What would you do?

Rindabu Posts: 33 Member
I've lost a lot of weight these last 9 months and while my self esteem has certainly experienced a boost there is still one thing that has the ability to ruin my day.... EXCESS ARM SKIN!!!

I'm doing a 5k obstacle course in two months. It takes place the day before my birthday and only a few days before my one year mark. I figured it would be the perfect way to wrap up the biggest year of my life. I want so badly to wear a tank top, but my arms make me self conscious.

So, my question is this: Do you hide your arms out of insecurities or wear them out in the open as badges of honor?


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Congrats on your loss - and doing a 5K! You should be so proud of yourself! You have done great!

    I am pretty self conscious of all of the loose skin on my upper arms. I wear short sleeves to the gym, because I don't care how I look there, but for work and hanging out, I have tried to cover up my arms as much as possible. That said, now that it's summer, I have let that go a bit. I will wear tank tops around the house, or to go to my neighbor's, but not if I am going "out" anywhere. I will wear short sleeves to work or when I go out, and I am a bit self conscious, but right now, it is what it is.I am still much better with excess skin than an excess 187 lbs, you know? Be comfortable, and if that means wearing a tank top for your 5k, do it!!! I think I notice my excess skin more than anyone else does, and maybe that's the same for you?
  • thegreatestthing
    thegreatestthing Posts: 16 Member
    I haven't had any surgery yet but I still have VERY flabby arms- and I usually do my 5ks in tank tops. My issue is that they'll chafe worse on my shirt sleeve than they will if I just lube my arms up with lotion and wear a tank top. So unless I can wear long sleeves (and I do when I'm running in any weather below 70) I'm wearing that tank top.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would recomend and under armor type shirt for the race. I am not saying this to hide your arms, but I did one a few years back and you will appreciate the extra protection. Since that is soft skin, this type of shirt would hold it tight and protect it from chaffing and any other abbrasions. Get one that is for warm weather, that is very form fitting, short or long sleave and you can always wear your tank over it, if you were wearing the tank for looks.
  • Rindabu
    Rindabu Posts: 33 Member
    I had considered long sleeve under armor because I have a VERY pale complexion. The main reason i wanted to wear a tank top was so I wouldn't get overheated. Does the under armor make a lot of difference temperature wise?
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    On the one hand, you shouldn't hide your arms from the world. On the other hand, you should do whatever is going to keep you comfortable during the race. Not sure what that is!!
  • Gingersfit
    Gingersfit Posts: 31
    Yes, Underarmour has cold weather wear and hot weather wear. It makes a huge difference to wear the shirts designed for hot weather -- it makes you a lot cooler when the moisture wicks away from the skin.

    Go to a sporting goods store and ask for help. Usually in the summer, they'll only have the hot weather gear out anyway.

    But -- I'd let 'em flap (I do mine)... I'm working with weights a lot to try to firm up the muscles there but they were there before surgery and they are going to be there as I lose weight. After I get down to goal and stay there, I'm going to splurge on any plastics for any areas that really bug me but I'm not too worried about it now. Besides, you'll always see someone with saggier arms or droopier boobs than you!

    Best wishes!
  • Dannadl
    Dannadl Posts: 120 Member
    Interesting question. Hmmm. Well, here's how I feel on the matter. I'm 46 and I've lost 180lbs so far after having RNY just over 2 years ago (I'd like to lose 30 more pounds). I have extra skin on my arms, my stomach and my thighs. I think my arms bother me the least of the three. And I feel very thankful to have no extra skin on my face or neck. That being said, would I like to have skin removal surgery? Perhaps. I think I'd like the results, but the idea of the recovery time (which would mean time off from working out and regular daily activities) weighs on my mind and makes me question whether it would be worth it, as does the financial cost. I wear short sleeves pretty much all the time (I live in Phoenix and it's REALLY hot here in the summer). I also wear shorts about 6 months of the year (or more). I tend to chose a longer short, and always have, so the excess skin on my thighs rarely shows (I workout in Capri length workout/yoga pants). I'm just so past the age that wearing short shorts would be even remotely appropriate that it's not even an issue for me. I also don't and never have worn midriff baring shirts or bikinis. I do have one tank top that I wear to the gym and boot camp. I'm not self conscious in it. At boot camp it's 5:30am, we're all bleary eyed, none of the women have any make up on and we're all sweating like pigs almost immediately (at this time of year it's 88-90 degrees out here at 5:30am and boot camp is outdoors), so my tank top is the least of my concerns at that point.

    In general I'm a fan of accepting our healthy bodies as they are.