Was really hoping ...



  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    Jan, glad you enjoyed your day at the beach. I have times I dont like to even leave the house...usually when I am depressed and at my heaviest. Since I have Aiken a bit off, I do get out. I have been known to go to a movie by myself.
    DJ, my sense of direction isn't great and if I didn't ave a GPS I could get in trouble in unfamiliar places. You do have to watch them though, they can send ou some strange ways. Sometimes if I have time, I just see which way it will take me. I cannot say I have never had a ticket :sad:
    A massage sounds really good Sandy. Maybe I will try that next week.
    Saturday is generally my day not to worry about logging and I also didn't log Friday night. we went to a seafood buffet. Didn't really over indulge...had one fried oyster and one fried shrimp and boiled shrimp. I did have about half a cup of shrimp and grits which is the chef's specialty and was outstanding. We always go to a breakfast buffet late morning on Saturday and I don't make a pig of myself then I don't eat lunch b/c I am not hungry. Tonight will stick to fresh veggies. Did my walking and 30 DS both days. If I go tto the lake house, this has been what I do on the weekends, which is maybe indulge a bit on Friday night and Saturday morning, get my exercise in and it seems to help me stay on the straight and narrow the rest of the week. There is also usually wine involved on Friday night, or a bloody Mary...my husband makes the best. The BM isn't too bad as in my old age, liquor doesn't agree with e so mine are made with no more than a half oz of vodka.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
  • thin4me59
    thin4me59 Posts: 73
    Hi all, much better day today! Jan, I go to the movies by myself all the time. Hubby doesn't like movies and I do! It's actually great. You are not with someone who wants to talk etc.. I say go for it!

    Sorry for the negative blog yesterday. I just have a tough time dealing with family. Thanks for all reminding me that today would be another day and thanks dj for the words of advise on will power. I will get stronger with the family!
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    Toni.. what is "30 DS"?
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Toni, enjoy, and have one for me, mine is margaritas, and always, always' seafood every time I get the chance!!!

    Thin4me, You are most Welcome...what I wanted all long is people to share the ups, downs, and boring middle parts of this journey.

    Had a good day today, looking forward to a great day tomorrow...Blessings to All. dj
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    How is everyone this lovely Sunday morning? I have been keeping myself busy this weekend. Didn't go to the movies, though. Just didn't feel like it. I am definitely going to try it soon, though! I spent the day relaxing, reading out on the deck, and preparing some food for the week. Now, I am definitely ready for my honey to return. My kids are great. They both checked in with me a couple of times. My little doggie is missing her daddy. Last night she was digging on his pillow. Cute. What is everyone up to for the day? Yum on the margaritas and seafood. I could live on both!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I must admit I have weaknesses for both margaritas and seafood. I try to avoid the former and not being near the coast, the latter is such a treat. When we were in Florida last winter we consumed a lot of shrimp from the market nearby. We do eat a lot of fish, though.
    We have damp, cool weather today and being Sunday, I think I'm going to watch the British Open on tv later. I'm a golfer. Not a particularly good one, but I try to play a couple of times a week in the summer. I've spent the morning trying to sync various electronic devices and think I've finally succeeded.
    Have a great day!
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    jan... we miss em when they're gone and would like a little "me" time when they're underfoot.. *smiles*

    I take a grad class so today I'll be reading for a paper that's due on Wednesday. No physical activity involved but later I'll make sure and do a WATP video and if the rain holds off I might even take a walk outside in between the chapters.

    Happy Sunday to all!

  • thin4me59
    thin4me59 Posts: 73
    What a beautiful Sunday! Currently it's 86, but no humidity! Planning on some ribs on the barbie later so have been extra careful throughout the day so I can splurge a little! :happy: Going to look at a used treadmill later! I can do this this time!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hello all, Being kind of lazy today, just kicking back with my hubby, watching some tube, after lunch has settled I will see how long I can do the elliptical.

    Hi Jan- I love how positive you always sound, makes me smile.

    Marsellient- congrats on sync-ing anything electronic and getting it to work...I know I could not do that. That's Awesome!

    Sandy-Wow, a grad class, that is as impressive as Marsellient and her electronics knowledge. Way to Go Girl!

    Thin4me-Yum, Those ribs on the BBQ sound delicious, good luck with the treadmill, hope that goes well. YOU WILL do this, this time...Keep the Faith!

