Stalled for 2 months! Ideas?

My pre-op weight was 207. I am now down to 155.8 at 7 1/2 months out. I have been stuck for about two months. My goal is 135 and I am so close!

I still eat under 1000 calories most days and take in about 65-75 grams of protein. I do consume carbs but mostly through yogurt, green vegetables, protein granola, or the occasional potato. I rarely eat bread, but still eat corn tortillas (I just couldn't totally give up the Mexican food).

Right now I am not exercising because I just got back from Costa Rica with an injured rib and ear infection! Vacationing was rough :-) But as soon as I am all healed (by next week), I'll be back at swimming daily or doing some Shaun T workouts.

Anyway, do you have any suggestions? Should I up calorie intake? Should I up protein? Should I restrict all carbs? Just wanting some ideas to break a long stall :-)


  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    For me, (I'm really close to goal too), I seem to perform better on 70-80g of protein and hard exercise at least 5x per week, 2 days rest, (I like mine in a row, I don't stress about it on the weekends). For food, if I can stay off the simple carbs, (yougurt is kinda high, granola can be as well, but I eat both too) and focus on getting as much of my protein from food as possible I do better. Protein supplements get the job done, but they make me kinda lazy in my other food choices. Also, varying my caloric intake and diet day to day seems to help me. One day 950cal, the next 1200cal. Driving to lose the last three to 145. If I can go to 135, that is my stretch goal.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    What sticks out for me is the potato, the granola and the tortillas. Try cutting out all grains, and even fruit for a week and see what happens. Eat lean protein, and plenty of green veggies, and also red, like bell peppers and just a little orange like carrots. Also, up your exercise a little. You're so lucky if you can exercise. And obviously, no alcohol.

    If it works, can you report back? I stall every week for a week, it seems and I'm interested in what works for people, especially since I'm limited physically in how much exercise I can do.
  • heathervsg
    heathervsg Posts: 21
    I will definitely report back. I usually work out pretty hard, but I have been on vacation and now a little injured. I did walk yesterday afternoon and will try to do that every day until I am ready to hit the aerobics or pool. I talked with my nut yesterday and have gone back to basics as you all suggested. Only 30 grams of carbs max a day from vegetables and berries (no high sugar fruits). I also think that will up the protein since I won't have the carbs interfering. No alcohol and no sugar in drinks at all.

    Here goes nothing!
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    You have done a really good job so far. Congratulations.

    IMHO: You are stalling not because you are not doing enough or because you are eating too much, but because you are so close to goal. That last 10-20 lbs is the hardest.

    I would be cautious about cutting calories and ramping up exercise - sometimes when your energy intake is too low, or gets expended with rigorous exercise, the body thinks it is starving and puts the breaks on weight loss. Especially when you are close to goal. Sometimes, after an injury, the body refuses to lose weight for a while, so your rib and ear issues could be contributing. It is important to minimize stress to the body, whether in the form of psychological stress, or stressed caused by physical injury.

    My thoughts: Every day, get 1000-1200 calories, aim for 80-100 grams of protein, and make sure your calories count by prioritizing protein over veggies over carbs. Eat protein first and until you are pretty close to full, so that you can only tolerate a bite or two of other food. Drink a ton of water. Space your calories out through the day. Don't eat after 7:30 p.m., and if you absolutely must, have a protein shake. Break your fast with solid protein. No caloric beverages other than protein shakes. Exercise everyday, but maybe consider not going Shaun T everyday, and alternating with brisk walking on challenging paths (up and down hills, etc).

