Fat loss through insanity?

Hi all,

So I completed Insanity and then carried on the workout for a further 30 days before starting Insanity Asylum. I have nearly finished the programme (sometimes I do two a day) and with both combined have only lost 3lbs in total. My body shape has changed a little (especially through Insanity Asylum) however my little belly won't shift! I've changed my diet quite dramatically, eating way more protein and good fats and even stopped drinking alcohol for a few weeks but it didn't seem to make any difference? Any advice on how to shift the gut??? I'm going to Greece in 4 weeks and want to feel good in my bikini and like all the hard work has paid off.

Thanks :)


  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Hey! Ever heard the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen"? It's one of my favs right now. I also have some stubborn belly fat that doesn't want to shift, so I started researching what I could do that would make a difference. I've learned that sugar and white carbs are a sure-fire recipe to gain and keep belly fat. The problem with sugar (and white carbs) is that when you eat them, you get a blood sugar spike which causes your body to secrete lots of insulin. As a consequence of this, your body stores excess sugar as fat. More often than not, it's fat right in your mid-section!

    For me, white carbs aren't as much of an issue because of my Celiac Disease. However, I've always had a huge sweet tooth so I am working toward cutting sugar out of my diet. I set up little 21-day challenges for myself to get in the habit of NOT having a certain sugary something I'm used to eating/drinking on a regular basis. After the 21 days, you don't miss it nearly as much and have learned other, healthier, ways of dealing with cravings (which are way less than before). So far, I've already noticed a difference and can't wait to see more changes as time goes on :)
  • erikmerklin
    So far, since I have begun working out using any BB program, I have found that the advice that Mrs_Bones has given is the correct advice. I have lost around 9 pounds in the first 4 weeks using Insanity. I have found that my diet was very much affecting how much I would lose.
    I would advise that you stay far away from bread, anything processed, foods with high salt content, and any types of artificial sugar.
    Good foods are fruits, veggies, whole grains, natural lean proteins and tons of water. :smile: