~*°•Aqua Taem•°*~

QngieZ Posts: 26 Member
Hello Aqua Teammates and welcome to new and old(?) Challengers~

U can call me Zed.
The first time I started to lose weight I weighed around 80kg(175 lbs) I went down to 132 in around 12months then back to 160(in another 12months),down to 145 and stayed there for a long time(around 2 years).
Currently I'm 134lbs and would like to lose around 10 lbs during this challenge.

What's your story and goals?


  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    Hey team.

    Name is daniel.

    Long story short..ive had weight issues my en tire life but only recently hit the highest at 284 # and I read a book called sugar busters and found MFP and combined both and have dropped to 250's which is lowest in years.

    I read the forums and learn more too so im not just high protein...its more of a lifestyle change but my intake is high protein but I dont completely restrict carbs. If I want it I eat it and log it and factor that in.

    In the past I have tried just about everything
    Finally able to find something that works is something I cant describe unless uve been there.

    I want to lose at least 10#
  • BelliDancer
    BelliDancer Posts: 25 Member
    Hello my Aqua peeps! Pleased to meet you all.

    My name is Elizabeth. I'm 37 and I live in South Africa.

    I have a more involved weight story on my home page, but here I will say briefly that I struggle with yo-yo "lifestyle changing". I live in extremes, so I'm either exercising like mad and living on salad or stuffing my face and staying on the couch. My ultimate goal is to find balance and be the kind of person who isn't constantly obsessing about what's in the fridge and whether I will let myself eat it or not.

    I have lost about 12kg over all but that is over three years. The past year or more I have been floating around the same numbers. I lose, I gain. I lose, I gain. I was thinking this morning about all my MFP friends who have lost so much weight (20lbs and up) and I could just kick myself for being so inconsistent.

    Currently, I am about 9kg away from my goal. I really want to commit to not messing around anymore. I am going on holiday in October and I really want to set myself a serious mission to make my goal by then. That's 3kg a month, which is so absolutely doable.

    This is my second challenge. I didn't make my first goal (I went to France in the last two weeks and stuffed myself on cheese and wine) but I did get to my lowest weight I've seen since I got pregnant (four years ago!) so I was happy about that. This challenge stuff is great and really motivational. Let's all use each other and do our absolute best to make it work.

    Good luck everybody. I look forward to getting to know you a bit and to supporting each other -- and having some fun.
  • fitbilldc
    fitbilldc Posts: 19 Member
    Hello to all. My name is Bill and I live in the Washington DC area(actually less than 1/8 of a mile to the DC line). My story is sad but true and often told. I was an athletic guy through High School and College. Got married and was happy putting on 20-30 pounds, which over the years continued to mount. Got active in my late thirties and lost most of it. My workout partner moved(exercised daily for 2 years) and I lost my motivation....back came the pounds. Fast forward into my late 40's and my 27 year marriage failed sending me into a multi year funk. I took solace in food(that was dumb) and now I'm 55 and 110-130 lbs overweight(depending which end of the range you want to look at). I'm shooting for the low end, heck if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right!

    I know I can do this and realize it just takes discipline and time. The great part about MFP is that it makes you accountable to the friends you make but ultimately to yourself.

    I'm using Fitbit to assist me in the effort to accurately guage my net caloric intake.

    I'll be posting pictures(when appropriate) in the Success Stories(love those) forum. Feel free to "friend" me. I enjoy the encouragement and look to supporting each of you not only through the Summer Challenge but for as long as it takes and in my case, that's going to be a while!

    Take care...wishing everyone the best!
  • BelliDancer
    BelliDancer Posts: 25 Member
    Where are our other players?! I hope you're all working hard on your goals. I've definitely stepped it up knowing we have a weigh-in coming (1000 calories today at the gym and trying to stay away from those sneaky carbs). Be good, Aqua!
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    I guess everybody else is doing their quiet thing.

    Fitbilldc: have u tried looking online for workout partners?? There are
    websites for that...also maybe check your gym....ask around...if u see someone in gym and maybe strike up conversation and if u like....ask.

    Good luck!!!

    Get to slammin!!!
  • QngieZ
    QngieZ Posts: 26 Member
    Why so quiet…