Checking In

abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
How's everyone doing?

I failed yesterday with clean eating. I didn't feel well and caved when my hubby suggested pizza for dinner. On the plus side, he made it from scratch so it wasn't as bad. I also had diet 7-Up (the diet is because there's no corn syrup in it). I think next time I can get the same result with lemon tonic, which isn't perfect, but is an improvement.

Goals for the weekend?


  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    Haha! I failed yesterday, too..also with pizza (but at a restaurant). I got mushrooms and onions on it but still. My goal this weekend is to NOT go out to eat at all. It is so easy to get off track on the weekends and I must resist the temptation :P
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I hope you feel better today. May I ask why you would consider eating a homemade pizza a fail? There seems to be a wide range of opinion on this subject and I'm curious about it.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    thin crust pizza is one of my restaurant meals that I allow myself without beating myself up... there is very little dough - tomato sauce, cheese, veggies... if you made it homemade - don't beat yourself up...

    yesterday I had a steamed hotdog and cheeseburger (all dressed no onions) and a bit of poutine for dinner... This was a regular weekly occurrence back in my old life... I haven't had that kind of grease in many many months. I was hoping I would hate the taste - but alas - it was delicious! and I was hoping to have a major upset tummy last night and today - but alas - it is fine...
    all that to say that life happens... as long as you're making healthier choices most of the time you'll be fine.

    PS - lunch today is salad with zucchini, red peppers, mini-tomatoes, mushrooms, lean turkey and low fat cheese...
    Life goes on!

    Now if only we could figure out how to get Kale to taste like a cheeseburger!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    This week kind of went awry as far as trying to implement more clean eating into my diet. I didn't make a meal plan, and my husband had some teeth pulled, and I didn't want to eat some delicious meal in font of him while he was eating something mushy that wouldn't hurt his mouth.

    I'm making a meal plan today and aim to do better next week! :drinker:
  • laura102281
    laura102281 Posts: 11 Member
    ...had spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner..;-((...stepped on the scale this morning and ahhhhhh...lost a pound....every now and then we should allow getting "off track". As long as we continue the next day!!
    You can do it!!!!
    P.S. I enjoy food on my cheat days so much more then when I ate this kind of way everyday! And now that I gave in for one meal, I have so much more energy to eat clean today.
  • shojomecha
    shojomecha Posts: 5 Member
    I'm still going strong :) Yesterday, for breakfast I had eggs and fruit. For lunch, I had grilled chicken breast and quinoa. And for dinner, I had some leftovers of tilapia, boiled new potatoes, and tomato slices.

    Today, I ate nonfat plain Greek yogurt and blueberries for breakfast, and I'm making lunch now which is gonna be yellowfin tuna steak with a baked sweet potato and tomato slices :) Yum! <3
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    For the week I did pretty good at home... lots of fruit and veggies, some lean meat and fresh fish. At work not so good, went out with co-workers to a Thai place, had a company sponsored lunch with picnic type stuff and one day at a Subway. Going to give myself a "C" for the week.
  • 2Chaotic
    2Chaotic Posts: 23 Member
    The last few days I've eaten too many calories and too many "non-clean" things. Two of those meals were at Asian restaurants - I'm certain the sauces etc were not prepared by hand and may have had dubious ingredients hence I'm dubbing them non-clean. However, because these were social events I'm going to give myself a pass. And the good news is that I actually did put my fork down and not devour the entire plate like I normally would. And I logged EVERYTHING - so even though I went way over calories (especially yesterday) I know what I need to do the next time I have a planned event like that.

    In other words, I'm not beating myself up because I see this as a learning experience and, as my weight-loss journey is going to be a looong one, two days are not going to cause much damage in the scheme of things.
  • jolybac
    jolybac Posts: 130 Member
    I've been doing pretty good. My diary is open, so I won't go into any detail on that. I do struggle with not getting my NET calories above 1200 (I always make sure I consume at least 1200 though). I have found if I eat in the AM I feel like eating EVERYTHING all day long. If I wait a bit, I have more control AND enough calories at the end of the day for a little indulgence. I need to find a balance though so I make sure I eat enough (especially since I'll be starting ChaLEAN Extreme soon!). I'm thinking if I add my evening indulgence at the beginning of the day, it will be easier to work in smaller indulgences to make sure I hit my caloric goals.

    I got a polar ft7 and used it for the first time today (love it!). MFP has been giving me too few calories for my time on the stationary bike. This just compounds the problem with eating below 1200 NET.
  • sunsoakeddreamer
    sunsoakeddreamer Posts: 36 Member
    I think I need to start over, lol. The past 3 days have been very bad indeed. We have been helping people move, so pizza has been most of the menu for lunch and dinner (my skin and my tummy are not happy about it!) On the plus side, I have our first loaf of homemade bread in the bread maker right now :)
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    Ok-How's everyone doing? I'm thinking that I may start another quick start group on Facebook this next time to be more focused and have more interaction. Anyone interested? We just have to be Facebook friends for me to invite you :-)