Food Choice Friday 7/11 - Check IN!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Why start something tomorrow, when we can start today? So, Themes are On! :)


Define Healthy? Emphasize Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Diary, Meats - and try to stay lower in Saturated Fats, Trans Fats, Cholesterol, Salt (sodium), and added Sugars. And also important: being balanced in what we eat - not far too much , not too little.

Not all calories are equal in what they do to and for us. :noway: Hard to believe, huh? As a number's person, it's hard for me anyway. But, we are a biological system (surprise!), and like all living things we need the right nutrition to do well. There's a number of theories out there. You can decide how you are personally eating 'healthy'. I'm going to be posting info each Friday about vitamins, minerals, or specific food choices and the affect of them in our bodies as a reminder for us to eat well however we chose to do so. :smile:

Also, of course, Check in exercise & water - as well as how you are doing. :)


  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    I'll be having a Boston Kreme doughnut with my Dunkin' coffee tomorrow morning, and an egg/cheese/turkey bacon sandwich for lunch :/

    I'll be squeezing in some arugula and watermelon, but definitely not one of my better days. I really need to get in more fiber and protein. I find, though, that I can only get enough of one or the other since I refuse to give up dessert, and it just won't all fit into 1550 calories.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    My food choices today in terms of the healthy scale, aren't bad but are not the greatest either. A number of processed foods, grab in go or packaged, vs fresh or prepared.

    I do take a multivitamin (GNC Women's Ultra-Mega Energy and Metabolism). 1 serving size is 2 capsules, so I take one in the morning and one in the afternoon since I know the body can't absorb a 100% of a vitamin/mineral at once. This version of multivitamin supply's more of the soluble B vitamins which need to be replenished daily and it does have some caffeine (equal to a cup of coffee), so it reduces my craving for caffeine when I get tired.

    That all being said. Not convinced a multivitamin is all the 'healthy' I want to go for. Yeah, it's a great backup plan for me when I have days I won't be able to hit a specific vitamin, but I want to try to get vitamins and minerals from the original sources vs having a lab get them for me.

    My long term goal is to learn like 'healthy' foods. I love carbs, sugar, and salt. Greens? Not so much. Uncooked anything - no. So slowly, I'm changing what I eat and finding things I like that fit with where I want to go.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Good morning! I'm in Kentucky right now and in the car on my way to gatlinburg, TN. For breakfast I had yogurt and waffles. No lunch so far but I'm sure it will be on the road. I did a little yoga/stretching this morning. Six hours in the car was hard yesterday. Just glad I get to spend time with my family.

    I didn't check in yesterday but I think I did pretty good food wise. I didn't get around to tracking my dinner so I'm not sure if I was within calories. We had cracker barrel for dinner. No exercise but i did manage 6,480 steps yesterday. Not a bad lazy day.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I went to drink one of those prepared Mocha Frappuccino (glass bottle) Starbucks thing - took two sips and dumped it down the sink. Turns out, I no longer like the taste! Who knew!? This is awesome. I use to really like those things (sweet, caffeine, chocolate) but now. Nope. Not good to the point I didn't think twice about dumping it!

    Holly - Some fruits and veggies are better than none. And I say this as someone who some days has none... Hope your day has gone well.

    Kashaa - Wow, those are long drives! Traveling and healthy can be difficult I think. Different regions have different food choices and I do not always do the best with picking - however it's only one day. Hope the trip was a good one.
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    13: I know what you mean about sweet drinks. I drink my coffee with milk only. Sometimes at Dunkin Donuts they mishear me and add sugar and I have to throw it out. Way too sweet. If I do put sugar in my coffee, it's like a treat, and a tsp is enough.
  • whitneyh83
    whitneyh83 Posts: 14 Member
    I really struggle with eating healthy foods. So my current plan is to limit my calories and add workouts in, once I get that down I'll work on eating cleaner. I'm also nursing my baby so I need more calories than what it shows for me.

    I hope everyone had a great day!
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Definitely not a day where I ate "clean". I had two sandwiches on whole grain bread with spring salad and processed Hormel deli turkey slices. For dinner it was worst I ate 9 breaded shrimp with fries. I drank 10 cups of water throughout the day and got a 45 minute cardio workout this morning. If I ate "clean" all the time I would be so fit. Well, today is almost gone so I'm focused on this weekend warrior challenge.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Today was a mixed day for me. Had to grab a cliff bar for breakfast on the way out the door this morning, had a side Caesar and half a lasagne with meat for lunch ( turned down a rich pasta dish my hubby wanted to share as well as no gelato ), had a Greek yogurt and quino chips and salsa for a snack, and ate the other half of the lasagne for dinner , and got in 9 glasses of water so far.
    Not too bad , but needed more protein to make it a better day.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I'm a day late, but better late than never, I guess. The day started off well, with three glasses of water by mid-morning. However, after running errands for several hours in the Florida heat and glare, I developed a fairly "good" migraine headache. Spent the afternoon and evening just waiting for bedtime. In the process, I reached for the comfort food (avoided migraine trigger foods, but that doesn't mean they were healthy or low-calorie). Blew the entire day away in about a half hour.

    Saturday is a new day. So far, so good.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Every one should try to remember, Just because you can make it under your cal goal doesn't mean they were good cals to eat. If you have 500 cal left you shouldn't go eat a double cheese burger. Even though technically you would still end up under your cals. Processed foods are not good for your body regardless. Try eating those cals with HEALTHY foods. This will then deter cravings and snacking. When you get hungry drink some water first. This will help you from eating more than you should. So try your best to make sure your eating properly and keep your expectations with in reason as a result of you making choices such as eating desserts and drinking sugary drinks. :)
    Hope some of this info helped some of you out there. We are always here to help.
    FitCoach Shawn