Anyone Else On Optifast 900??

Tygerbaby Posts: 1 Member
Optifast 900 diet. Starting weight is 316.5 pounds (BMI=46.3). I am so determined to make it through this process! Day 1 of the rest of my journey! I am supposed to do 6 months of this! So far it's shake number 2 of the day and I will not lie.. I am hungry AF.. Right now drowning my hunger in water and tea.. Gotta love those zero calories. Also.. The toilet has become my Best Friend since I have to urinate every 10 minutes(no joke). I have chosen to avoid surgery because my mother had the RNY and almost died a few months after due to complications. I just cannot take that chance with 2 young kids.

Looking for anyone out there that is going through this as well.


  • Chiquita179
    Chiquita179 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm also doing the Optifast 900 program. My BMI is 42-43. My first class is tonight, so I expect to start the shakes next week. You must be done the full meal replacement and well into the food re-introduction by's it going?
  • sheamus12
    sheamus12 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on optifast. I am going into my 7th week and I am down 25lbs.