Thankful Thursday - How's it going on your goals?

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Halfway point for our goals this week! How are you doing today AND how are you doing on your goals?

(I went through Monday's post to ask about everyone's goals below - since I did forget about part of my own, oops!)

Aparajita308 - How is maintaining going?

Whitneyh83 - Hope walking everyday has gone well thus far. Did you get a chance to do a few workout videos?

LifeRunner259 - Get a chance to avoid junk food and drink at least 48oz of water?

Kashaas - I know you are just back from vacation, did you get your run in yesterday? I'm sure you'll finish out the week strong! :)

Mere144 - How's it going? I think you had at least one class of Orange Theory done and have been logging. Did you get to the recommended exercise program?

Queendebor - Have you been able to drink 8 glasses of water? How's the exercise going too or are you saving it for the weekends?

Texasbeu2y - How's been lowing simple carbs? Are you subsituting something else in or trying to just cut those calories all together?

FitCoachShawn - How's the clean eating going? Hopefully hydration has been going well too!

Akwhite82 - How are staying in calories and drinking water? Been keeping up with the daily walking?

And then Myself - Eat more veggies and fruit AND not buy my breakfast!


  • whitneyh83
    whitneyh83 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been able to get a walk in every day so far and at least 10-20 minutes of a DVD. My baby won't let me put her down long enough for much more and evenings when my husband is home gets so busy. But I've done better than I thought I would be able to.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I have been incorporating more salads and whole grains, but I did not completely cut out simple carbs, because I had pizza for two days and a fun pack m&ms everyday but one smh. Eh....going in the right direction but not completely on the right path. Today I will be practicing intermittent fasting; I will not eat until lunch time and will stop eating at 7:30 pm. I also took a rest day from working out. I do feel lighter though!
  • liferunner259
    Thankful Thursday - thankful God gave me the strength to get out and run 4 miles this morning. Now I'm going to start today's attempt at 48oz. of water. And have a healthy breakfast. I think I'll have an omelet with peppers, onions and maybe some squash - and cheese.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Good morning everyone... I am thankful that I am even able to run. I had dislocated my right big toe in a car accident in December. I had a very long recovery and had a hard time getting back in to running. I know I tend to beat myself up for not being faster or better but I need to remind myself to be thankful that I can do it at all.

    I got my run in last night and it felt so good! I ran for 40 min's straight at 15:08 min/mile. On July 1st I had a 30 min run at 16:01 min/mile so I am improving.

    Tomorrow I am working a double shift so I will not be able to get my run in. I can either fit it in tonight or Saturday. I think I will shoot for Saturday.

    I'm still working on eating healthy, for breakfast I had a scoop of eggs and two bacon from cafeteria, for lunch I have a frozen meal and a banana. So far I had a plum and a cutie for snack and I'm working on a 32 oz water. I'm not sure what I'm doing for dinner yet.
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    I had a good day. I did HIIT workout in the morning and my 30 day challenges in the evening. I looking forward to lose a pound this week.
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    I did Orange Theory yesterday (and have all that muscle soreness to prove it :ohwell: ) I also did my personal trainer's program earlier in the week. I have been logging faithfully - even when I was determined to eat crap. I was glad I didn't go too far over my daily calories goal. Consistency is a big goal so I'm glad I'm just showing up each day with a focus on health.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Today has been a total loss! For whatever reason, I slept 10 hours and then fell asleep again and slept 2 more hours! So I slept through breakfast, lunch, and I'm really hungry right now. I have to be careful not to eat all the calories I have left at this point in the day or I'll never get to sleep! Same with exercise. So, although I'm sure I'll come in under calories, this has been one extremely unhealthy day.

    Did I mention I've had 2 glasses of water, a Pepsi, and six peppermint puffs???

    Tomorrow is another day! Thank goodness.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Whitneyh83 - Great job on the walk everyday especially with the baby!

    Texasbeu2y - Rest days are important, I once was told our bodies need time to recover and build the muscle - but I don't know if this was completely true or not. Great job on going in the right direction. I can't do a 180 because then I always end up back where I started sooner or later. Hopefully your step forwards will keep taking you farther and farther ahead! :)

    LifeRunner259 - Good to see you again! 4 mile run is so great (though your breakfast sounds even better! Hopefully you got your water in!

    Kashaas - Hopefully work doesn't stop you from getting your run in, but I know how a busy schedule is too. Sometimes it can be so difficult to plan around and keep to our goals with constant flux in schedules. Also I didn't know you had just recovered from an injury! Glad you are able to run still.

    Jiagetsfit - Welcome to the board! HIIT can be a lot of fun. Do you do that at a gym? Good luck on losing that pound!

    Mere144 - Great job on the exercise. Diet is just as important but since you're logging I'm sure you'll be consistant with it in no time! I think it's awesome you are focusing on health so much especially since it's something important to you (well us). Sometimes I find it hard to keep up with my own goals with what life throws our way.

    Queendebor - Yesterday sounded so great! Sorry you had a bad day today!! Maybe you needed the extra sleep? Hopefully you'll be rested for tomorrow and good to go. Sometimes we need a rest day maybe even a Rest day literally, :)
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I'm thankful that I can choose to be happy. A 13 hour work day could be horrible if I didn't choose to make it fun and try to do well with my own goals even during work. :)

    My goal was to eat at least 1 non processed fruit and veggie a day - I have done well with that, and even not cooked them. (I have a thing against uncooked veggies)! I have not done as well on not buying my breakfast. I'm getting a slower start in the mornings and on monday and wednesday still bought breakfast. I tracked it all, but not getting to the grocery store was bad planning on my part.

    Today, however. Was good. Stayed in calories, ate healthily! Even said no to brownies (holy cow!). I hit 72oz of water. Now I didn't do exercise today outside of work. I did do a lot of stairs at work though. Again, my ankles are REALLY shot. :( Hoping they will repair themselves and I can find a way to stretch and rest them.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Well, I pulled out my 30 day shred DVD and I did it when I got home from work tonight. I've been seeing others on here are doing it so I figured I'd give it a shot. I know in the past I did real well with Jillian Michaels workouts... I plan on using it for my non run days. It was a beautiful evening so I too my dog for a walk after dinner. He always tends to go a little faster so it keeps me going. 9,092 steps... not bad for a non run day.

    Dinner was pizza with the family... my sister is heading back to KY in morning so I can prolly get back to normal with my diet.

    13strong I need to get some food and stop buying breakfast as well. I tend to eat more calories when I buy vs bring food. It's just so hard to do everything all the time.