Slim in 6

anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
This workout is one of the best things I've ever done for myself.
Unlike the ones listed in the group title, this one is low impact, but keeps high results.

Starting out, I really needed help. I couldn't do much, and I was too embarrassed to eeven consider joining a gym.
I'm 20lbs down now (for the second time) and I need to keep the success going.

Looking to buy Focus T25 as I'm having a hard time always finding the time required to complete the slim in 6 workouts, and it know I'm stronger now. I bet I could do it.

Glad I found this group! Wanted to make one myself, just hadn't gotten around to it.


  • tyhouyy
    tyhouyy Posts: 1
    I started t25 last decemeber (and because of holidays and way too many things to do january of my spring semester, it kind of fell apart). I restarted with my sister-in-law last week and love it. It sucks some days, but it's only 25 minutes plus a 3-4 minute stretch afterwards. :) Good luck! I just became a beachbody coach too because I loved (hated) insanity but it really got me on the right track and i want to help others reach theirs.

    I also want to try power 90 but it will have to wait, 8.5 more weeks of t25!
  • SA8787
    SA8787 Posts: 5
    Hey Chaisoyy. Congrats on starting it up again. If there's anything to look for as the win, that can be it. Most people use these and then never start up again. They just look at it and then wonder why they can't loose weight. Remember, the diet is where it's at. Track those calories and only put in your body what you want out! Good luck, I am doing X3, but threw in Asylum speed and agility and it kicked my butt.