53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
Hope nobody minds me starting this today - couldn't see the usual one already started.

Well - Have had a good week weight wise despite not being able to train for more than 2 weeks, I've barely moved around at all.
But to counter that my appetite wasn't very good, and when I ate, I ate the good stuff not the bad. So a loss, and now fit into the smallest trousers I have. (UK size 8) - 3 pairs! Just as well, as for the last 6 months, at any one time I have only had 1 pair of trousers that fit for work, as I have gradually gone down from a large size 14 to a smaller 14 to a large 12 then a smaller 12, then a 10. Now I have 3 pairs that fit - but 1 of them is more winter weight so I have something to look forward to in September!

I'm highly unlikely to get into anything smaller even if I lose a few more pounds, because of my child bearing hips. I'm going to keep on eating the way I have been for the last 6 months and hopefully the remaining fat stores will melt away (Ha!)

I'm not calorie counting, just stopped eating bread and potatoes on a regular basis, and upped the protein and fat. I have to say I really enjoy my food - have always been a bit of a carnivore. So being able to "snack" on meat and nuts etc is great. I still have to watch the amount of fruit I eat as I can really pack it away, so limit myself.

And of course I must have 2 squares of 85% or 90% chocolate most nights and the occasional glass of wine at the weekend :drinker: although I find now that I'm not bothered if I don't!

Back to the gym last night - it was hard but I managed it - going again today for a light session, then a harder session is planned for Friday. should be back to normal next week.

Hope everyone has good news this week - let's keep that fat melting off :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi everyone.......not been a great week here...weight has stayed the same which is good. I have had to start using an oestrogen cream for a few weeks leading up to a gynae appointment in September and I am not enjoying the side effects........ aching/painful leg and a bloated feeling and....tmi....bit windy! Doctor tells me I can continue to exercise but it is making me very tired which is just not me! So still walking every day, ran yesterday and trying an Aquafit class today...just not happy having to use the cream though I can see the reasoning for it...which I won't go into here.....but it is proving quite difficult to cope with.......:ohwell:

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Jean - commiserations. It sucks when medication you have to take gives you horrible side effects - hopefully only short term for you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I hope everyone is doing well this morning. It has been a crazy work week for me so far and today is only Wednesday :smile: , Hopefully the rest of the week will be a little better.

    I had another good week, thanks to all the support from this group. I have been lucky enough to drop another 2.2 lbs this week, which gets me close to being back to my lowest MFP weight. Once I hit that I still have a long way to go but the progress gives me encouragement that I can continue towards my goal, which is still a long way off.:ohwell:

    I am glad to see so many people in this group making progress, logging daily and exercising. This has always been a difficult journey for me and I am sure for all of you. Without the support and encouragement found in this group it clearly would be more difficult. So , many thanks to all of you!

    Be strong and keep up the good work!

    - JB
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Not a bad week - I had put on two lbs with visiting relatives over a week ago. I had a house full of guests. I took those lbs off, so I am counting it as a good week. I would like to drop another two lbs before the end of the month.

    I had an MRI on my back and the doc says I need to come in right away to discuss the results (I don't like the sound of that)! Seems like ever since I hit "60" things are falling apart. At least we are all on the "right" side of the grass :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • ppaolini4340
    God Morning All. Any week that you loose weight is a good week. To this has been a good week for me even if it was only 1 pound. I have been logged in now for 45 days which i believe is a new record for me. I have kept up my two miles a day during the week and use the garden, yardwork and wood shopo as calorie burners on the weekend. So far so good. I now have 7 quarts of dill pickles and 7 pints of bread and butter pickles put up. I have been eating and giving away yellow squash and zucchini for a couple weeks now. Wish i could find a way to grow it year round without spending a fortune on a green house. It seems to come in all at once and then in a matter of a month it is all gone again. oh well. looking forward to the rest of the veggies getting ripe.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
    God Bless.

