What Is The Goal

I pose the question: What is the goal? or more specific what is your goal? To lose weight? To lose fat? To fit in a size 5? To have a flat stomach? Again, what is the goal? I ask the question because most of the time the goals for most people is similar to wedding plans. We plan the wedding dress, the bride's maids, the church or venue but we miss the whole point of the wedding... Marriage. All this planning and preparation for a 20 minute ceremony while all the while missing the true purpose of the ceremony; the marriage, the agreement to spend the rest of your entire life with a person that will not share every view, every opinion, every mood, every feeling or every thought that you have simply because you have not set your marriage goals. So it fails.

Same with our Fitness Goals. We need to understand the difference between planning our wedding (our short-term goal) and planning our marriage (our long-term goals). What are you going to do after you reach your desired weight? What are you going to do after you can fit into the dress? What are you going to do after you run that 5K or 10K? What is your goal? Do you have a plan?

We always use the cliché , "It's a Life Style" but have only plan to the point of the first milestone in our lives then we fall back into what we know or have always done.

I propose that we begin to plan our Life. Instead of setting goals lose weight or be as certain size we set goals to be fit and live healthy life. Instead of setting the goal run a 5K or 10K be set the goal to be runners and joggers for life. We need to start setting long term goals that span decades not months or years. We need to think I want to run 30 minutes a day for the rest of my lift. I want to run three 10K a year for the rest of my life. I want to do extreme workouts everyday for the rest of my life. These are the thought processes that we need to adopt.

My goal is to be better than I was before... better, stronger, faster... for the rest of my life.


  • AndraSay65
    AndraSay65 Posts: 23 Member
    What is the goal? Why do so many individuals, myself included, miss the goal? Why, we have already won the game before we played! Yes, in our minds, or other individual's minds that we let consume our own minds, we already see that we have won. We have the celebration, the victory, the peacock walk or strut. Yet, most of us forget that a peacock isn't born strutting and those pretty feathers, they are on display for these birds for their entire life. ENTIRE LIFE, no matter how long or short. So it becomes more than justing winning the game, we need to learn how to play, the rules to playing, obeying those rules, and then accepting that win (or lose as others would have you think) it is a win if you played AND played the best you could.

    The first rules have to be the one's the Lord puts in your spirit for you, not for anyone else! Then the next rules have to come from preparing and using your mind to begin to build and execute the plays. This is a lifetime game, not over in one day, or several weeks, or two years. As you read rmwoodfolk' s posting of 'What Is The Goal' reflect what is written there! Reflect what is written here! Reflect what goals you have set, see if they are inline with your vision or mission. REMEMBER, if your mind isn't setting goals, and working to achieve them, then you have LOST the game before the first play ever begins! Here is to a winning season for the rest of our lives!