
jomamacita7 Posts: 31 Member
Hi everyone! I'm pre-op RNY and hope to have my surgery late August or sometime in September. I'm obsessing about everything related to gastric bypass surgery!! I find myself getting on the online forums several times a day! I know it's smart to gather as much info as you can going into such a major life-changing event, but does anyone else feel like you're completely obsessed? I've already ordered me a food scale, my post-op vitamins, a cookbook, etc. I've been thinking about how I'm going to clothe myself as the weight drops off! I feel like I've just completely immersed myself in gastric bypass info! Anyone else feel this way?


  • grace20072010
    I am post-op and I am doing the same thing. I obsesses about food, the scale, my food scale, exercise, protein - I am hoping I get off of this obsession problem eventually because it takes a lot of energy.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I think you'll notice that the closer you are to surgery, either pre or post, the more you think about it. Once you get more than about 6 months out it becomes just part of life. I still weigh the majority of my food, but I don't officially track, as I know the approximate values for most of the foods that I eat. So, for awhile, your life will revolve around food and all the associated stuff, but eventually you'll settle into a nice routine and it will become so second nature you don't really even notice it.

    I still weight food, weight myself, I still watch my protein, I I still exercise 4 or 5 times a week, but I don't feel like it's my whole life anymore. It does get better!
  • mlomago19
    mlomago19 Posts: 16 Member
    I am very much obsessing. I just got my RNY bypass date yesterday (8-12-14) and it's only made it worse. I want to feel like I have as much information as I can. I'm one of those people that feels more in control when I have more information and so I've been allowing myself to research, make lists, buy vitamins and prepare as much as I want, but I have been trying to be careful to not obsess out loud for fear of annoying my support group. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who's immersed.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Since starting the pre surgery diet in April, I have been obsessing more about my new habits than about the surgery itself. I made a pretty detailed to do list for all of the pre surgery requirements, started logging here and have been happy to plod along the process.

  • jomamacita7
    jomamacita7 Posts: 31 Member
    but I have been trying to be careful to not obsess out loud for fear of annoying my support group.

    Good point! I am being considerate of those around me by not dragging them into my obsession, lol!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am 9 months out, and I wouldn't say I obsess over things, but I am very focused on what I need to do to be successful. I spend a good amount of time weighing, measuring, prepping, cooking, and portioning out food. I spend a good amount of time planning my meals around my fluid intake, because of the 30-30-30 rule. I spend a good amount of time working out, and I still log everything I eat and my exercise. I stick to the eating plan that my surgeon gave me to a T. I have been told I am a little obsessed, but I don't think I am. I am doing what I need to do, I know what I signed up for, and doing this right does take a lot of focus and attention.
  • kittenincalgary
    kittenincalgary Posts: 91 Member
    I completely understand this as I am experiencing the same thing. :happy: Im pre-op VSG, but have no date yet (Im in Canada, and its being covered by local government health care..so Im at their mercy with this) . I think its healthy to want to get all the information you can.