Is it ok to stay 85% fat long term?

kristafb Posts: 770 Member
Ok so it seems that I only lose weight if I keep my macros at 5% carb, 10% protein & 85% fat. I try to put my protein at 15% and then I play with the same 1-2 lbs over & over. super frustrating!

I worry about not getting enough protein and haven't quite figured out how to find what amount of protein my body requires. Do you go by your current weight? or your lean body mass? to figure out protein requirements? I don't work out a crazy amount, walk daily & gym twice a week, no heavy lifting. Right now I weigh 226 & would like to get to 160-170, a good weight for me.

I've been ketoing since March 1st & have lost about 25 lbs but its been really slow the last few months except when I first dropped back to 85% (lost 4lbs that week)

Any advise is much appreciated.


  • MzSmythe
    MzSmythe Posts: 32 Member
    I've never tried with that macro before, so i'll leave it to someone with more knowledge to comment on that aspect!

    However - re: protein requirements - you would figure it out based on your LEAN muscle mass and go for around 0.8g protein per lb of lean mass. If you're doing a lot of training, you'll probably need to up this to around 1g per lb to ensure you aren't accidentally cannibalising your muscles. If you're lazy (like me) 0.8g is fairly easy to achieve.

    Also - have you thought about perhaps adjusting your carb level up or down slightly to see how that affects you? You may be very sensitive to insulin (in which case adjust down) or you might be one of those people who responds better to a slightly higher level of carbs. I've stalled in the past when I have dropped below 15g of carbs, only to have it move again when I temporarily increase to 20-25g (based on my macros).
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    Took a new glance at your food diary for the past week or so. My advice would be to completely re-think how you're going about this diet. You're using a lot of "pseudo" foods in your keto approach. And way too much with the chicken breast (I almost never eat white meat chicken - too lean, too much protein per ounce).

    Instead, think real whole foods. Stop eating "creations" trying to approximate foods from a SAD WOE. As I look through your diary I can kind of feel that you really haven't broken out of past bad habits and cravings.

    So like I said, if you're up for the challenge of turning over a new leaf in your approach to keto, then rethink your menus using foods you just have to cook to eat instead of using recipes you must follow.

    Sorry if this seems like I'm coming off as a bit of a hard *kitten*, but there should not be a reason why you would have to stick to 85% fat on your macros to lose weight. Something isn't right here and the first thing that jumped out at me was the type of foods that are in your diary. Since I don't use the MFP diary, let me know if you'd like some examples of how I eat.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Figure out what works for you and keep doing it. I hope the cheese cake and ice cream is home made, if it is then probably nothing worry about. Try to keep the protein around 65-70 gm per day consistently. More importantly take measurements and watch out if you are becoming skinny fat, may be get a BF% test done with a bod pod or hydrostatic weighing.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    SnowFlinga I'd love an example of what you're eating! No chicken? I eat breasts & thighs usually. To be honest I feed my dogs chicken & I tend to eat whatever I bought for them lol. Pretty sad when they eat better than I do most days. Beef doesn't agree with me, especially steak. I find it very hard to digest & sits in my gut like a rock and I always show a gain after I eat steak. I do eat ground beef on occassion though.

    I do make a lot of Keto recipes. I enjoy cooking & baking and I love trying new recipes. Yes Leonidas the cheesecake is homemade! The icecream is not :blushing: but it is sugar free & low carb. I've been eating more of it than I should lately I'll admit. Its been super hot here lately & I have been craving icecream.

    I'm feeling rather discouraged. I obviously can't figure out what works for me. I did a very basic diet in the beginning (first 2-3 months) and stalled for most of it. Not to mention got really bored with my food. The majority of the recipes I make are from which is a keto site, are they not ok??

    My protein has been low lately. I haven't been working out much (other than walking daily) so I didn't worry about my protein but I'll try raising it a bit for the next week or so & see what happens.

    Thanks for your input! Hard *kitten* or not its appreciated. :)
  • itsryanneyo
    itsryanneyo Posts: 18 Member
    So sorry you've hit a plateau! That's so frustrating. Looked at your diary; I'm a bulletproof coffee-er too ;-) Are you drinking water? I didn't see it logged, and it's super important. At least 10 cups a day. Have you made fat bombs? There are some great recipes out there, and they always help me get over a stall... Not sure if it's your protein intake jacking with you, but the types of fats... If you stick with organic cream, butters, avocado, homemade mayo, and coconut oil it can make a huge difference. Good luck!!
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    I do eat chicken, just not that frequently (and of course it needs to be slathered in olive oil or butter to keep my macros on target). It's too bad that you can't "stomach" beef/steak. It's actually one of the better protein sources for a keto diet, but even then you shouldn't go crazy with it if you're trying to keep your protein level moderate.

