How is your progress

How has your progression been with Insanity if you've made pass day one your doing great. Just remember to keep pushing play everyday and logging in your workouts on WOWY.


  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    How has your progression been with Insanity if you've made pass day one your doing great. Just remember to keep pushing play everyday and logging in your workouts on WOWY.

    So far it's been okay.. I'm on day 4 I guess you could say (instead of doing cardio recovery yesterday i took the "off" day to recuperate and then did the cardio recovery today). I'm definitely feeling sore, but it's a feeling I like because it means that I pushed my body.

    So far I've gone down 3 lbs but I'm under the impression that it's more due to changing my eating habits more than anything.
  • Dondondondon81
    Not too bad thanks.

    I've just finished week 2 and I've lost inches on my waist, thighs and chest and can see definite muscle growth in my arms.

    My clothes fit better but I went to a store today and used a BMI machine and I'm shocked at what it told me.

    I have gone from 75.5Kg to 77.8Kg and my BMI is 26.6Kg/m3.

    The good thing is that my my fat index is down from 25.9% to 20.9% which I think is amazing. Apparently the healthy range for me is 17 - 23%.

    I was not expecting Insanity to give me such weight / muscle gain but I do have a high protein diet.

    Has anyone else experienced similar?

    I've ditched my bathroom scales as they were faulty but I'll use the machine in the store every two weeks to keep track.
  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    Not too bad thanks.

    I've just finished week 2 and I've lost inches on my waist, thighs and chest and can see definite muscle growth in my arms.

    My clothes fit better but I went to a store today and used a BMI machine and I'm shocked at what it told me.

    I have gone from 75.5Kg to 77.8Kg and my BMI is 26.6Kg/m3.

    The good thing is that my my fat index is down from 25.9% to 20.9% which I think is amazing. Apparently the healthy range for me is 17 - 23%.

    I was not expecting Insanity to give me such weight / muscle gain but I do have a high protein diet.

    Has anyone else experienced similar?

    I've ditched my bathroom scales as they were faulty but I'll use the machine in the store every two weeks to keep track.

    I've just been using my scale, which has been a bit discouraging since I'm aiming for weight loss. I guess I should probably find one of those machines you speak of because if it's muscle I'm building then I'll take it, haha.
  • Dondondondon81
    My thoughts exactly.

    That's my story so I'm sticking with it lol
  • aldeanancy
    aldeanancy Posts: 6 Member
    My progress with Insanity has been ok so far. I made it to day 11 and thank goodness it was Cardio Recovery day! I love the workouts. My body is definitely feeling sore and my knees hurt from all the squats and jumping. I have been icing my knees everyday and it has been helping a little. I have just been having some trouble entering the workouts into mfp. I heard using a hrm is very helpful with calculating how many calories were lost. I'm determined to lose at least 20lbs before my birthday in October! :bigsmile:
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Despite hardly working out this week, I've still lost half a kilo at eating at 1700cals/day. Totally happy. I'll be measuring on Monday officially, but I think I've lost a few cms as well. So, for a total of 2 weeks I'm down by 1.5kgs - a really good result for me considering I lose weight really really hard.
  • DominiqueRobinson28
    DominiqueRobinson28 Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing amazing. DonDon With Insanity you gain more muscle than pounds lost.When I first started I thought I was going to lose alot of weight because of all the cardio thats invoved but I was wrong. The reason you gaining more muscle is your not only doing cardio in each interval it may feel that way but your actually strength training and working your larger group muscles while your burning fat so dont be discouraged if you dont see be changes in the scale. If you want to lose weight run a few times a week. Aldeanancy great job making it to day 11 try using some icy hot and make sure your stretching before and after your workouts. If that doesnt help try some yoga before you go to bed or when you wake up.
  • Dondondondon81
    Great advice Dominique. You always come through. :)
  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    My progress is good! I just did day 2 of week 7. Today was Max Interval Circuit and I almost stopped half way through the warm up and went back to bed. But I didn't! And I can already feel a huge difference from the beginning of month 2 :)

    I haven't lost weight which I wasn't trying to, but I've lost 3 cm around my waist and 2 cm around my chest (boo), as well as 1 cm around my hips. And my BF% has gone down, so I'm happy so far :)

    I'm really proud of myself for sticking with the program so far, since I am the grand master of making excuses and quitting.. Not this time!
  • AnelDB
    AnelDB Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to the group. I do a "live" Insanity class on Tuesday and Saturday. I'd only been going 3 weeks so far, then I went on vacation. This is the perfect compliment to the Zumba and swimming I do. I feel so much stronger! I was originally only going to do it once a week, but the results are so quick, I'm kind of liking all that torture! I haven't measured anything, but I can see my legs and arms are getting toned.

    After being on vacation, I go back tomorrow. I hope it doesn't kick my butt, but I'm ready!
  • mommykallee
    This is my second go at insanity, today will be day 3, definately feeling it! For those of you that are only keeping track by weight, my advivce is DO NOT DO THAT! the best thing i've ever done on top of measurements is pictures. It is true, pictures do not lie! I take a picture each monday when i'm doing any type of challenge, its amazing to look at the diference even if the scale doesn't say much :) just a thought.
  • Dondondondon81
    I used the BMI machine again today and my results are not bad considering I missed a week of Insanity.

    BMI has gone from 26.6 Kg/m3 down to 26.1 and my body fat is down from 20.9% to 20.6%. So even though I slacked for a week my body was still improving.

    I hope you're all doing well too :)
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    I have completed the first month and will be starting recovery week. When I first started I didn't do my measurements which I wish I would have, I took them maybe 3 weeks in though. I am going to weigh myself later on today, but from one week ago so far I have lost around 7lbs but I don't know how many inches.

    I will be taking pictures and measuring weekly from now on though :)
  • tryingtoshed
    tryingtoshed Posts: 135 Member
    I really felt like quitting yesterday (finishing up week 2 with pure cardio). I was so pissed because I felt like this program was impossible. I even skipped the last minute of the workout and moved right to the warm down. I also skipped cardio abs and moved it to my rest day (today).

    But then I took a picture today and compared my results to day 0 and to before I started my weight loss journey. I noticed that when I felt my arms, they felt more muscly, and I am starting to get some serious biceps. My posture has seriously improved since starting the program, and my tummy is a smidgen smaller.

    I am accepting the fact that my love handles are probably going to be the last thing that goes and try not to obsess about it.