July 15, 2014

NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
Good morning, all!

I've been off track the past couple of days. Something going on that I can't quite put my finger on. Just feeling "off." Tired, a bit grumpy, weak, just blah in general.

On those days when motivation is lacking, what do you tell yourself that helps keep you on track?


  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    In general, I feel like my brain isn't very good at using long term goals as motivation. Call it the impatience of a Millennial who is used to instant gratification or whatever, I just can't use, "Think of how great you'll look and feel when you're no longer overweight!" to light a fire under my butt.

    Instead, I focus on things like the sense of accomplishment I'll feel after completing a workout, or how I'll feel less groggy and bloated if I make better food choices. That works *most* of the time. The biggest barrier here is mindfulness. My issue yesterday was that I just let inertia take hold. I didn't think of lying in bed all day and eating junk as a decision, I just let it happen. I know this is something I need to work on in all areas of my life -- I need to get better at stopping myself when I start that slide, and saying, "Hey, the path diverges here -- you can change where you're heading and make things better for yourself RIGHT NOW."

    This is something I've worked on a bit with Cognitive Behavior Therapy, but I definitely need more practice. It's been my problem with food, exercise, work, school, chores, bills, everything. I just slide into inaction, and don't recognize that I'm continually *choosing* not to act.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Morning! I hear you. Motivation seems to pretty much always be lacking here, but I know when I start on my diet plan again, I am good for 3-4 months and then blah.. And yes, I've hit the blah.

    I said recommit the other day like it is Day 1 again and yeah...that hasn't happened yet. If I keep waiting until I feel *good* again, it might be a while. Eating junk and laying around is not going to help in the feeling *good* department.

    I seriously need to stick to it. One day at a time. Try to hit the macros. Maybe it IS time I start adding in daily exercise. Ok..I vow to do at least 20 mins on the bike tonight. There. I said it!! Now I have to do it. :-)
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hello lovelies, I am here to join you in fighting the blahs. I just don't know how to get my energy level up. Well, I DO know--binge on sugar! But since that's not going to happen, I need an alternative.

    I'm trying to micromanage my life right now, writing down even the smallest chores and activities so I have clear goals.

    Heather, I'll join you in committing to exercise today. 30 minutes of aquasize for me. Norah, you in?
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    I too found myself facing the "blahs" coming off the weekend. It was a combination of my back bothering me again (after being pretty pain free for about week) and the 'honeymoon' phase wearing off with my commitment to change. Things that have helped:

    1) Had my strategies for success in place - met with my therapist last night and turned in my food and exercise diary. Committed to turn in another copy in two weeks at next appt.

    2) Gave myself permission to feel "blah"

    3) Forgave myself for feeling "blah"

    4) Then showed up to the Y for my water workout. Ate within my calorie goal.

    Sometimes I just have to let myself rant and rave about how "I don't want to!" or "I don't feel like it!" Then I still tell myself that I'm still going to do it what I committed to despite the 'feelings.' I'm not going to say that it works a 100% of the time but I will say it's often a pretty effective technique. It's like there's a part of me that just needs to throw a tantrum - so I let it. What I try not to let it do is interfere with the commitment I made to change.

    However, and this is important, if it does interfere. If I overeat or skip the Y, I forgive myself and get back to watching my caloric intake and my workouts.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Definitely in for exercise! Walk home and then go to the gym for C25K and weights! Going to head out in a bit for a short lunch walk, too. I didn't leave my apartment yesterday, so I'm lagging on steps!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I think that what I saw in the news last night must be true. Despite the fact that the sunshine usually makes us want to get up and go figuratively, the daunting health and sweltering humidity that is summer is actually very detrimental to weight loss. They did a health report on it. Because of the heat, etc., we end up sitting around more and rather than jumping in the pool, we sit around and eat bbq style meals, etc., and on and on.

    I know since the heat ramped up, walking around my building on breaks or in the late afternoons with my guy have disappeared. I don't generally have breathing or other problems, but with the humidity, I can't hardly breathe. I've always been one of those weird ones, that if I get congested, a hot shower doesn't help me - it'll make me pass out. Weird, huh?