  • tobybears8
    tobybears8 Posts: 87 Member
    No weight loss. Got this awful cough I can't get rid of. Think it is something at work, I had the same thing twice last year too. You cough so hard that your ribs hurt. Don't feel sick or anything just that dang cough that is so annoying. Hoping to get back into the swing of things as soon as this crap is gone.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :laugh:

    I am finally getting "my head on straight" and moving in the right direction - finally :drinker:
    I am back to the weight I was clear back on July 3rd. So now I am ready to have those numbers go down again!! I am striving to be back to my lowest weight as on 6/15 by next week. Let's see if I can do that :tongue:

    I am hoping each of you are having a great day and a great week

    See you next Wednesday!!

    Onward and downward we go :bigsmile:
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Didn't budge this week at all. Sticking at 180. I have upped my calories by subtracting 1000 calories from my daily burn on fitbit. I went over that on a day or two. So, depending on how much I exercise, depends on the calories I eat. That should produce a 1-2 lb. loss. Oh well, I didn't gain.

    Has been a stressful week at work and then a lot of grandkid time which they wear me out, too. These things do not help with weight loss.

    I have really had the exercise, so that isn't the problem. Walked 55.8 miles total last week and 20.1 were cardio steps.

    I think I found a nice B&B for next week. I'm just going to take a long weekend, but not go until Tuesday and come back Wednesday. Close to Ohio's Amish country and wine country. (Holmes County, Ohio is the largest Amish community in the U.S. and the wineries I plan to visit are pretty good, too. Also close to Smucker's and I love their store!

    Better get. Lots to do yet today! Hope you are all having the beautiful weather we are. 70's in the day and 50's at night! :happy:
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 900 Member
    grandmotherch, good job on no binging! That is a lot of miles walked, good for you.

    Rebamae, so glad you got your head on straight. Can you please let me know how you did it? LOL Good job on the scale doing a downward move. I bet you can make that goal of being where you were on 6/15. If not, don't give up. I feel as long as we maintain, we are doing ok. Losing will come again.

    tobybears8, I hope you can rid yourself of that cough. My husband had it for about 2 weeks, my daughter in law for a week and now the granddaughter has it. No fun at all!

    ppaolini4340, you are so right, a pound lost is way better than a pound gained! Oh my you have been very busy making those pickles. I love bread and butter pickles. My mom in law made such good ones.

    debneeds2, I hope there is not much going on with your back. I can so relate to those problems. Mine is a mess from my neck down. If the MRI showed something, I hope it is an easy fix for you!

    This week has been ok for me, a small loss, but I am not even counting it. Also on Monday I decided I was going to put my exercise clothes on each day as soon as I get out of bed, hop on the elliptical for 5 minutes, get my coffee, read e-mail, go back to the elliptical and do 5 minute increments until I get an hour in. I will do this 5 days a week, then on the other 2 days do the stationary bike and take a walk. I think this is going to be the best plan for me. I am going to really try to focus more on what goes into my mouth this next week. So until next Wed keep up the good work of getting any type of movement in and keeping those calories under or right on what we want!!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Checking in for July 9th — 15th

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Maintained weight
    -- Made good choices at restaurants
    -- Continued working core muscle groups
    -- Only went over fat count 1-day this week happy-dancing.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Increase protein intake as under 4 out of 7 days last week
    -- Continue to meet minimum of 3-hours daily house de-cluttering
    -- START to workout in the pool as too hot for biking -- did NOT do this once last week :blushing:

    Didn't gain weight so that made it a good week! My focus continues to be getting the house ready for general repairs and painting with the goal of selling in January. We have been here for 18+ years so lots to sort through and clean-up before listing--talk about a full body workout! body-builder.gif

    "I am never five minutes into stripping the clutter from my life before I start running into the clutter that is my life."  ~Robert Brault

    Great job everyone and have a successful week! snoopy3.gif
  • Gigigator6
    Gigigator6 Posts: 11 Member
    Not a bad week for me. Managed to do a bit of exercise in the pool when the weather cooperated. I keep my solar cranked up during the week for evening swims and the warmer water works out the kinks after a long day at work. I seriously need to get myself a fit bit so I can see just what kind of exercise I get walking around at work.
    Weight wise I was a loser this week managing to drop 4.8 lbs.
    congrats to everyone who worked had to stay on track whether you lost or not!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    [img] Wednesday%5E_%5E.gif[/img]
    I am late checking in tonight and I don't know where today went.

