September Brides?

Hey everyone!

Are there any September brides that want to help each other stay motivated for the big day? Let's help each other out and gush about wedding details along the way!


  • ndprobst
    ndprobst Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there! I'm a September bride, the 6th to be exact. I can't believe it's getting so close!!! Anyway if you want you can send me a friend request and I will do my best help motivate you!!
  • hoosiergirl009
    hoosiergirl009 Posts: 3 Member
    September 20th!! I bought a dress at a consignment shop.. it was 2 sizes too small at the time. So, I'm on a mission to fit into my dress without having to alter it very much (I love the buttons on the back). I've lost 13.5 lbs so far and 4 inches on my waist. My back/bust is the part I really need to work on minimizing. I'm so excited and no matter what, I know I will be happy with my results for my wedding. I plan to start working on my arms to get them in shape as well. Good luck ladies!!
  • healthnut1223
    healthnut1223 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Ladies! Im getting married september 20th! what date are you all getting hitched!?I need motivation buddies too :]
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I am getting married on September 6th. I am starting to realize how much we have left to do! I need to get motivated again. and start making time again for the workouts!
  • jmb5311
    jmb5311 Posts: 10
    I am getting married September 12th! It is just around the corner. Unfortunately I have had a stressful year thus far with buying a house, getting a puppy (who was very sick at first), and starting a new job. Sadly, I am a stress eater so I have gained several pounds instead of lost. I am currently 5'3" and 141 lbs and hoping to get as close as I can to 125 lbs before the big day!
  • eliseangell2014
    eliseangell2014 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm getting married September 20th. I have lost around 10lbs and would like to lose at least another 11 or so. The big thing that has helped me is MPP and I am doing a boot camp 2-3 days a week. I'm determined!!!
  • jmb5311
    jmb5311 Posts: 10
    That is awesome!! Keep up the good work! I am doing a mix of elliptical and a Les Miles Class called Body Pump. It definitely helps to tone!
  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Ladies!!
    September 24th right here. I want to lose 10 - 15 more lbs, 10 weeks to go! CRUNCH TIME!!!!

    I am following a strict ketogenic diet and I am also going to try and up my cardio and keep up with my weight training!