ATyghter Posts: 44 Member
How was week 1?

Did you take pictures? If so, take another set this week. You may not notice a huge difference but I promise you will be thankful in a few weeks when you see the changes.

This week's challenges are as follows:

1) Mind - Journal! Not an actual "Dear Diary" post but every night at the end of the day journal or express 1 great thing you did today whether it was saying no to cupcakes in the staffroom, going for a walk at the end of the day or simply having a good nutritious breakfast. Sometimes we get bogged down in all the "shouldn'ts" we're doing instead of applauding ourselves for continuing on in our journey. Remember, "If you think you can, you're right! If you think you can't you're right!"

2) Nutrition - PACK A LUNCH! It might not be feasible to pack everyday so I'm challenging you to pack your lunch, 2x this week. Eat only what you've packed in your lunch and resist the urge to top up your lunch with something from the deli around the corner.

3) Fitness - Try a 'two-a-day'. Pick one day this week and do a double workout. It doesn't have to be extensive. A 15 minute walk or jog in the morning or at lunch counts!


You've got this!!! August 4th is fast approaching!


  • babsmckenna
    babsmckenna Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Aly!
    I just invited a group to my house to do the Piyo upper body workout (I am just starting and do it about once a week until the challenge starts). My friend bought me a little spiral notebook. I cannot believe I got on to check the week 2 plan and you said to journal!!! WOW...It is TIME for this!!!!