Motivation Monday 7/14 - Set this Week's Goals!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Happy Monday! Time to continue with a new week!

How'd you do on last week's goals? - Where were your challenges, where were your successes?
What's your goal for this week?


  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    HollyGolightly - Good job on staying within calorie limits on Sunday! To me, weekends are the hardest times to stay in.

    Queendebor - Hopefully you won't have any migraines this week.

    Binglebangle - I think it's great you are seeing results from the 30day shred! No need to weigh yourself if it's not needed.

    Seehe, Mere14, and Texasbeu2y - How'd the protein over the weekend go? I know you all has protein goals for the two days.

    Kashass - Have a good vacation! :)

    Last week - I tracked everyday but Friday night. So not a 100% hit on that part of my goal. I did stretch everyday, but mostly because I had to. My ankles, knees, and hip-flexors are all hurting today... I do think I went easy on myself but that's because of work. My highlight is I still did my 5k on Saturday, walked it in 50 minutes in the rain. And I did another 2.5 miles Sunday -walked them in an hour. If you do that math on that, it's not the greatest of paces.

    This week: I want to stop buying my breakfast from the gas-station! I also want to eat at least 1 fresh fruit AND veggie a day. Right now most of my meals are pre-packaged or processed foods, which aren't horrible but I know I'm lacking in the produce section.

    I also want to re-lose that pound I gained last week. Gaining that lb isn't a big deal to me as 1lb could easily be water, bloat, whatever, BUT I still want it gone again. :) This isn't a goal though, just a want.
  • aparajita308
    this week i plan on being myself and be 71.5kg
  • whitneyh83
    whitneyh83 Posts: 14 Member
    This is my first time setting a goal for the week, I want to get plenty of exercise, I hope to go for a walk every day and hopefully do a few video workouts as well.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Whitneyh83 - Walking everyday sounds great.

    Aparajita308 - I assume you are maintaining? Goals are just a way we can make or break habits we want or don't want. :)

    Today, my veggie was mushrooms and broccoli and my fruit banana. I did buy my breakfast from the gas station this morning, but I'm going to go to the store tonight no matter what time I get out of work and find something that works well as easy to eat (yogurt, toast, meal-replacement bar)!

    I'm under a lot of stress because my fiancé and I are trying to buy a house. We are into the last hours and nothing seems to be going smoothly. Last minute anything is so difficult to handle.
  • liferunner259
    Just joined the group today. Is this where I check in with weight? etc.? My name is Laurie. I joined Weight Watchers in '06. Lost 35 pounds. I left in '08 - gained 20lbs back. Returned in 2010 - lost the 20. Left again in 2012 - gained the 20 back. The leader retired so I tried on line. Didn't help, even though I was paying for it. Just didn't feel like anyone really cared. No real sense of accountability.

    When I started WW I started running to help with the weight loss. Running became my main motivation for loosing. Lately, the hips have been giving me grief. So I'm going to either resort to walking or cycling. Probably be the latter, since my hubby and I just got new bikes.

    So my weight today was 150. Goal for the week: avoid junk food and drink at least 48oz. of water a day.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I'm still in Tennessee, heading back to Ky and on the road. It's been a nice trip so far. Yesterday morning we went horseback riding in the mountains. Very beautiful. Last night we went to a place called wonder works... I climed up a wall and balanced on ropes walking up high in the air. It was very physical and fun. I saw a few people get turned away for their weight on the horses (had to be less than 230 lbs) we even got weighed at the stuff at the park. I was just glad I wasn't too fat. Good reason to live a healthy lifestyle. I won't be home to Indiana till Tuesday, and I'm not sure what time. I plan on eating healthy the rest of the week and running Wednesday and Friday to finish off the week. My goal of losing 10 lbs by my birthday is prolly not gonna happen but I will keep moving forward and working harder.
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    Here are my goals for the week: 1) two classes of Orange Theory, 2) doing my trainer's recommended exercise program twice, and 3) log all my food intake - the good, the bad and the ugly.

    I've just started back with logging food and am always amazed at how much more conscious I become of my eating - no more mindless grazing is helpful to weight loss for sure.

    I was able to increase my protein over the weekend - easier then with a hubby who likes to grill.

    What are people's favorite low fat sources of protein?

    My recent go to is plain greek yogurt with fresh berries and NuNaturals liquid Vanilla Stevia drops.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I'm very motivated this week! I weighed in before going to lunch with a friend today. Smart girl, I am! I lost 1.2 lbs last week for a total of 5.6 lbs over the past two weeks. It's not showing up on my counter yet, because when I started originally, I weighed five pounds less than when I started over two weeks ago, and I swore I wasn't going to change my beginning weight! I'm now almost where I started, so from now on, it should show on my counter.

    My goals this week are to drink 8 glasses of water, since I didn't manage that once all week.

    Also, I am going to exercise at least 4 days this week, even if it's for ten minutes. Just to build the habit. Hopefully my head cooperates - I'm much more likely to get moving if my head isn't throbbing.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, Laurie! I just restarted two weeks ago. The calorie counting and nutrition is very similar to Weight Watchers, but free and there's a good chance to build support on the groups and boards.

    I have been so much more aware of what I'm eating since I restarted two weeks ago. I also am far more aware of how much sugar I consume, and how little protein and calcium I've been getting lately.

    I have arthritis in my hips, knees, and ankle, so I stick to walking, stationary bike, and swimming when I get the chance. I'll throw in a little circuit training when I build up my stamina a little bit. I think biking is a great idea, especially if you have a shiny new bike!

    You can do it!
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello queendebor - I am all about building the habit of exercise too. I like your idea of small, consistent sessions.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Did very good on Saturday, but Sunday not so much. My protein intake is higher, but my carb intake is still too high for my likes. This week is all about lowering simple carbs. I have been eating chocolate everyday and this week I will have no chocolate days. My workout and water intake is on point. Tonight is pizza night, and the goal is to eat just two slices.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    My goal is to continue eating clean this week and drinking more water! Water is so tasteless but soo good! I curse you little debbie!
  • akwhite82
    akwhite82 Posts: 7
    Hey Everyone, I did so good last week until this weekend. I was staying in my calories, I was walking 3 miles a day. Then we went to the local beach and had a grill out with friends and it's like it all went down hill from there. I ate way to much just MEAT from the grilling, I still did my 3 miles of walking that day, but then Sunday, I snacked and ate fast food, and didn't do my walking. I am afraid to step on the scale to see if it made me go up in weight.

    So this week, I am hoping to do GREAT, even through weekend, however, I think it will be hard Saturday since my son's birthday party. Just gotta say NO, to the cake :)

    I hope to stay within my calories this week, and continue to do my walking of 3 miles a day and drinking my 5 bottles of 16.9 oz water. . Maybe soon, I can increase that to 3.5 miles a day. I am this close to my mini goal of weight . I just wanna see the 160's I don't care if the scale says 169.8 hahaha . Well guys WISH ME LUCK!!!!