Any UK based low-er carb friends?

LondonSuz Posts: 166 Member
Am looking for any UK based MFP friends who are doing a low-er carb eating plan? I still count my calories but also started to count my carbs and keep them around 50-70g per day max which has really helped and had some great benefits! I've developed a taste for strong plain chocolate (which used to hate!) and also don't have sweet cravings like I used to (especially impressive as I used to be a complete cake-monster!).
Any-hoo, looking to link in with others following a similar-ish plan, who are active on MFP and have open diaries :smile: so feel free to add me!


  • TartanTiger72
    TartanTiger72 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi LondonSuz, I am up in Scotland. My Low Carb plan is Atkins but if you want to chat let me know.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    I'm thinking of doing terri ann 123 plan that's low carb and heard lots of amazing stories about it! X
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    UK here, add me
  • Moogle_Powah
    Moogle_Powah Posts: 9 Member
    I'm up in Newcastle and back on low carb, attempting Keto for the second time :) Feel free to add! :D
  • Holly_k88
    Holly_k88 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi *waves*
    Im in Lancashire, your welcome to add me :) Im on every day. Doing Atkins so 20g
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    hi there

    I'm in Hull and back on Atkins for the 2nd time! it does really work :) feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • JojoBeales74
    JojoBeales74 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm in Essex and I just started cutting out bread, pasta and potatoes when I felt as need to go a step further.
    Trying to find out all the info now! Feel free to add me, xxx
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi I'm just across the pond in Belfast. I'm pretty new to low carbs in an attempt to improve my T2 results. I'm not using any particular plan, just cutting back on the carbs gradually and trying to increase my fats. I've found lots of really useful info in this group.