


  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! My name is Sarah and I just started running at the tail end of April. I am training for the Pacific Grove Lighthouse 5K in November. Though I am a newbie, I aspire to be a marathon runner. I found this group from another MFP member and am excited to learn from experienced runners. Have a great day and run happy!
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    Hi folks! I'm new to running, and it looks like most of you are WAY ahead of me in terms of speed and endurance, but I'm hoping that will just help to push me to where I'd like to be. I started running about 3 months ago, did a C25K trainer, my first 5K June 1st, and am now working my way towards my first 10K (a trail run) in August. I never, ever in my life liked to run (I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years when I was young and would joke that I could backhandspring a mile faster than I could run one)...until I started this time. Not sure what possessed me, but I now absolutely love it... Anyhow, look forward to getting to know everyone :smile:

    I was also a gymnast, for over 10 years. I actually found running to come naturally to me, probably because gymnastics has a way of keeping you super lean... though I had run off and on casually throughout the years (like, maybe a mile or two, and lots of walking afterward), but it wasn't until my 30th birthday and a whole lot of baby weight to lose that I REALLY started running, for the first time since I was 12 (when I was 12, I wanted to try out for cross country, and trained all summer, but that was the year the levy for the program didn't pass, so there was no team, and then I never tried to be competitive again, as none of my high schools EVER had a team, so I started just running a mile or two every now and then, but not nearly the amount when I was thinking I'd be on the cross country team).

    I'd love to work myself up to a marathon after I run a few more halfs and work on my speed. I think I'll spend at least 6 months running half-marathons. They're a good distance for my skill level right now, in that they're challenging, but not impossible, and I have room to improve. I'm also working on improving my speed for 5K and 10K. I'm pretty much just working on speed in general right now, LOL
  • oxtrotter
    oxtrotter Posts: 1
    Hey all,
    I'm Jason, 43, based in Oxford UK. Well seasoned runner who has started to get more serious about training in recent years and have joined MFP to start to get to grips with diet. I've just started a training plan to build up to 80 miles/week this summer to prepare for an October marathon. This training mileage is a bit more than I've done before but last year I saw such great improvements by increasing from about 50 to 65 miles/week that I'm keen to go a bit further. Figure I realistically only have a few more years of setting PBs (PRs in the US?) so its now or never to try out the more intensive training schedule!
  • jstrun
    jstrun Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Sam, and I am training for my first marathon in the fall (Niagara marathon). Started doing weight watchers January 2013 and lost over 80lbs and then i started running and realized it was too hard to count points and try and eat enough to keep up with all the training i was doing, so i switch the MFP and love it! I love running - I am currently part of the running room marathon clinic which i find is a great support to get me out on the days where you dont want to do hills or speed work and you'd rather just stay at home and be a couch potatoe!

    One day i want to qualify for the Boston Marathon - maybe in a couple years! for now i am just trying to focus on finishing my first marathon standing upright!
  • Kelven23
    Kelven23 Posts: 51
    Hi I am Colin

    I have always been "gym" fit but really only got into endurance activities within the last eight years or so. I ran for about 3 years, doing some races 5ks and 10ks, a week before I had a 10 miler I slipped on some ice and wrecked my ankle. Being kind of an idiot, I finished the three mile run on it, but would lose almost a year and a half, a ton in medical bills and PT, before I tried another come back and re injured it. I guess to make a short story long, it has been almost 4 years, as of a few months ago, I am back to running and the ankle at this point feel great, the rest of me is fat slow and completely out of shape but that will come.

    I am the kind of person that needs a ton of exercise and activity to stay grounded and healthy, so luckily I have enough interest and hobbies, that when I am injured I can focus on something else. I completely have a love hate relationship with running, I am not a natural runner at all, it takes me months and months just to get to a point where it is enjoyable again, however with that challenge comes a great reward, and that is where the love for it grows.

    I did a 5k yesterday, I will get that 10 miler this February, and hoping to do a half next year.

    Please feel free to add me, I am always inspired by other runners and what they can do, and if I can motivate anyone else as I turtle speed myself to a half, that would be great.
    JENNIENS Posts: 81 Member
    Hello i'm Jennifer... I'm a momma of 5. I'm NOT a runner but want to be. I only ran hurdles in high school and pretty much stopped at that. Last year i decided i wanted to be a runner, I signed up for my first ever 5k and 10k which i ran both this past Feb. I loved it! Not sure if it was the BLING i was running for or Just wanting to know i COULD do it and finish, Either way i LOVED it and wanted to do it again. So i just signed up for Next FEB 19.3 challenge and added the 5k to that as well. It's at Disney for Princess 1/2 marathon weekend. I'll be running the 5k on fri, 10K sat and 1/2 on sunday it will be my first 1/2 ever and so excited. I want to show my kids that i CAN do this and hopefully be inspiring for them to go for there dreams!
  • malmbergd
    malmbergd Posts: 2
    I'm Daniel from Indianapolis. I'm trying to get back into running and lose some weight at the same time. I have run a few half marathons but the last one was the mini in 2011--over three years ago. I'm hopeful that focusing on my overall health will get me into a good routine and get me back into a running lifestyle. Starting back up is always hard because you can't go run as hard or go for as long as you want to. Trying to set small goals to keep motivated. Trying to find some inspiration on here!
  • vgnrnr
    vgnrnr Posts: 11 Member
    I got into running about three years ago. Cycling and skateboarding in my younger years destroyed one of my knees and I was about 250 pounds. I downloaded a C25K app and struggled through it, but it turns out I loved the struggle and every time I went out I was psyched to be able to run farther. When I finished C25K I signed up for my first 50-mile trail race. I trained over the next year and struggled through a finish, running a 50k as a training run on the way and dropping a hundred pounds off the 250 I started at. Since then I've been running ultramarathons and just trying to progress while I enjoy running in the woods. I just ran my first 100-miler at Mohican and will definitely be doing another. Running was always punishment to me as a kid for skipping gym class. Now it's something I absolutely love. I'm definitely not at an endpoint... I want to get faster and fitter. I'm still that overweight slow kid that can't finish the mile in gym class at heart but I'm a lot happier and healthier!
  • gr33nslime
    gr33nslime Posts: 192 Member
    Hi, Im Karla, 32, from Wellington, New Zealand.

