Daily Check in Log

AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
Under this topic, please post when you have completed the squats for the day, as well as what other workout you did for that day and give a positive comment to the person that posted above you for support :)


  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    this is great! gives us a couple weeks to prepare even....looking forward to august:smile:
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Bumpy bump so I remember to do this! Great idea.
  • PaleoSha
    PaleoSha Posts: 4
    Day 1--Got in my 50 :)
  • giginsa
    giginsa Posts: 2 Member
    Oh boy what have I gotten myself into... I'm going to do it! Gulp!!!
  • JNiederkorn87
    JNiederkorn87 Posts: 2 Member
    I started this a few days ago, so I'm on day 3, but I'm hoping to stay motivated by joining the challenge here! I love squats.
    Day3- 60 :) mission a'squat'lished!
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    Wow! Great job guys! I will be starting August 1st!
  • ksherma1
    ksherma1 Posts: 38 Member
    Do we start now or start on August 1st????
  • PreciousTreasure8117
    PreciousTreasure8117 Posts: 66 Member
    Looking forward to this challenge!!! :)
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    Do we start now or start on August 1st????

    The group is set to begin August 1st :)
  • ksherma1
    ksherma1 Posts: 38 Member
    Okay cool thanks!
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi There, thanks for the add.
    I have iron will determination for a tight butt for summer time, 8 weeks until my Fiji holiday. Might have to start a little early.
    Get the edge on my competition.
    How many get though your challenge?
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    Hi There, thanks for the add.
    I have iron will determination for a tight butt for summer time, 8 weeks until my Fiji holiday. Might have to start a little early.
    Get the edge on my competition.
    How many get though your challenge?

    Glad you are in for the haul! There are 48 members, and on average half of the people that join challenges like these finish - I will keep in touch with you to keep you motivated and accountable, including checking in daily if you would like?
  • beachbodyproject
    beachbodyproject Posts: 47 Member
    When we get to over 100 squats to the y have to be consecutive or they could be at different times of the day?????noway: :smile:
  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    Can you tell me how many we start off with? I am able to do 200 in reps of 20. I was thinking of making it harder by adding weights but reducing the amount? Would this be beneficial?
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    When we get to over 100 squats to the y have to be consecutive or they could be at different times of the day?????noway: :smile:

    You can break them up into sets, and to 20, here and maybe 30 there - all through the day! :)
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    Can you tell me how many we start off with? I am able to do 200 in reps of 20. I was thinking of making it harder by adding weights but reducing the amount? Would this be beneficial?

    Day 1 is 50 squats, and it goes up to 250 squats on day 30 - you are more than welcome to add weight to some of them, or all of them depending on what your body can handle. Weights are beneficial - but not too heavy of a weight! :)
  • PaleoSha
    PaleoSha Posts: 4
    Today is my day 4, but yesterday I used as a rest day so today I got in my 60 :)
  • giginsa
    giginsa Posts: 2 Member
    I did 50 squats 3 days ago and I'm still hurting, I'm afraid of August!!!!
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    August 1 its. thanks for this challlenge. it will help especially during this holiday season.
  • bellehue
    bellehue Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in! August 1st watch out gluts.