1 Week - "Countdown challenge"

Blaithin555 Posts: 8 Member
Okay so me and a couple of friends are doing the "countdown workout" for a week. Its only a week long and it couldn't be more straight forward so feel free to do it along with us.

First of all you do the exercises below 10 times each, then 9 times each, then 8 times each...until 1 time each and your workout is complete for one day! It seems long but the exercises go down by 1 rep each time so its short enough. Easy enough? If you find it TOO easy start off doing 15/20 of each move and if its too hard just cut it down to 5 or however much you need to but still make it a challenge! But whatever you do, FINISH. THE. WEEK. Even if you take 100 breaks in between reps it doesn't matter as long as you complete it.

Jumping jack ( x10, x9, x8...x1)
jump ropes

Fell free to post with me about it and tell other members if its worth trying


  • alodiaa
    alodiaa Posts: 22 Member
    I'll try this!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    What if you can't do a given move?

    For example, no usable legs=no jump rope.
  • Blaithin555
    Blaithin555 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't worry just do another move on the list twice OR chose a new move of your choice, maybe where you use your arms more, here's some examples that I've tried at training :)

    Bicep curls
    Tricep curls
    Front shoulder raises
    Crunches on exercise ball
    Plank/side plank
    Knee tuck
    Mountain climbers

    There's loads other examples on the internet, but the ones above are the ones that i've tried before anyway!
  • I'll try this when i wake up each morning! I'll be substituting push-ups with burpees though ( i suck so badly at these lol).
  • RayLeen19
    RayLeen19 Posts: 106
    Love it