Best Pace Question

Ms_J1 Posts: 253 Member
Can someone explain to me why my "best pace" for each of the 100s is different from my time for each 100? I thought that if I swim a 100, my pace would be the time it took me to swim that 100. If I only swim one 100 interval, then wouldn't my time for that one 100 interval be the same as my "best pace" for that interval?


  • conniekat8
    conniekat8 Posts: 64 Member
    Your efficiency and speed will vary during the 100. Maybe we start off slower then finishing, or the middle is stronger, or we have a few awkward strokes and slow down somewhere along the way, or have awkward flip turn... Best pace is the part of the swim where you were in the groove the most, went the fastest, those few strokes where everything came together.

    Once you know what it is, you can do it deliberately.

    Pacing really comes into play during longer swims, 400's and higher for sure. You can pace yourself even during the 200 - that's per lap pace, but it can be broken down into a smaller elements.