    Congratulations to all the losers and maintainers this week!! s0819.gif

    I am glad to hear you are finally feeling better Jen. You will work back into things.

    Deb. I hope the MRI results are something not too serious.

    Charlie. Enjoy your B& earned it!

    tobybears8 I hope you feel better soon.

    I continue to draw my mountain range on my weight chart. This week I was down 1.8 pounds or a net of 1 pound in 2 weeks when I take off last week's gain. It is getting slower and slower but at least it is still going down....over all.

    Yesterday was a particularly BAD day so I ended up punctuating the end of the day with my first martini since I started MFP. Unfortunately - it sure tasted good. t0359.gif But yesterday is over and today, for the first day, my breathing has eased and I think the end of the flu is here.

    Thank you everyone for your sharing a bit of yourself. This is the first "diet" i have done where I have not felt alone doing it.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Wanda c0401.gif
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Overall had a good solid week, down one more pound. was really hoping for two, but I'll take one!

    Did my 2 miles walk twice every single day, and 3 times on a couple days. Most proud of my consistent exercising, because that is hard for me with everything else I have going on. Feeling really good about it.

    So from my start I'm down 8 lbs, from my joining MFP down 4 pounds, since last week down 1 lb. :flowerforyou:
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Late checking in - has been a busy day. Actually, didn't even have time to eat much, but that's ok :bigsmile: At least I got smart when I got home from a day of errands, realized I hadn't eaten all day & grabbed a planned meal before rushing out to meet friends for dinner (none for me) and drinks (iced tea for me - i'm so darn boring LOL). I haven't been very good about commenting on posts, either , so I apologize & will try to do better.

    Had two really good days this past week, two really awful days & the rest just mediocre :grumble: But am down another pound, so I'll just have to do better on the bad days next week. As in... not have any bad days!

    Everyone is doing so well... and MOST importantly we're all hanging in there, which is the most critical part of this challenge. Have a great, successful week everyone!
    -marilyn (ker)
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    This has been best week in 46 days of charting. Lost 3.6. Didnt really do anything special except stay at or near goal, I think sometimes things start to catch up. Now down 15.8. 54.2 to go. I need to learn how to make ticker show up in my posts :). This is a frantic week and will keep charting everyhting even thoguh conditions not ideal.. God luck to every one for new week.
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm late checking in but don't have anything significant to report.

    My weight is still stuck as it has been for months and months. I go down a little, then up a little, then down a little again. No lasting changes -- at least the ups aren't major and aren't permanent. Still, I'm getting very frustrated. I've tried different things like upping my exercise; cutting calories; even, upping calories to see if I can budge my metabolism. Yet, nothing happens! I don't know if it's age or what, but I cannot make the scale move.

    On the upside, my exercise has paid off in changes to this old body. My clothes do fit better. And, I feel good. Exercise seems to help those little aches and pains that started to crop up as I got older (and heavier).

    I'm thankful that I'm seeing some positive signs. I just wish I could figure out how to get that stupid scale to inch it's way down. I'd appreciate any suggestions on what to try.

    Hope everyone has a good week and weekend!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    As you may know I love statistics. I create spreadsheets for everything I must do and log everything in my life and work. When I got the fitbit a few weeks ago, I did not sign up for the Premium feature, but now decided to try the 7-day free trial. With my love of stats, I may have to bite the proverbial bullet and spend the yearly subscription price. Here are the stats I gleaned from last week (Wed. through Tuesday):

    Week of 7/9/14 through 7/15/14:

    Average Total Calories Burned Daily: 2441
    Average Activity Calories Burned Daily: 1392
    Average Daily Calories Deficit: 1049

    Average Hours Sedentary Daily: 11.86
    Average Hours Lightly Active Daily: 2.32
    Average Hours Fairly Active Daily: 2.14
    Average Hours Very Active Daily: 1.42

    99% percentile of women 55-64 who are obese for number of steps, activity calories burned, and for very active minutes.

    It's funny because I never loved math, but have always loved what numbers can tell us. When I can see numbers and trends it really motivates me.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 900 Member
    grandmothercharlie, I love that. I might have to get one for myself. Glad you posted this.