    Right now, I haven't been able to find motivation. Stress has set up permanent camp in my front yard. I have to resolve the main underlying monetary issues before I can force my focus elsewhere, you know? This has always been a background issue, but these last 2-3 months, it has been full force, in my face, that I just can't juggle around it any more. I tried a second job part time, but these people wanted me to work at their whim, 5-6 days a week, when I was looking for 3 max. When I let them know my restrictions, they just didn't need me anymore. Part of it too was the physical exertion. Apparently, my blood pressure must have spiked or something because the guys said I looked like I was going to stroke out or pass out! (It was a laundry mat - but vacuuming the huge filters for lint took an hour or more, and killed my right wrist (which has tendon damage). I survived a day, but realized I cannot work weeknights much, if at all. Going to be more selective next time. :(

    Anyway, motivation is sorely lacking here. I find my best motivations come in motivating others. I find someone who needs advice and in giving them my time/energy, I find it returning to me, usually multiplied somehow. But it doesn't always work.... I am focusing on regrouping right now. I've shifted to maintenance calories, but I still haven't gotten back to full tracking yet. Struggling with my water, but basically doing what I can.

    Just keep on trucking. It will find us again.

    Carly in weather-bipolar Oklahoma!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Not weird at all Carly. I suffer from severe asthma and when I first moved to Texas ended up in the hospital because the air and humidity was just such a shock and hard for me to take. I still have major problems, this last week being a bad one because when I do get sick, it just flairs up and the worst time ever to get sick is in the middle of a hot and humid summer.

    Cold air doesn't bother me one bit. I so miss the brisk cold air and taking a nice deep breath. However, as I see it, we got about 12 weeks to go here in ATX so I just have to get over it and push on. Swimming has been fantastic. The walking and such, yeah.. not gonna happen. The whole being outside doesn't happen unless there is water and I am IN IT.

    I just treated myself to sushi. OMG, do I love me some spicy tuna rolls. 285 calories for a 9 piece roll. Not bad at ALL. If it wasn't a $1 a bite, I could LIVE on this and probably lose a bunch of weight.

    On the positive side of summer...the FRUIT is amazing and the prices. I just bought 2.5lbs of peaches for $1.72. A pound of strawberries and a pint of blueberries. That with my sushi was only $15. I have extra sushi for laters or else it would've been even cheaper.

    I will take summer fruit and sushi for the win!!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yup, heat and humidity and stress over money are definitely motivation killers here too. I'm managing today, trying to make good food choices and getting some heinous chores done. Tomorrow I am determined to attack the giant box of mail, mostly crappy things that need to be done for medical and insurance stuff.

    I haven't done my swim yet but it's next on my list, then I need to find a suit for Carly, woohoo--that will be fun!

    Sylvarose, I like this idea of turning in food and exercise journal to your therapist. I think I'll try this!

  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I apologize in advance: I need to have a mini b*!#& fest.

    I continued to feel blah all day, minus about an hour right after I finished my coffee where I felt almost normal. I got a bad headache a couple hours before I was supposed to leave work and I felt lightheaded (still do). Felt alternately chilled and feverish. I walked home, but it felt terrible and I went really slowly. I realized when I got to the gym that I left my whole wallet/keyring/transit pass at work. Grrreeeeat. One of the hazards of walking home, I guess. I called Ben to warn him that I'd need him to let me in when I finished. The gym was PACKED. There was ONE open treadmill, and it didn't have a fan (I'm totally spoiled by always having one with a fan!). My run was awfulawfulawful. I barely made it through the first five minutes, and then I slowed down, and then at 15 minutes, I slowed down again. Despite "running" only .5 miles faster than I walk for half the time, I still felt like a sack of crap at the end. I walked over to the weights section of the gym -- also packed. At this point, I was just fed up and tired and I wanted to go home. So I gave up, and walked home in the pouring ran.

    I set my alarm to get up early tomorrow to do my weights and I'm prepared to go to bed early, so hopefully I'll get back on track.

    The good news? I'm pretty sure I figured out what's wrong: extra, extra bad PMS. I don't think it's a coincidence that the first month I've had such terrible issues with PMS since I started on here is right around the time when I've been slacking on food and exercise. Extra motivation to stay on track, I guess?