    Here's my "go to" food list:

    Fats/Oils: grass fed butter, bacon grease, coconut oil, olive oil, MCT oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil

    Cheese: cream cheese, cheddar cheese, blue cheese, Parmesan cheese (all cheeses limited to 2-3 oz/day max)

    Veggies: spinach, romaine, broccoli, radishes, celery, asparagus

    Fruit: avocado, cucumber, salsa (tomatoes)

    Primary protein sources: eggs, bacon, sausage (pork & beef), liverwurst, salmon, tuna, sardines, pork, beef, chicken

    Nuts: macadamia, pecan, almond, Brazil

    Snacks: pork rinds, grass fed beef sticks, kombu, nori, wakame, pickles, green olives (usually stuffed with jalapeno & garlic), kalamata olives, coconut flakes (unsweetened), cacao nibs, xylitol sweetened gum

    That's really pretty much all I ever eat. Also add in some bone broth and my version of Bulletproof coffee (using Swiss water processed decaf and a tiny amount of protein powder with coco oil and butter).
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    Posted elsewhere on this site is a web site I hadn't heard of before:

    I just messed around with it and it works beautifully for keto. You can modify all of your macros and select which foods you like and it will auto-generate your meal plans. I let it generate about 5 different days worth of plans and I was happy with all of them. Definitely takes away the guess work and the overhead of trying to come up with a set of meals that will hit your macro targets for the day. Everyone should definitely check it out.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks SnowFlinga! I really need to get back to basics. I see others eating a lot of keto treats and losing but I know better. My body is super sensitive to carbs of any kind. So its time to get my carbs from veggies for a while.

    Itsryanneyo, I don't always log my water but I drink a minimum of 10 cups a day, usually more. especially on work days. Its super dry where I work. I used to make fat bombs but started making baked treats more, like flax bread, or low carb cheesecake. I've never been a big fan of fat bombs. I like baked stuff for treats. Unfortunately its time to put those on hold so I made some fat bombs today, Chocolate macadamia nut! yummy!

    I'm going to keep it clean for the next week and set my macros at 5/20/75. When I first started keto in March I had my macros at this level, ate clean and lost well. Watching all the treats & recipes they post in my facebook groups has made me cocky. lol.
  • itsryanneyo
    itsryanneyo Posts: 18 Member
    So glad to hear you have a great water intake! That's much more important than people realize... way to go!

    I know what you mean about baked goods! Shameless plug, here, but here's my home-based business I've had running for 5 years now... You'll see I'm into the baked goods like you! In those 5 years I put on over 20 lbs, and I had a good look at how even small amounts of sugar on a steadfast basis wrecks havoc on a persons body, no matter how active they are.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    My cousin has a specialy cake business out of her home as well! you guys are like artists! beautiful stuff! I couldn't do it!! I'd snarfle down all my profits lol
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    Posted elsewhere on this site is a web site I hadn't heard of before:

    I just messed around with it and it works beautifully for keto. You can modify all of your macros and select which foods you like and it will auto-generate your meal plans. I let it generate about 5 different days worth of plans and I was happy with all of them. Definitely takes away the guess work and the overhead of trying to come up with a set of meals that will hit your macro targets for the day. Everyone should definitely check it out.

    This is amazeballs. Thanks kindly!
  • rebeccaplatt21

    interested in the answers
  • rebeccaplatt21
    Posted elsewhere on this site is a web site I hadn't heard of before:

    I just messed around with it and it works beautifully for keto. You can modify all of your macros and select which foods you like and it will auto-generate your meal plans. I let it generate about 5 different days worth of plans and I was happy with all of them. Definitely takes away the guess work and the overhead of trying to come up with a set of meals that will hit your macro targets for the day. Everyone should definitely check it out.

    This is amazeballs. Thanks kindly!

    yes!!! ^^^
  • dperri471
    dperri471 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for posting that website... it is too cool
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I must be doing something wrong because for the life of me I can't get that website to work right. I will not change the macros to match what I have mfp set to.Keeps giving me way too many carbs. I'll keep working at it but as of right now I'm feeling a little 'tupid :noway:
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Ok not as dumb as I thought! I figured it out!! Its pretty cool afterall lol! I eat 1500 cals a day now, with a BPC worth 300 cals for breakfast everyday (usually) so I set mine up for 1200 calories over 2 meals & it will give me ideas for lunch & supper. very cool!
  • vampy0611Raquel
    vampy0611Raquel Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, i'm new here and today is my first day on keto diet ,i have the same problem i get to many carb on my profile ....i'm very confusing and i would gladly appreciated any info or tips.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Hi, i'm new here and today is my first day on keto diet ,i have the same problem i get to many carb on my profile ....i'm very confusing and i would gladly appreciated any info or tips.

    Go under the pie chart on the right & hit customize. then hit the keto/atkins button (if its not lit up you have to do the nutrition calculator first) & go from there. When you get to the bottom of the page make sure you click the blue bar on the right that says save & go back or you lose what you did. that happened to me twice.

    If you need help with keto or you'd like a keto/lchf friend send me a friend request, I'd be glad to help. ALso I highly recommend the site. the guy who runs it,Chris is very quick to replie to questions and has a been a great help to me & a lot of others.

    Good luck!