New and introducing myself - long and detailed

gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
I'm Gigi, 51 and new to these support forums. I recently read a good article on behavior modification for weight loss, and they stressed the need to track what you eat and have an active support group. My 2 best friends are model thin, and my husband is fit, so I don't have a local group that has the same weight issues that I do. These forums seem like a good place to find like minded people. I'm especially interested in this group for women over 50, because my weight seems to have gone out of control once I hit 50.

I have had to watch my weight my entire life. When I was in my 20s and 30s I was where I wanted to be with a BMI of 22-23. Of course I always wanted to lose 5 more pounds, but I felt good and looked good. I was very active - ran 6 marathons, lots of half marathons and at least a 10k race every month. Also worked out in martial arts 3-4 times per week. Yes, that was before kids :-)

I was a late bloomer, but I married, moved and had kids and life was different. My weight started slowly increasing in my 40s. I no longer had my running group of friends, and live in a rural area now and have looked, but there are NO local running groups. With the kids there are always birthdays, parties, celebrations that involved lots and lots of sugar and lovely homemade desserts. I'm fairly active, but don't do the many hours of running and cardio that had always kept my weight down. Plus I'm older and the metabolism is slowing.

Then I hit 50. I was so tired of dieting my entire life, I just felt rebellious and stopped watching what I ate for almost year. I didn't go crazy binging or anything like that. But I had ice cream with the kids. I baked more. I had 2 or 3 fabulous homemade desserts at the many potlucks I went to. I started having an evening glass of wine or 2. I bought chocolate for all the holidays - valentines, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Nothing extreme, but all those little indulgences seemed to change my metabolism and I stopped getting on the scale. Or even looking in the mirror because I didn't like the way I looked. My sister gave me her old jeans so I had some clothes that would fit.

When the warm weather came this year, I found that NONE of my shorts or summer clothes fit. I couldn't begin to button my huge "fat shorts". The real shocker was that my shirts didn't fit - too tight in the chest and pinching my arms. What!??! I've never gained so much weight that my SHIRTS didn't fit! Couldn't wear my dressy black jacket to a funeral because my arms were too big! Then one day walking down the street I caught sight of myself in the mirrored windows and saw that my belly was jiggling as I walked. I was mortified.

I got on the scale and found out I gained 25 pounds in about 6 months. That's gaining a pound a week!! If I gained just a couple more pounds I would have an officially obese BMI of 30.

I was in denial. I'm not any more. More importantly, I'm now "ready" to diet. I've been dieting for a couple months now, but am very discouraged how hard it is to lose weight at 51. Previously, if I just dieted and upped the exercise, the weight would slowly, but surely come off. Now I've stopped gaining, but losing weight isn't happening. It's depressing.

So I'd like to lose 25 pounds to get back to a BMI of just under 25. Longer term, it would be nice to lose 40 pounds and go back to a BMI of 22, but not holding my breath on that one.

Some of this might be familiar to you other 50+ women. If you can relate, consider being my friends to help support me. I'll support you as well. I'm really committed now, I just need to lose a little weight to get some momentum going, and some friends to encourage me when I'm going through a rough patch.

thanks for reading this far!

PS - I'm also posting this in the Warrior Women group.


  • blue_turtle
    blue_turtle Posts: 9 Member
    We're already friends, so you know you have my support :flowerforyou:

    I can relate to what you're saying! But since joining MFP last October, something clicked for me. I stopped thinking of this as dieting -- because when I hear that word, to my ears it sounds way too much like "deprivation".

    Now I think of it more like a checking account. In fact, my favorite new motto for myself is "do the math".

    MFP and the food diary help me know what my balance is at any given time. Some days I have room for ice cream. Other days I may not -- so if I really want that chocolate dipped cone, I either I find a way to grow my balance (i.e. earning calories thru exercise) OR I just wait to have that ice cream another day when I do have room.

    Hope this helps! Hang in there -- you can do this!
  • gogigi333
    gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks Blue!

    You're right, I know that I need to work on my mindset because sometimes when I've been dieting a while I feel NOBLE but deprived. I need to turn that around so I feel good about it, not like I'm missing out on something. I like your checking account idea, and the MFP tracker should help me with that.
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Ditto to both of you gals. It really is a life change not a diet. Making life changes is all about keeping the head in the game and the body following.
    You are here now, write it down and treat yourself well.
    Thanks for sharing about the checking account. I have been at a standstill having lost 14 pounds and now it's as if I am in maintenance.
    The bank was overdrawn lol!
    I did make a decision not to weigh in until the first of September (because of the mind thing) and feel great. Can not wait to see less in September.
    Just know you are at a good place having made the decision to sign up and do what needs done.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Hi Gigi
    Know what u mean. The metabolism has definitely slowed. The "check in" and counting everything works much better for me than guessing and keeps me honest. I also have a fitbit which feels like a constant encouragement to do one more set stairs. Walk for something will happen. Feel free tad me as a friend
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Hi Gigi! My name is Connie and it's great to have you with us! I'm 58 and boy does it ever get harder to lose when you are in your 50's! I've fought with my weight all my adult life so it's nothing new but something has clicked with me this time and it's slowly coming off. Logging in your food is the best thing you can do and I love how easy it is on MFP. The checking account idea is a good one. I hadn't thought about it that way but I like that! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend also.
  • Namasteforever
    Namasteforever Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies! Im a newbie, just joined. I am 56 years old and struggling with weight loss. Need some reicpe ideas, and exercise suggestions. Is there a site where I can find recipes? Thanks for any help and encouragment.
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    There is a recipe section on the Community boards that you can check out. As for exercise....I do alot of walking inside and out. I use the Leslie Sansone DVD's when I don't feel like walking outside or if the weather is bad. As long as you move every day it definitely helps with the weight loss. Good luck! I'm Connie, by the way...welcome to the group!