    I am glad to have a plausible explanation because feeling so crappy without being "sick" was definitely bumming me out!
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    OMG! I want to eat anything and everything in sight and I really don't give I *kitten* if I like whatever it is or not. I had a horrible day with my son today and it's TOM and I just want to eat away all the frustration and hurt and feelings of the day. I'm struggling hard not to walk out in the kitchen because I know if I do I won't stop. I lost my bid for mother of the year award today. Heck, I may be out of the running until 2020 after today. Sigh. I am waiting about another 10 mins before I go in the bedroom to watch one of my fav shows that I am DVR'ing so I can fast forward through commercials. Hopefully a good nights sleep will help in all aspects of how I am feeling right now.

    Thanks for letting me vent and keeping me away from the kitchen!

  • bkayjo
    bkayjo Posts: 5 Member
    Wow Nora, I think I would have turned around and gone home, skipping the treadmill! Good job on pushing through it.
    I am new to this group and I am so glad I was led here by another member. I see so many of my issues are the same as others. Looks like a very supportive group. I haven't had the motivation or energy to change my way of eating. Now I have tracked for 6 or 9 days. I worry I will quit. I will forget one day and the next thing I know it will be another year that got away from me. I need something to keep me coming back, even through the slip ups! Thank you all for sharing!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Welcome, bkayjo! Glad you found us! I think today is rant Monday. Must be the moon phase.

    I was thunderstormed out of my swim and Still's flared out of anything productive, so I decided to just give up on the day, take some pain meds, and go to bed at 5 :30 p.m. 4 hours later, I'm not asleep but read a good book AND stayed away from food , which is a miracle.

    This is the MOST DIFFICULT CHANGE!!! What do I do with pain, sadness , stress, frustration, all of the negative emotions, if I can't EAT them??? I know, I know... exercise them, breathe them, do art them, write them... I don't want to! I want to shove my face into a vat of icecream and just go numb. So, instead, today I chose to get in bed. Not a great choice, but better than the vat of icecream.

    Oy, this is tough work, ladies. Glad you are here doing it with me.
    Karen in Maine
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Hello my dear friends. Today has been a long day for me. Today was therapy day and we are working on some very tough stuff related to the abuse and trust me it's not easy. I completely understand what you're talking about Karen when it comes to the feelings. That's one of the hardest things for me. All day today I have had a million different emotions coming through and I just don't know how to deal with them. I've "stuffed them down" with food for so many years that actually feeling them is strange and very uncomfortable. But, I'm working on it. I did eat some ice cream today but it was a very conscious choice. Rather than buying an entire half gallon and bringing it home where I could just bury myself in it and eat the entire thing, I stopped by Dairy Queen and had a cone. It was a conscious choice. It might not have been the best choice but it was made and logged. And with the exception of sugar, I ended the day right on the mark with my macros and under net calories, so I consider it a pretty successful day. It was such a beautiful day here that I decided to walk the 2 miles from the therapist to the metro station which helped with my steps. I'm actually getting 8,000 steps in on pretty much a daily basis. I would never have believed I was even capable of it a few months ago.

    Welcome bkayjo! So glad you decided to check the group out. This is a fantastic group. I'm sure you will love it here. I know I do.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Talk about eating to feel numb? I told Bekki (a friend in Texas I met here, but we text more than chat MFP anymore...her ID is baykay1010) that even though I'm so not a drinker, yesterday, I had such a crappy day that I just wanted to find a bottle and crawl into it... With this hellacious heat and humidity, walking is so not happening. I don't have asthma, but I can't breathe right in humidity. I keep forgetting my loud angry rock, but I guess I need to get back to that. We had a whole conversation about how easy it would be for me to become a full blown addict (meaning drugs vs. food, etc.) if I weren't such a control freak. My father is an alcoholic, supposedly recovering, but who knows? When the world is out of control and I'm miserable, which unfortunately is more often than not, I need that serotonin boost or whatever the hell it is from sugar/chocolate. My body doesn't process all that stuff right (still waiting on Endo) re: cortisol/stress/steroid test results. I've always had friends who smoked, etc. tell me that I was the only non-smoker who accommodated/understood the issue. Through convo, I've come to the conclusion that it is likely because I know I have an addictive personality, and it makes it easier for me to "get it" without GETTING IT....

    Anyway, random ramblings done for the moment....

    Here in murky OK that would be better in a full downpour or sunshine. This murkiness makes me think it is time to go home and go to bed. Seeing as how stress and lack of sleep already has me tired, probably not a good combo... *le sigh*