 14 and a 16 from Rent The Runway.

    My dress is already 1 size too big on top while perfect around the hips. Hopefully, I can go down more.

    Nevertheless it is stressful because of work, school, and planning.
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    it is very stressful planing a wedding and trying to work and fit family time and excercise in can all be stressful
    i find when i get stressed i go for a walk which has been alot lately i promised myself if i lose more weight by end of june im treating myself as a present to me cos i deserve it so pampering will do lol
  • Jenny052715
    Jenny052715 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not going to stress. My wedding/reception is for me and my soon to be husband. Weddings shouldn't be about stress. I have just made that my mindset. I want to enjoy our day together, not worry about everything.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I'm not going to stress. My wedding/reception is for me and my soon to be husband. Weddings shouldn't be about stress. I have just made that my mindset. I want to enjoy our day together, not worry about everything.

    This was exactly my mindset & it was the perfect day!! x
  • minwow
    minwow Posts: 5
    Congratualtions ladies!

    My wedding will be March 14, 2013- well my family wedding...
    We will be staying with 18 family members at a villa here in Oahu and I want to be crazy fit in my bikini in all those photos!

    Our legal ceremony will be in October on Maui - I am Canadian and my fiance is American so it's for visa purposes that we have to marry so soon.

    Im looking for other brides who are looking to lift weights to tone up and get bikini/dress ready.

    add me as a friend!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I got engaged on Memorial Day this year. Our wedding is 6/9/15 in Florida but we r going to be staying in a beach house with our closest family and friends all week from 6/6-6/13 then Jamaica from 6/13-6/20. I have to meet my goals and look good in a bathing suit by then!!!
  • cytrynkamotylek
    cytrynkamotylek Posts: 15 Member
    Got engaged last month. The wedding will be in August, 2015. I'm working on losing these last pounds and - what is the hardest part for me - maintain my ideal weight. It's easy for me to lose but even easier to gain it back... :(
  • Buffy_the_Bride
    Buffy_the_Bride Posts: 7 Member
    Ours is for financial reasons as well, we were planning for next summer too, but then decided to do it in December because wedding venues are sometimes half the cost in that month! :blushing:

    I'm also excited that I have a year and a half-ish to lose the rest of this weight, or at least as much of it as possible.

    The only thing I'm scared about it the dress! I don't plan to spend a lot on it or anything (dress budget: $300), but I don't want to have to have it altered more than once. BUT I want to keep losing weight until the wedding. Yikes.

    I'm sure that many of you can relate to that!
  • ahowie86
    ahowie86 Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats to all! I am getting married in June 2015. I have known since February that my wedding would be next year, but for some reason I am still struggling to kick it into gear! I hope to lose about 50 pounds before the wedding and after seeing some of our engagement pictures this weekend I got a little more motivation. I want to be healthy and look great at my wedding!

    I'm hoping for some support and motivation from my fellow 2015 brides! Lets do this! :)

    How did you get your butt in gear and dedicate yourself to losing?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • cytrynkamotylek
    cytrynkamotylek Posts: 15 Member

    How did you get your butt in gear and dedicate yourself to losing?

    Honestly? Getting engaged was the motivation itself. I changed the day I said "yes". I'm really really motivated to lose those last pounds and to maintain that weight. Not only for the wedding - but for life.
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    Just got engaged last month - wedding set for Summer 2016. Yeah, I know this is a 2015 thread, but I can relate to all of you. We're putting it off for a multitude of reasons - financial for sure, and waiting for me to get out of school (getting married will wreak havoc on my financial aid), and I want to lose 70-80 lbs. We're also an "older" couple - I turn 36 this Sunday and he'll be 35 in September. I've waited my whole life for him, so another 2 years isn't a big deal.

    We want an epic 2-3 week honeymoon and couldn't care less about the ceremony, but we're coming to the realization that some sort of ceremony for our families is required. I'm my mother's only child, and she is desperate to take me dress shopping. No pressure, of course. LOL.

    To lose weight, right now I'm focusing on small things: tracking what I eat and staying under my calorie goal, making an effort to MOVE everyday even if it's just hula hooping in the living room during a commercial break, no alcohol during the week. I'm seeing some progress already. I anticipating adding in bigger changes - maybe going low-carb and trying to get to they gym multiple times per week - but right now I'm starting small so I don't get overwhelmed.
  • Hi Ladies,

    Congrats to you all, I'm getting married 12.09.2015 :-D. I'm hoping to lose around 80lbs, so far 15lb down since 09.06.14.
    Please feel free to add me xx
  • Chelsaisacat
    Chelsaisacat Posts: 119 Member
    Just got engaged two weeks ago! I am absolutely ecstatic! (I have been on MFP for four weeks.) I've lost 9 pounds so far and would like to lose 30 more as I'm looking to elope on a beach in Thailand, in late 2015, early 2016. We haven't locked down a date since it's just our schedule we're worrying about. I want to feel sexy and confident and not be the girl falling out of her bikini in all the wrong places. I am also booking a bridal boudoir photo shoot in 2015 as serious motivation to get a nice *kitten* ;) I'm looking to stay motivated and accountable with the support of other brides-to-be. Feel free to add me so we can keep tabs on each other and be excited over wedding planning.