Hi, girls!

I've been on Keto for about a month consistently, and I really love it! I'd love to hear some of your favorite low-carb recipes, and stories you have from Keto. Feel free to add me, I'm very positive and encouraging, and I would love to have some Keto friends :)


  • MzSmythe
    MzSmythe Posts: 32 Member

    I love, love, love this and I'm currently posting it all over MFP! :love:

  • dreza192
    dreza192 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there! I need some keto friends too :) I have been on keto for 5 days and lost 7 pounds, but then i had to go have some surgery done and I ate normal...I've gained 4 pounds back so, I restarted back Tuesday and I am already back to where I left.... I am not 100% sure is water loss...

    I totally love it too but !!!
  • h2oladee
    h2oladee Posts: 15
    I LOVE Keto!! Not much of a sugar person anyway - do miss my Pepsi tho - but totally worth it @about 3lb a week!!! "Miracle Noodles" are ok - kind of a pain to make taste worth it. Carbs are the worst!! I'm amazed at all the things that will max out carbs for the day. I'm determined though. :)
  • kiknitwite
    kiknitwite Posts: 36 Member
    Oh my goodness h2oladee!!! I am NOT seeing those results and I want to SO bad. I lost 3.1 in the first week, than had my TOM but managed to drop 2 more, and this week I haven't dropped ANY yet! I don't get it! I've toyed with my calories, I eat between 1,000 and 1,100 per day and I was eating 60% fat, I just upped that to 70% yesterday. How are you doing it? I have ketostix and it says I'm in Ketosis
  • dreza192
    dreza192 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh my goodness h2oladee!!! I am NOT seeing those results and I want to SO bad. I lost 3.1 in the first week, than had my TOM but managed to drop 2 more, and this week I haven't dropped ANY yet! I don't get it! I've toyed with my calories, I eat between 1,000 and 1,100 per day and I was eating 60% fat, I just upped that to 70% yesterday. How are you doing it? I have ketostix and it says I'm in Ketosis


    1000-1100 is very low and 60% fat seems low too...For example I have 72.5 % fat... are u taking MCT oil or coconut oil? Are u working out?
  • h2oladee
    h2oladee Posts: 15
    Hey kikinitwite!
    I'm keeping calories @1000 or less for the most part (I haven't been very active so figure I don't need many!) Haven't been worrying too much about fat... I get plenty :) Am trying to keep my carbs under 20 and that's tough! Carbs seem to be in EVERYTHING! No bread, flour, potatoes, rice etc.- most 'white' foods. I make Butter Lettuce (instead of bread) sandwiches, eat eggs & bacon- no toast or hash browns! Real butter, real mayonnaise. Chicken breast w/ 1/4c. Bertoli Alfredo sauce canned and fresh veggies with butter. Not depriving myself at all really, except I do miss my pepsi (I do have (1) 7.5oz can a week) and I eat very little fruit because of so many carbs and sugar. I stay pretty much in moderate keto so far....
    I'll be happy to help you out with any tricks I learn! I also take "Now7-Keto" a weight management 100mg. veg. capsule twice a day. They are supposed to promote Thermogenisis. I've had some slow weeks too. Don't beat yourself up about it.
  • h2oladee
    h2oladee Posts: 15
    Great website MzSmythe...Thanks!
  • h2oladee
    h2oladee Posts: 15
    Oh my goodness h2oladee!!! I am NOT seeing those results and I want to SO bad. I lost 3.1 in the first week, than had my TOM but managed to drop 2 more, and this week I haven't dropped ANY yet! I don't get it! I've toyed with my calories, I eat between 1,000 and 1,100 per day and I was eating 60% fat, I just upped that to 70% yesterday. How are you doing it? I have ketostix and it says I'm in Ketosis


    1000-1100 is very low and 60% fat seems low too...For example I have 72.5 % fat... are u taking MCT oil or coconut oil? Are u working out?