Newbie here....

Hi everyone. I'm pre-op for the Sleeve. Surgery is scheduled for July 23rd so I am in the middle of the pre-op diet. Just looking for advice, tips, support and some good recipes for my journey. :smile:


  • jomamacita7
    jomamacita7 Posts: 31 Member
    I don't have any advice for you since I'm still basically a newbie and pre RNY. But, I wanted to wish you good luck with your surgery and hope all goes smoothly for you. Congratulations on being so close to starting your new journey!
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    We have close surgery dates! I am getting the sleeve on 7/29. I start my two-week pre-op on Tuesday, although I'm going to just start it tomorrow. I've gotten all of my hospital lab work done so I just have one more visit with my surgeon before the big day. I'm starting to get a little nervous! I am buying samples of different protein drinks, just in case I don't like the Jay Robb anymore. I am also going to get some isopure O carb pre-made drinks since they are clear and that's all I can have for two weeks post. Feel free to friend me.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Just celbrated my four year anniversary. Best advice for everyone is to follow the dr or nut advice strictly for the first year. Everyone loses the first year but those that learn the habits by following orders usually keep the weight off.

    Just my observation. It makes me cry when I see people go through all the problems of surgery and gain it back within a few years.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Awesome! You are going to do well. Best thing is to make friends with post-ops who will share their diaries with you. Feel free to friend me if you want. Good luck on your journey. You are going to be so happy!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    About a week before surgery, I purged my house of things I couldn't eat after (a luxury since I live alone), and stocked up on things on the post-op allowed list. For recipe ideas, I recommend getting a cookbook for WLS. I have "eating well after weight loss surgery". Also, there are some good websites like and

    Best of Luck!
  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for the tips everyone! I cleaned out my pantry this past weekend and got rid of a lot of stuff I couldn't and shouldn't eat anymore. Hitting the grocery store this week to stock up on most of the post op foods. I made all my daughters baby food so I plan on using most of the purée recipes for the first few weeks but will definitely need ideas for when I'm on the unrestricted diet.
  • Christina_722
    Christina_722 Posts: 174 Member
    I am 6 weeks post op! I have had pretty decent success with my surgery so far. I thought the pre-surg diet was ok, only because I was allowed some foods until 5 days pre-op. Then those 5 days were a struggle. I had a tough time right after surgery due to a low pain tolerance and allergies to pain meds. But other than that, I have been doing great. I can eat pretty much anything at this point...except seeds, skins of any fruit or veggie, anything like celery or stringy, and no lettuce. They basically want me to eat nothing but protein!! I can handle that just fine. I only average about 500-600 calories a day now and that is pushing as much as possible. I am never hungry and only crave a few things. I am working out and making good choices with my food. Following the directions of the doctor is soooo important! I have to say, its easier than I thought. My body tells me to stop. I actually threw up for the first time yesterday because I ate 1 bite too much. It just couldn't fit!!

    Hope your surgery goes well! I will FR you and you can accept if you want to bounce ideas off of each other about meal ideas once you can eat again!
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I'm 22 months post RNY, and here is my list of biggest things to do now, and post surgery.


    1. Get a few sample packs of protein powder. DO NOT BUY TUBS NOW! Your tastes will change after surgery, and you might not like what you bought before surgery. Then you are stuck with 50 or 100 bucks of protein that you can't eat. Get a few sample packs of protein to have on hand at home. Nectar by Syntrax and Max Protein by SEI Pharacuticals are my favorite. Once I found them, I always came back, even after trying others.
    2. Get used to the idea of the 30/30 rule. No liquids 30 minutes before, or 30 minutes after a meal, and take about 30 minutes to eat your meal. Yes, I know, hard to do now because you are on the pre-op liquids.
    3. If your doctor allows it, make sure you have your post-op meds already filled and at home. There will be no driving for at least a week post-op.
    4. Arrange for post-op support. You WILL need it, especially to get you home from the hospital and then maybe that first day at home.
    5. Stow and pride or shame you might have. The doctors and nurses see everything! Shoot with the hospital gowns, the patients sometimes see more than they should flapping in the breeze!


    1. Follow every single instruction given to the letter for at least the first 6 months!
    2. Sip, sip, sip. Sip that water constantly. Dehydration is the leading cause of post-op hospitalization.
    3. Drink your protein! It's your only source of calories for a bit. Constantly sip at it!
    4. Walk, walk, walk, and then walk some more. No you won't feel like doing it, but it really helps with the gas pains. You WILL have gas pains.
    5. Don't even step on the scale until your first follow-up. You'll be swollen, have tons of water weight after getting home. If you follow directions, you WILL lose weight.
    6. Don't stress over weight for the first few months. Concentrate on getting your protein first. Weight yourself no more than once a week.
    7. You WILL have stalls. Concentrate on boosting protein when you do.
    8. When you start eating solids again, maintain that 30/30 rule. It's very important for long last results. I'm 22 months out and still use it.
    9. Try new things.....but only one at a time so that you know if it makes you sick. Every food will be new to your new stomach. Some things that you could eat pre-op, you body won't like post-op. For example, I used to love shrimp. Not anymore. I get sick every time I eat it now.
    10. I didn't worry about calories until over a year post-op. I concentrated on listening to my body telling me when to stop eating. But, if you do that it's VERY important to use the 30/30 rule.
    11. Take your vitamins!!!!
    12. The internet is your friend! I get almost all my meal ideas from online sources. There are many sites out there dedicated to bariatric patients and have plenty of recipes on them! Pintrest is great too!

    That's my advice based on mine own, and my wife's experiences (she had RNY 6 weeks before me). These may not work for you due to the sleeve instead of RNY. Always follow your Dr/Nut advice before anything else! Don't be afraid to as questions!
  • Aynetal3
    Aynetal3 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I am new to the group. I'm about 8 years past RNY and I wish I could report better results. I'm still down from original surgery, but only about 30 pounds. I'm back to give it another try. I really believe at this point it is like I heard from the start - that the surgery is only a tool, you have to do the work with it to support losses of weight. I do appreciate that the weight has been fairly stable. Haven't gone down too much, but haven't continued to go up either. The best loss we had was about 60 pounds. I still eat about half as much as significant other. I'll always be happy with that. Hope to share encouragement as we go along this continued journey. It's going to help a lot if I can continue recording the food intake. It's working already :)

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi I am new to the group. I'm about 8 years past RNY and I wish I could report better results. I'm still down from original surgery, but only about 30 pounds. I'm back to give it another try. I really believe at this point it is like I heard from the start - that the surgery is only a tool, you have to do the work with it to support losses of weight. I do appreciate that the weight has been fairly stable. Haven't gone down too much, but haven't continued to go up either. The best loss we had was about 60 pounds. I still eat about half as much as significant other. I'll always be happy with that. Hope to share encouragement as we go along this continued journey. It's going to help a lot if I can continue recording the food intake. It's working already :)


    Ann, wanted to say "good for you" that you are here and working towards getting it off. Takes a lifetime commitment for all of us and it's easy to fall back into old habits. Stay strong and I just know you can be successful!
