Newbie :)

Hi everyone- My name is Tamara, I'm 31, and I'm brand-spankin' new to EM2WL. I learned about it just yesterday after reading a transformation story on the Quest Bar blog. Given my dieting history (which I'll get to in a moment), I was definitely intrigued by the concept and quickly made my way to the website, bought the starter guide, and started tracking on MFP.

So, here's my story:

Back in 2007, I hit my highest weight of 248 pounds (I'm 5' 7"). I'd always been heavy as a kid and during my teen years through my early 20s, I had tried just about every fad diet and also struggled with binge eating. I decided to join Weight Watchers and dropped 90 pounds.

In addition to tracking points, I was also tracking my calories, so I know that at the time (especially as I got closer to my goal weight), my net calories (after lots and lots of regular heavy cardio) were typically 800-1300/day. So, it was no surprise that I couldn't maintain after hitting my goal in 2009. In fact, almost immediately after hitting my goal, I began binge eating regularly and up the scale went.

Since then, I've read self-help books, been in therapy, and have tried all sorts of different approaches to eating to try and lose some of the weight I gained. I've tried intuitive eating, carb cycling, paleo, and most recently, tracking calories on Lose It!. Even though Lose It! is generous with their calories, I still find myself latching on to that mindset that I need to eat below the recommended minimum, even with exercise.

I'm definitely in a better place mentally now than I was during my WW days, but I'm still frustrated with my inability to get back below 200 lbs. I've been at this weight since January and I feel like it's holding me back from advancing my fitness.

I work out about 5 days per week, doing circuit training with weights, running, and Gold'sFIT (Gold's Gym's version of CrossFit). I want to run faster and lift heavier (also just got the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women yesterday).

I must admit, eating more and sticking to my macros is already a bit challenging, but I'm working on addressing it by trying to eat more earlier in the day and adding Greek yogurt and jerky to my shopping list. My husband and I have generally eaten healthy over the years and have ditched more and more processed foods, but I know I've probably been eating more carbs than I should be and not enough protein to keep up with my workouts.

Anywho, I guess that's enough rambling. I'm nervous, but also looking forwarding to trying something different that won't leave me hungry!


  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Welcome - so happy you have found us! Make sure you keep us updated with your progress. Feel free to hop over to and join our forums over there - you can even start a journal of your own to monitor your progress..
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!