Weekend Warriors 7/19 - 7/20



  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Ate a good breakfast, but I haven't really eaten a whole lot today. I've been busy cleaning. I'm really down in the dumps right now. My dog, Sparky, was euthanized today and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. I'm so angry, and so sad. There's so much more to the story, but that's all I care to share.

    Hi Lisa, We had to put our Golden Retriever down on Monday as well, it was a very quick for him, We're still very upset. People who don't have pets don't understand just how big a part of our lives they hold. In the end it's a very hard decision to make, but also the most brave and compassionate. Sending positive thoughts and good vibes your way!
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Kayaking went great! Got to introduce a new friend to the sport, we ended up paddling 4 miles on flat water. Endomondo had me at over 1200 calories burned but that seems a little generous to me :) Anyways, was doing okay UNTIL we went to Biggby and those fancy drinks get me every time. I'm pretty sure I ordered the worst drink for me on the whole menu.

    Shan - Welcome to the group! :)

    13 - It was a lot of fun, I look forward to it every week. It's nice when your SO greets you with coffee, definitely a keeper. Are you a nurse? My mom is an OR nurse and she gets called in at weird times as well.

    Queen - Sounds like a success to me! I'm also struggling in getting my water in. The only way I've been able to thus far is with propel and lifewaters, like I'm tricking my mind into thinking it's a diet pop or something haha
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I started off my day with YOGA, just a 20 min morning DVD I like to do. Then I ate a cliff bar and went for my run. It seems like I always do worse when I run 2 days in a row. It still felt good to get it done... I jogged 2:34 mi in 43 mins (well I walked the 1st 5 min). I had a yogurt when I got home then jumped in the shower. Lunch was a veggie burger and a pickle. Then I was off to work.

    Works been busy and I just hit 10,000 steps on my fitbit. My fitbit vibrated and I thought I should check in with the group.

    They had nachos in the cafeteria so I had to get some... they're so good. Of course I still ate my frozen meal and I'm working on my water. I had a peach and blueberries and some boom chicka pop popcorn for my snacks. Can't wait to go home. Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm off for the week. I'm just looking forward to some relaxing!!

    Rachel, how do you like endomondo? I downloaded the app but never used it.
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks so much for the warm welcome ladies!!!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Rachel- I'm a plant engineer. We get called in whenever there's issues onsite but generally we rotate on call weekends except when big problems occur...

    Today was not the greatest. Breakfast and dinner were high calorie junk food. Lunch I did well. We moved lots of heavy items today and found (and fed) a barn cat. He's not going to be tamed but we figure we can make him friendlier...

    Kashaas- Have a good birthday tomorrow.

    Queen- Sometimes sleeping in is good. :)
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Ate a good breakfast, but I haven't really eaten a whole lot today. I've been busy cleaning. I'm really down in the dumps right now. My dog, Sparky, was euthanized today and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. I'm so angry, and so sad. There's so much more to the story, but that's all I care to share.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Try your best to stay positive and push through those negative thoughts. Remember all the great time you shared with Sparky.
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    queen - it's nice of you to put your dad first like that. Good job not using that as an excuse when making meal choices.

    This weekend was pretty good. I spent about 5 hours doing work in a cafe on Saturday. Had bagels and lox and lots of coffee with skim milk. Then a friend called, so we went out for ramen and popsicles (omg green tea popsicle with mochi is amazing!). Still managed to stay around 1300 (200 calories under normal to help make up for drinks and burrito and 400 extra on Friday night). Then today, I went to yoga and planned on doing a workout video afterward, but didn't feel like it after cleaning the kitchen. Had a picnic in the park and ate a lot of cheese, hummus, and bread, so I skipped on the dessert I had planned on having, so I'm still on track. Not the BEST weekend, but not the worst.
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    kashaas, I like it! I think it overshoots my calories a bit, but the GPS is really accurate and it's very detailed.