    I started running about 5 years ago when I failed the Army entrance fitness test (both the 2.4 km run and 15 push ups). That inspired me down a path that i never thought i would journey down.

    Running is a huge part of my life now and I get out usually 4 times a week. I mainly run trails and in the Hutt Valley in Wellington, I am blessed with towering 400 m high ridgelines along the river, providing ample opportunity for strength and endurance running. Hills are good for the soul.

    I have run 3 trail marathons, but stick to distances around the 10 - 20 km mark now.

    I joined MFP with the purpose of becoming more accountable for what goes into my stomach, and to lose just one or two kgs (the hardest ones to lose) in order to become lighter and faster! Because we all know how much easier it is to run clean skin rather than with a 2 kg pack on the back!

    Thats me.
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    Yo - my first marathon is in October 2014 and I'm surviving Higdon Novice 2 training so far.

    I would love some long distance runner friends, possibly a few with an Oct-ish marathon as well. I'd love to have someone to talk to about these intense saturday morning sessions and whatnot!
  • Hey, I'm Lorna. Past track runner, running for fitness now.
  • gr33nslime
    gr33nslime Posts: 192 Member
    Yo - my first marathon is in October 2014 and I'm surviving Higdon Novice 2 training so far.

    I would love some long distance runner friends, possibly a few with an Oct-ish marathon as well. I'd love to have someone to talk to about these intense saturday morning sessions and whatnot!

    I have run all three of my marathons with Higdons Training programmes - the novice ones. I particularly remember the week that went something like 8 - 16 - 8 - 32 km.... broke my soul... but survived!

    what week are you up to and what is the schedule looking like for the week?
  • Hello, I'm Don, 44 years old. been running on and off for years but happy to say it's more on than off these days. Trying to get to a really fast racing weight - currently about 13st and managing 5K in 18:04, 10K in 37:53 - half marathon tomorrow will give me my time for that! Not expecting too much.
    I'm putting in about 50 miles a week at the moment, really enjoying my summer holiday from work and trying to make the most of it.
    Nice to meet you all - happy to accept friend requests from fellow runners! :)
  • what923
    what923 Posts: 100 Member
    Really- it's a REintroduction...I've been on MFP for almost 3 years. For the past couple of years I've been in the maintenance area for weight. #1- I am a runner- started back in 2010. You can check out my profile for more details about me. I'm looking to add a few new friends just to keep me motivated. I keep my list small because I like to be able to comment & interact with everyone.
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am Danielle, started running 3 years ago. I am starting my training for my 2nd half marathon next weekend. My resolution this year was to run at least 1 race a month and so far I am done that. Hoping to meet some cool new running peeps on here.
  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    I'm Amy. Running my first 5k tomorrow. It's not exactly a long distance, but you have to start somewhere! I'd like for my miles to only go up from there.

    Looking for some motivated running buddies who use MFP on a daily basis. Feel free to add me, it keeps me going =)
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    I'm Amy. Running my first 5k tomorrow. It's not exactly a long distance, but you have to start somewhere! I'd like for my miles to only go up from there.

    Welcome! A 5K most certainly is a distance run! Any race from 800m and up is considered distance running. Don't ever sell yourself short. There are many of us here who have raced the marathon distance and beyond but still feel that the 5K is one of THEE hardest distances to race.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    I'm Amy. Running my first 5k tomorrow. It's not exactly a long distance, but you have to start somewhere! I'd like for my miles to only go up from there.

    Looking for some motivated running buddies who use MFP on a daily basis. Feel free to add me, it keeps me going =)

    I hope you enjoyed your first race today!
  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member
    It wasn't too shabby! I liked it. Here's to improving my time for next year!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am joining this group a touch prematurely. I used run 5k and 10k events 20 years ago and it all went wrong somewhere, however, I always said I will run a marathon and I am going to.

    Given that 6 weeks ago I weighed in almost 19 stone I have a long way to go but this will just make achieving my goal all the sweeter.

    Look forward to speaking with you all along our journeys.