    Give it a couple more weeks. If you find that you can't lose the pounds that you want to lose, consider taking your focus off of the pounds, and looking more closely at your measurements, or other indicators of success. I have found, in the past, that on the weeks when my successes could not be seen on a scale, they could be found in my body measurements, or by the ability to fit into clothes that were previously too snug. Maybe go out and buy a goal outfit, and work towards fitting into that?
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I stall a lot and for long periods of time. What works for me most of the time is going back in my food log to when I was actively losing and replicating that food and exercise. I'm 64 pounds from goal, but I've hears that last 10-20 pounds is really slow.
  • Caligirl0
    Caligirl0 Posts: 14 Member
    premier protein shakes. All you want (I usually have 3) during the day, and then eat a healthful dinner around 6pm, protein and produce only. water only to drink. tons of water.

    Do this for 2 weeks and you'll lose 10-15 I promise!
  • spooky228
    spooky228 Posts: 34
    I think the closer you are to your goal the longer the plateaus. I am 15 pounds to goal (well, my doctors goal for me)
    and the stalls are getting longer for me too. I just dropped 3 pounds this week and I had not really lost anything
    significant in almost 6 weeks. The only thing different I did this week was I went back to the gym 3 days a
    week. I had been slacking off only going 2 days a week for a while because I had been having trouble with
    my rotator cuff in my shoulder, then I realized there were other cardio things that did not involve pulling on my
    left arm! Good luck, it will pass.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Weigh and measure your food. A stall for 2 months has to be due to food or activity. Either your metabolism has tanked because you aren't active enough or you are actually consuming maintenance calories. If you are active and suddenly inactive boy does the metabolism hang on to every freakin lb. I am at 156 and if I get lax about measuring and weighing my food I won't lose a bit. My maintenance is only 1450 calories for a 5'5" 45 yr old sedentary female, so there is very little wiggle room.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    It seems like i'm in agreement with most of the other posts. I would recommend (just based on my own experience) that you go back to basics. What were your "rules" when you transitioned into solid foods? I simplified mine to "60- protein and water". I aimed for a MINIMUM of 60 grams of protein and 60 oz of liquids per day (i'm short and wasn't exercising a ton at that time, I now eat 80-100 grams of protein per day). I also get my carbs under 30 per day (per my Doctor and nutritionist, please pick the number that YOUR doctor or program suggested). Once I hit my goals, I was done for the day.

    You mentioned that you are low carb except for a few things, well, that's not really low carb :/ As I type that it sounds harsh, but it is the truth. I was saying the same thing "i'm low carb except i sometimes have some ice cream and I sometimes have pasta".... but then I didn't see why I wasn't losing anymore! It is perfectly fine to have a potato or tortilla or ice cream (in my case) if you are at maintenance and have more wiggle room.

    I would suggest logging everything again- every bite (and make sure you weigh your food!) be honest with yourself. I found that I was actually eating more carbs overall than I had thought. For the next couple weeks, eat your protein and veggies and get your liquids in and see what happens.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Up the protein and the water and avoid processed carbohydrates for a coupel of weeks and see if that jump starts weight loss. I would reccomend going back to basics and adding a protein shake or clear protein drink (Isopure) at around 40g protein.

    Make sure your weights and measures are accurate as well. Otherwise you see to be doing real well - congrats on the success so far,
  • heathervsg
    heathervsg Posts: 21
    Well, I promised to report back. And I have taken everyone's advice and talked to my nut and low and behold . . . I lost weight! What do you know??? I went back to under 30 carbs and cut all processed junk. I lost 2.4 lbs in 5 days.

    I think I did what a lot of you suggested I did - quit measuring, made exceptions to the low carb concept, and basically tricked myself into maintenance calories, rather than deficit. Anyway only 18 to goal now!! Woohoo!
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    Well, I promised to report back. And I have taken everyone's advice and talked to my nut and low and behold . . . I lost weight! What do you know??? I went back to under 30 carbs and cut all processed junk. I lost 2.4 lbs in 5 days.

    I think I did what a lot of you suggested I did - quit measuring, made exceptions to the low carb concept, and basically tricked myself into maintenance calories, rather than deficit. Anyway only 18 to goal now!! Woohoo!

    Congrats!!!! I'm happy for you :) And good for you for being so open to ideas!