
I recently got my cholesterol check and came back high. I knew this was going to happen as been on Keto for about 5 months. Now please help to understand what does the results mean.
Cholestero total is 223. The breakdown is: LDL Chol. 150 and Non HDL chol. 166. So what is the difference? Could anyone explain how do this work? I am feeling okay!


  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    What is your HDL and Triglycerides?
  • Loseintime
    Loseintime Posts: 10
    The HDL is 57, and the triglycerides is 80. The cholesterol/HDL ratio is 3.9. Is this good or bad? On my last year report the ratio was 4.4 even though the cholesterol total was 176 and triglycerides levels were 111.
    Thanks for your help.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've heard the LDL goes up but it's more a matter of looking at the particle size..which type of LDL it is.
  • Loseintime
    Loseintime Posts: 10
    I don;t know.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Your HDL going up is a good thing, LDL is border line but again it's not very accurate if you have low tryglicerides. The lower the ratio, the better it is. Also, LDL particle size is very important, you will most likely have bigger particles as your Triglyceride/HDL is less than 3.9.
  • SisterMable
    SisterMable Posts: 40 Member
    My cholesterol numbers came in today too... From the (EU) doctor's perspective, my cholesterol was a little high, but he said the ratio was really good. How do my numbers below translate into American numbers? Bueller? Anyone? :)

    Cholesterol (Serum) 5.34 (acceptable range 2.0 - 5.0)
    Triglyceride (Serum) 1.22 (acceptable range 0.1 - 2.26)
    HDL Cholesterol (Serum) 1.75
    Non-HDL Cholesterol 3.59 (acceptable range 0.00 - 3.36)
    LDL Cholesterol (Calculated) 3.04
    Total: HDL Cholesterol Ratio 3.05

    Also my Potassium and Alkaline Phosphatase were low and my Calcium and Phosphate were high, if yer into those kinda things. Kinky.
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    I recently got my cholesterol check and came back high. I knew this was going to happen as been on Keto for about 5 months. Now please help to understand what does the results mean.
    Cholestero total is 223. The breakdown is: LDL Chol. 150 and Non HDL chol. 166. So what is the difference? Could anyone explain how do this work? I am feeling okay!

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