    Have a Grand start to the rest of this Week...Peace and Hugs to All! dj
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hi everyone, I am going to join you all too. I am almost 65 (in August) and made a decision this week, that I will either lose this weight (50 lbs) once and for all or accept it and be done with dieting for the rest of my life. I am soooooo beyond tired of losing gaining losing gaining. I have also looked for the quick fix for most of my life. And this time I intend to take it slow and BE CONSISTENT with exercise and eating healthy. I have a choice EVERY day. I will either work toward getting healthier or I will let go and go with what is. For today, I choose health. I am not doing grains for now. And limited dairy. My focus is on veggies fruit and protein. I am going for walks every day, even if it is only 5 minutes OR doing my Leslie Sansone DVD's which I love. And staying away from the scale. My focus is on health and energy. I look forward to getting to know you all and hopefully being able to be there for you as we walk this journey together. :flowerforyou: Dyanna
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hi Dyanna, Welcome. Good for you making the decision to try again. I got all down on myself awhile back after being sick for a bit and was bemoaning my decision to go for this (life change). Well a friend of mine said; "Fine, If that's what you want to do, do it, but what are you doing on a fitness site?". "If you are happy with the way you are, good, but if YOU are happy, then why did you start with this site?" After considering her 'kick in my butt', I realized that she was so right. I do want to do this, and I do want to stick with it and live my life healthier. It sounds like you have the right mind set to do it right this time around. We have a great group of people here ready to support you and share you journey. You can do this, and we will be right here with you. Be proud of yourself for making this decision. And remember, none of us are perfect, a slip backwards is not a reason to give up. Have a Great Week! Looking forward to getting to know you better!:happy: dj
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome Dyanna! Sounds like you've made a really great decision and have a solid plan for reaching your goal. BTW I love Leslie Sansone and her workouts.

    I only joined this group a few days ago myself but the people here are wonderful and I'm so happy now to be one of them. *smiles*


    PS... 51 in September and I want to lose another 100 pounds.
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi Dyanna! Welcome! Sandy, what class are you taking? I have always disliked school. So what happened? I became a teacher, then a college professor. Go figure. Grad school is tough. Applause to you! It is such a beautiful day here that I have spent all of it outside so far. I am having a very "hungry" day, though. I just feel like eating. Not celery sticks! I need to power through. Is everyone ready for a new week?
  • thin4me59
    thin4me59 Posts: 73
    Hi Dyanna, welcome to the group. I am a newbie here also but just love this group. Everyone is supportive and always offer great advice. Together we are strong!
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    Jan.. I'm taking 18+ hours so I can continue to teach dual enrollment history classes. I was a teacher, then administrator, at a middle school in Florida. When I moved to LA I started teaching again at a Christian high school. I enjoy teaching though my brain hurts when I have to right papers for my own classes. lol I'm thinking when I get it all done I might teach a little at the community college here also.

    Yesterday my stepdaughter and I went to a little produce stand and bought a seedless watermelon. I cut it into small cubes and created 3 nice sized packages. A piece or two goes a long way to making my brain think it's full. Maybe you can give that a try.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Good morning, everyone. You are all inspiring in your determination to make this work, and I can attest that it does, but I'm so happy to have the kick I need to get on with the next phase for me. Thank you!
    DarrlysGinger (Sandy) - I taught grades 7 and 8 for my whole teaching career. Kudos to you for going on and doing something else with your talents!
    Someone mentioned having a hungry day. That was me all weekend, and I think it could be because I tend not to eat in the morning on weekends. After four years of retirement, I still have a weekend mentality, perhaps because my DH is mostly off work on weekends. Note to self....eat breakfast on Saturday and Sunday!
    Have a wonderful, healthy week everyone!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Marsellient, So good to hear that positive tone. Lets kick this week out in high gear. It took me years and years to start eating breakfast, When I had to get up a 5:30 a.m., be at work by 7:00a.m., and cook 100's of meals for other people, I was so NOT hungry. Finally, now in retirement I enjoy sitting down to eat breakfast with my hubby. I do think it does help the mind and body to function better to eat morning calories, but I so understand the concept of not wanting to, Have a Great Week! dj
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    I am realizing that my "free" Mondays will end soon! I still do have some time off, and I intend to use it well. The weather is incredible so I like being outside. The heat and humidity is on its way back. I am trying so hard to stay on track. Medifast is really easy because you only need to plan one meal a day. The rest is done! I was so successful before, but am getting lazy now. I know that my vacation in 3 weeks will throw me off a bit. All that food and alcohol!! Last time I went to this place I lost 3 pounds so I know I can do it. How's everyone doing with exercising? How is that elliptical working out for you, DJ? I am really enjoying reading all your posts! Happy Monday, all!
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning all! I love the summer months too when I don't have to get up so early and head to work.

    Marsellient - I've never been much of a breakfast person either but in May when I began taking this weight off I started exercising early and afterward I would drink a bottle of water and eat a banana and Sargento Reduced Fat cheese stick. 170 calories and it kept me going till lunch. Now that I'm back home I sleep a little later (exercise in the evenings) so I just have the water and banana or other fruit. Once I do the housework or any running around it's time for lunch again so I don't get hungry but my body still has a little something to work with for fuel. It may not be the best plan but it works for me.

    Jan - Where are you going for vacation? Will there be a beach involved? *smiles*

    Ciao for now!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hey Jan, Even though I do not have to go back to work, I still feel the summer slipping away. The heat and humidity is already back here in S. Tx. at 83*/ 71% this morning. I still love my elliptical, but am taking my time to increase my times on it, and just let it happen when I am comfortable with it. I look forward to many, many more mini-goal successes that way, lol. Have a wonderful time on your upcoming vaca. Some things you just have to ENJOY. Have a Super Week, dj.

    Hi again Sandy, Good on the banana and cheese stick! Have yourself a Great Week, dj.