Anyone still following the plan?

shrinkinmegs Posts: 9 Member
I just finished reading the book. Is anyone still following the diet and exercise? Was anyone successful?


  • it_guy_nb
    it_guy_nb Posts: 7 Member
    I just tried a workout today and the blanket 1600 calorie recommendation for all males (which i find overly general but gives me a deficit anyway). For the workout, I started with 80% of what I use for 8-12 repetitions. I tried to stretch out the reps to 20-20-20 seconds. After 8 exercises and about 24 minutes I was done and not even close to cracking a sweat. Will wait a day or 2 to see if I get any delayed soreness. I am doubtful though, will probably need to up the weight. I would like to find a detailed copy of the Gainesville study. After years of regular lifting, something just doesn't add up here.
  • it_guy_nb
    it_guy_nb Posts: 7 Member
    Well no soreness after my 1st work out, but I did lose 3.2 pounds of fat in the last 3 days so that is pretty impressive.

    The bodyfat scale shows a slight 0.4 loss in LBM, so today on my 2nd workout I'm going to crank things up.
  • shrinkinmegs
    shrinkinmegs Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome! Thanks for the update.
    Are you following the diet plan too?
  • it_guy_nb
    it_guy_nb Posts: 7 Member
    Sort of, I am eating my own food choices with the recommended 1,600 calories and ratio of 50% carb, 25% protein and 25% fat. No frozen dinners like he mentions.
  • BubblyBelinda
    BubblyBelinda Posts: 15 Member
    The diet did not work for me. I wrote earlier that Dr. Darden had replied to me on that the diet will not work for anyone on a low carb diet in the last 6 months, however the bodybuilding/muscle building portion will work. I did build strength and muscle and dropped a size.

    I've been lazy in the last 4-6 weeks and not following the workout plan, but I was getting stronger. I will continue to use his workout methodology.
  • Idealisting2014
    I'm still trying to get the exercises done but like everyone else, I am following my own diet. I am trying to maintain a balance of 300 calorie meals and a couple 100 calorie snacks but I'm trying to keep it fresh and homemade. I've also noticed a toner body and I can definitely see improvement in the negative accentuated exercises from when I first attempted them. I've not been consistent though and so I keep restarting week 1-2! I'm not giving up on it. The fat-bombs of drinking a gallon of water and a cold plunge/ice pack on the neck have done wonders for my fitness aspirations too. I've not been dehydrated or sore for weeks! I lost 6 pounds since I started in mid-May.

    I'm sure getting enough sleep and walking everyday would show their benefits if I was consistent with them :)
  • shrinkinmegs
    shrinkinmegs Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to begin the program. Probably not follow the eating plan exactly but stick to most of the suggestions and definitely the calories.
  • sanggye
    sanggye Posts: 1
    I am going to be starting tomorrow. Like some others said my meal plan is a bit different, being home cooked (I found I can not really stomach Lean Cuisines and other frozen meals) Have the diet plan figured out for the first 2 weeks and all the ingredients.)
  • BubblyBelinda
    BubblyBelinda Posts: 15 Member
    I got off my lazy butt and did the negative accentuated workout again Friday. I found the workouts did well. This time, I'm going to also continue my regular fitness activities, and doing my own diet. I like his training methods and after researching them, they do seem to build muscle and strength very effectively.