Food Ideas

Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
I'm strugging with food today. I'm swinging from overwhelming nausea (but no sickness which makes it worse!), to ravenous hunger. But as soon as I look at any nice food - chickpea curry, lentil soup, scrambled eggs, salad, my nose turns up and all i can say is YUK!

I'm desperate for a huge steak or even (shame of shame) a mcdonalds! I don't even eat McDonalds when I'm not pregnant! My other big want is something full of fat and sugar like jam roly poly.

Any ideas to replace the high calorie cravings?


  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    I didn't really suffer from morning sickness/nausea during my pregnancy, but when I found myself feeling a little quesy, I liked soups a lot! Homemade soups and stews, that is. I'm mainly a pescatarian, but have been trying to incorporate chicken since I've been pregnant (to please my hubby, since he doesn't understand that you can get sufficient amount of protein through other sources other than meat!). Anyway, I found that homemade chicken and dumplings were the way to go to help with that slight quesy filling. I found a good recipe for a healthy version on Pinterest and it was really great! Low calorie, feeling, and a good comfort food. I've also made homemade quinoa chili, which may not be the best for a quesy stomach, but very tasty and filling and low calorie. I made a crockpot tortellini soup with chicken broth, a package of tortellini, bag of spinach, low fat cream cheese, and 2 cans of diced tomatoes, and garlic powder - cook on low for 4-5 hours and enjoy with parmesan cheese on top - very good!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Oooooh! They sound awesome. :-)

    I confess though. I couldn't resist the steak. It was amazingly good!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    Lady, in my eyes you do not need to confess for eating a steak! It's full of iron and protein; way better than eating simple carbs. The first trimester is about surviving and getting through the nausea as best you can. I wouldn't resist your tastebuds too much. For me, I had days when I could eat my normal healthy diet and I focused on getting lots of lean protein, veggies, and other healthy foods while I could. Then when I had a particularly yucky day, I was ok with doing whatever kept my stomach from suffering because I'd had lots of nutritious food the day or two before.

    How does fruit sound to you? That was always refreshing for me when I wanted something light. I also found mild cheese to be pretty appetizing. All in all, though, I would just listen to your body and try not to feel guilty about whatever you can stomach at the moment. It'll pass!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Thanks! It was delicious too! I think you are right, if on balance most days are healthy then I guess I'm doing OK.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Steak is an excellent protein. You're lucky to be able to stomach that when you're feeling nauseous. I wanted nothing to do with meat or pasta when I had nausea. It was all day every day for about 6 weeks. Pizza and fries seemed to be the only things that were palatable. Poor DH. I couldn't plan supper so we were always getting takeout because I'd buy whatever seemed appetizing at the time.

    At 11 weeks pregnant, the nausea subsided and I was finally able to enjoy the foods I normally eat. Things like burgers still don't appeal to me, but that's ok.

    Katey is right when she says the first trimester is about eating things that make you feel good. If that's toast and fries, so be it. Do baked potatoes sound appetizing? You can load them up and practically make a meal out of it.

    The nausea should subside. Don't worry about your diet at the moment. You can worry about it when food is appetizing again. :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    During the past few weeks, carbs have been my best friend. You're doing leaps & bounds better than I! Thankfully I've gained about 3-4lbs & am 12 weeks pregnant. Sounds like you're right on track food wise. I'd give in to your cravings & enjoy in moderation. But that was my mantra even before I got pregnant :)